My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Twenty-One

Amber felt her bed moving around the next morning with caused her eyes to fly open. No surprise that Alyce was jumping up and down on the end of her bed with a huge grin plastered across her face. Amber grabbed a pillow and placed it over her head. “You are annoying do you know that?” She asked wishing that Alyce would let her go back to sleep. She’d slept all afternoon the previous day but had then been forced into a dinner with Anthony, Lisa, and Aaron.

“I’m not annoying! I’m bubbly!” Alyce threw her hands up in the air and began dancing while she jumped more.

“Annoying, bubbly, in the morning they mean the same thing!”

“Your family is getting ready to leave! You can see lover boy as much as you want. So I suggest you get up and go tell them bye!” What Alyce was saying registered quickly in Amber’s mind and she flew out of bed and ran down stairs.

The goodbyes didn’t take long and after they left Amber ran upstairs to take a shower. She wanted to spend as much time with Matt in the four days she had of freedom and the sooner she got to see him the better. She already knew that Alyce had plans with Kellan so Matt was going to come over and hang out at her house.

After she got out of the shower and dressed Amber called Matt who said he’d come right over. She was waiting in the living room when she heard a car pull up outside. At the sound she sprang to her feet and went to the door. The knock couldn’t come fast enough, but when it did she pulled the door open and attacked Matt with a hug. “Matt!”

“Hi Amber. Happy this morning?” He laughed and wrapped his arms around her.

“Of course I’m happy! We don’t have to hide for the next four days!”

“You prove an excellent point.” That is when he kissed her before remembering to ask her something. “Is Alyce here?”

“Nope. She’s spending the day with Kellan.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“It doesn’t matter to me. Whatever you want to do.”

“How about we go to the beach? The guys have been bugging me to bring you along one of these days.”

“That sounds fun. I’ll go change into my bathing suit.”

“And I’ll be waiting right here. I’ll call and give the guys a heads up too.” It didn’t take Amber long to change into the bathing suit and slip the jeans and tee shirt back on over it. Matt was still in the living room when she returned and she couldn’t help but smile when she saw him. At the moment his back was facing her as he talked on his cell phone.

“No Zacky I don’t know.” He paused as Zacky added something else. “Well it doesn’t matter anyway. I’d kick your ass.” Another pause. “Zack don’t you even think about it. Yeah, yeah I’ll see you there.” Matt closed his phone and shook his head.

“Well that didn’t sound promising or good at all.” Amber