My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Eighteen

Three days had past since the night Amber pushed Aaron into the pool, and Lisa still wasn’t talking to her. Amber had avoided Anthony as much as possible, and to what should have been her relief hadn’t saw Aaron since. But it wasn’t relief, it only made the fear she had for her sister that much stronger.

But how do you tell someone that the guy they are dating is a monster when they won’t speak to you? When it looks like they hate your guts? Then what are you supposed to do? Amber hadn’t found any answers to those questions just yet, but they crossed her mind most of the day. So that meant anytime she wasn’t with Matt or talking to him.

Naturally being around or talking to Alyce helped ease Amber’s mind as well, but it wasn’t the same. Alyce was after all Amber’s partner in crime. And in this case she was her partner in plotting. Matt however kept her mind off her fears of what would be soon happening.

“Is Lisa home?” Amber asked walking into the living room that afternoon when she got off. Esme would know where Lisa was.

“Yeah. She’s in the kitchen. Are you going to try and talk to her again?” Esme smiled at her daughter before her answer. Amber sighed and looked away.

“Yeah I guess I am. I’m sure it won’t do any good though.” Esme stood up and walked over to Amber before giving her a hug.

“You are trying. That is all you can do.” More than anything Amber wanted to tell her mom everything about Aaron. What he had done in the past, the threats he was making to her now, everything. But she and Alyce had made a promise to their friend. It was too embarrassing for her and they’d promised not to tell anyone.

“Well I’m going to go try.” Lisa was in the kitchen baking something as she hummed a song from her favorite movie. It hurt Amber to know that someone who was going to hurt Lisa could make her this happy. And it hurt her more that she had to break it up and make her sister unhappy. “Hey. What are you making?”

“Muffins.” Lisa had answered without realizing that she had and immediately snapped her lips closed and went back to concentrating on the muffins.

“So you still aren’t talking to me? Get over it Lisa.”

“You pushed my boyfriend into the pool in an attempt to drowned him and you hit him hard enough to make him bleed! Why should I talk to you?”

“Because he had it coming.”

“Will you just leave me and Aaron alone?” Lisa then turned her back on her sister and ignored her until Amber went up to her bedroom. Amber wasn’t planning on staying home for dinner. She was meeting Alyce, Matt, and Kellan at the movies so she quickly changed and went to leave before her dad came in.

But as she was walking to her car she came face to face with the one person that she never wanted to see around the town again. Yet the worst part was the smirk he was wearing. He did have one thing that she didn’t have, Anthony Davis practically eating out of the palm of his hand. “Hello there Amber.”

“Don’t touch me.”

“I won’t. I know what Sanders will do, I just wonder why. Has Anthony Davis’s daughter fallen for the enemy?”

“Matt isn’t the enemy. You are. You are the scum of the Earth that the business is supposed to hunt down.”

“That is the glory of being on the boss’s good side. Which is somewhere that you probably aren’t.”

“I don’t want to be. If I had my way I’d disconnect myself from him. Why are you here? To hurt my sister?”

“Don’t worry about your precious baby sister, she is safe. For now.” He moved closer and placed a hand on Amber’s cheek causing her to jump away from him. “After all it is you that is my prize, and considering that your dad is on my side I think I have a pretty good chance at claiming my prize.”

“I’m not a trophy, and I’d rather die first.”

“You’ll really want to die when I get a hold of you. You, Miss Davis, haven’t made my life easy nor have you made getting what I want easy.” Something inside Amber snapped at his words and she found her hands at his throat.

“Leave me alone. And leave my sister alone. Or I’ll kill you.”

“If you don’t remove your hands from my throat then Lisa will see this and truly hate you.” Amber pulled her hands from the grip on his throat and moved back. Unfortunately he was right.

This time she didn’t bother fighting back, instead she left. Once in her car she drove away from her problems, away from her enemy, away from the hatred she felt, and away from the fear. Instead she drove directly to the three people who she needed. Her best friend, her best friend’s other half, and her own other half.
Matt arrived at the movie theater before Amber did, which was unusual. Alyce and Kellan were already there and were standing within inches of each other. Before the two of them Matt had never saw two 18 year olds so completely attached to each other. But a lot of things had changed since he met Amber.

When Amber pulled up and got out he didn’t need to ask to know that something was wrong with her. He also didn’t need to ask what was causing the troubled feeling she had. The problem had a name after all; Aaron. “What did he do this time?” Matt asked pulling her into his arms.

“Same as always.” He knew that this meant she didn’t feel like talking about it at the moment so he let it go. There wasn’t any sense in pushing her to tell him when it didn’t matter, after all it all came back to the same problem.


“We’ll get him.” Alyce’s grin had that mischievous undertone to it, and Amber knew there was already a plan brewing. “Forget about it now, lets go watch a movie!”

Amber had always wondered how Alyce could always be so carefree and bubbly, but most times she gave up on trying to figure it out. Alyce had many different sides and Amber had known this for most of their lives.

They ended up picking a horror movie and found themselves waiting for the movie to beginning. Amber however was thinking of a plan to get back at Aaron, and Matt was aware of this. “What are you thinking about?” He whispered in her ear.

Matt’s warm breath sent chills up and down her spine and made her smile. “Ways to get back at Aaron.”

“How about you quit plotting for the night?”

“You’re right. I can plot later.” This drew a quiet chuckle from Matt, then the movie began. Amber glanced over at Alyce and saw she had already put her head on Kellan’s shoulder. Amber laughed to herself and looked back at the screen.


The next morning Amber went downstairs expecting to go to work and was greeted by a smiling Esme. “Morning Mom.” Amber knew that something was up, but she wasn’t sure what. At least not yet.

“Morning sleepy head.” Alyce’s voice caught Amber’s attention and she saw her best friend on the couch.
“Morning sweetheart.” Amber glanced from her mom to Alyce, then back again.

“What’s going on?”

“Well your dad and Lisa went out of town this morning for a few days and Aaron went with them. So to celebrate we are going shopping.” Esme and Alyce always had an excuse to go shopping.

“To celebrate you are dragging me shopping?” Amber secretly wondered who’s idea this one was.

“Yes. Now stop whining and lets go!” Alyce jumped up and grabbed Amber’s arm to begin dragging her towards the door. By now Amber knew to just go along with it. There wasn’t any sense in trying to talk her mom and Alyce out of a shopping trip. She’d have more luck moving a brick wall by telling it to move itself.


Matt was hanging out at Brian’s house when his phone went off. He opened the text from Amber and smiled. I’m in shoe hell. He had to laugh at her text before hitting reply.

Where are you?

“What’s so funny?” Brian asked watching his friend look at his phone. Brian knew that it was probably Amber. He could see it in Matt’s eyes.

“Amber. She says she is in shoe hell.”


“I don’t know yet.” But then Matt’s phone went off again. My dad and Lisa went out of town. So we are celebrating. They dragged me to the mall and into the shoe store here. I’d rather be at Hot Topic. Or with you.

Lol I’d rather have you here with me too.


That evening Esme was putting the new shoes in her closet, Alyce was raiding the refrigerator, and Amber was sitting Indian style on the couch in the den talking to Matt. “Seriously you should come over.”

“Aren’t you spending time with your mom and Alyce?”

“They won’t care. They love you.”
“Sure they do. I take up how much of your time?”

“Please? I’ll be sad if you don’t.”

“Let me find my keys.”

“Thank you!!”

“Amber did you eat all the junk food in the past few days?” Alyce asked walking into the den and placing her hands on her hips. She looked directly at Amber and raised one eyebrow.

“No problem. I’ll see you in a bit.” After they hung up Amber looked up at Alyce, who hadn’t moved a centimeter.

“No Alyce I didn’t Lisa probably did. Or Aaron did.”

“We will order pizza in a bit girls. Is Matt coming over?” Esme walked into the room already knowing by the look on Amber’s face that Matt was coming.

“Yes he is.” Amber threw her head back to look at her mom and smile. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“Not at all.”

“Aaron eats your junk food?” Alyce looked at Amber completely flabbergasted. “You didn’t attack him?”

“I haven’t been around him to attack him Alyce.”

“You prove a good point.” Amber went to wait in the living room and when Amber heard Matt drive up she jumped up and went to the door. She slipped her shoes on and went outside to greet him.

“Hey Handsome.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and bent her head up to kiss him on the lips.

“Hello Gorgeous.” His hands rested on her sides as he gave her a second kiss.

“Damn you Alyce!” Amber saw Alyce watching from the window giggling. “I’m going to slap her.” Matt kissed Amber’s cheek this time with a laugh.

“You wanna go inside?”

“Might as well. We already have an audience.” Once inside Amber glared at Alyce.

“I can’t believe you were spying on us.”

“You spy on Kellan and I.”

“Spied. We were 16, not 18. I thought we were more mature than that now.”

“Us mature. You’re funny sometimes Amber.”

“Okay the pizza is on its way. Hi Matt.” Esme walked into the living room and sat down the phone.

“Hello Mrs. Davis.” Matt responded with a smile.

“It is Esme.”

“Okay Esme.”

“So I guess we wait in here until the food shows up.” Alyce shrugged and plopped down on the couch. Once the pizza showed up everyone ended up in the den watching a movie. Amber had her spot against Matt with his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

“Thanks for coming.” Amber whispered in his ear. He smiled and kissed her cheek again.

“Anytime.” She laid her head on his shoulder again.

“Oh come on, that SUV couldn’t really do that with out rolling over!” Alyce complained.

“That is why it is a movie Alyce. It isn’t real.” Amber laughed.

“Shut up and get closer to your boyfriend.”

“What bit you in the butt Alyce?”

“The fact that Aaron ate all the junk food. I’m the one who is supposed to just walk in and raid the fridge before eating the junk food.”

“How about the next time we see him we kick his ass for eating it.”


“Do you two really need an excuse to kick his ass?” Esme was having a hard time controlling the laughter that threatened to break through her lips as she asked this.

Amber and Alyce considered this for a few seconds before looking at her and shaking their heads no. “No, not really.”

“You two think alike to a point where it is scary.” Matt commented.

“We know.” Later that evening when Amber’s phone rang she wasn’t sure what to think as soon as she looked at the caller-id. It was Lisa, who still wasn’t speaking to her. The first thought that came to mind was Aaron had hurt her.

“Lisa are you okay?” Amber answered panicked.

“Yeah Amber I’m fine. But I wanted to talk to you about something. Now please just hear me out okay?”

“I’m listening.”

“I’ve been thinking, maybe I handled the whole Aaron thing wrong. I know you are my sister and you are just trying to protect me. I still think you are overreacting, but I don’t want to spend all my time not speaking to you. So I say we call a truce.”

“I’ll agree to the truce on one condition. I can still say whatever about or to, and do what ever I want to Aaron. Attempted drowning included.”

“Okay a truce it is. But please don’t drown him.”

“How is the trip?”

“Okay. We are coming back tomorrow morning though. What are you doing?”

“Watching a movie with Alyce and mom.”

“Well I’ll let you finish the movie. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.” Amber had just shut her phone went Alyce spoke up.

“We need a plan. We’ve gotta break them up, and we’ve gotta do it quickly.” Amber looked at Alyce and nodded. A plan was already forming in their heads.


“Why are you sitting on me?” Amber asked the following afternoon as Alyce sat down on her. They were waiting for Anthony, Lisa, and Aaron to show up.

“Don’t know. Seemed fun.” Alyce shrugged. Just then they heard a car drive up. All might very well break lose that afternoon, including a possible fight with Aaron. But in typical Amber and Alyce fashion they were looking forward to it.
“Oh hey Amber, hey Alyce.” Lisa walked in the door with Aaron behind her.

“Hey Lisa.” The first time some people heard them do this they thought it was all planned, but truthfully they just thought the same and responded to people at the same time 9 out of 10 times.

“Hello.” They ignored Aaron completely, and then Anthony walked in.

“Hello girls.”

“Hi.” After the greetings they went outside to go for a swim. They kept watching the door for the pervert to come out.

“It shouldn’t be long.” Alyce allowed herself to float a bit as she watched the door. “And when he does it will be interesting.”

“Here he comes.” Amber could see him approaching the door from where she was and smirked to herself. They were looking forward to causing him more pain.

“Having fun?” He asked walking out and closing the door behind him.

“Well we were. Until your ugly ass showed up.” Alyce swam up to the edge along with Amber and smirked evilly. She’d just called Aaron ugly, and he hated that more than anything else she could have said.

“Ugly ass is an understatement Alyce.” Amber corrected with the same evil smirk on her face. She could see the anger in Aaron’s eyes.

“You both know that you want me.” Aaron sat down in one of the chairs close to the pool and pulled off his shirt.

“It burns!” Amber screeched as she covered her eyes.

“Gross! Put your shirt back on!” Alyce complained. “And why would I want you when I have Kellan?”

“Me want you? You stupid jackass.” Amber couldn’t hold back the laugh at the ridiculous thought that she’d ever want him.

“Your sister wants me.” Alyce grabbed Amber’s arm to hold her back. They weren’t done pissing him off yet and Lisa was watching from the window.

“She is young. Her taste in guys will get better. I hope.” Amber’s anger was clearly evident in her voice as she practically growled the words.

“She is never going to want another guy when I get through with her.” Aaron’s laugh made the both of them snap. The reached up and grabbed him, pulling him into the pool and jumping out. “Why’d you jump out?” He smirked.

“Why would we want to be in the same pool full of water with you is the better question.” Amber smirked as she kicked him in the stomach since her feet were still in the water.

“Now let’s go. Off to the land of elves and gnomes.” Alyce stood up smiling and jerked Amber up with her. The land of elves and gnomes meant they were meeting the guys at the bowling alley.

When they walked through the living room Anthony looked up at them obviously puzzled. “Where are you girls going?” He asked as Alyce linked her arm with Amber’s and began humming.

“Don’t know yet.” Amber shrugged.

“A far away forest of elves and gnomes!” Alyce’s good mood was impossible to disguise.

“Well uh have fun with the gnomes and elves.” Anthony went back to whatever he was reading and the two left the living room and went out side to Amber’s car. Once they got in and Amber turned on the engine they opened the sun roof.

“Another beautiful California day!” Alyce exclaimed as they drove off. “And we are going to beat Aaron at his own game.”

“You are right. We are.” Amber agreed. Alyce reached over and turned the stereo up as they drove towards the bowling alley and towards Matt and Kellan. They both knew Alyce was right.

They weren’t sure how they were going to do it yet, but they would. Aaron didn’t stand a chance. They’d win, and he’d be begging them to give up by the time they were through with him. He was actually being stupid for even thinking he stood a chance.

Amber did know though that the fun she and Alyce were currently having couldn’t last forever. Something would ruin it for her again. She also knew that she had one other problem besides Aaron.

When the Aaron problem was taken care of it still left her with her dad and Matt. So far she had no solution for that one, and she couldn’t force herself to think about it yet. Aaron was the bigger problem after all, since nothing was going to keep her away from Matt.

But for that evening she forgot about it all. She was going to spend time with Alyce and Kellan, and Matt. For now that was all she needed. With their help she’d deal with the rest of it later. This evening though she was just going to enjoy herself.
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Sorry this one took so long to get out, I needed a few days break. Thanks to everyone who reads/comments/subscribes!! It means a lot to me!! Comments would be wonderful!! I also posted an article about how lyrics get the blame for what people do so it would be awesome if you'd check that out!! Thanks!!
♥♪♫Bat Shadows♫♪♥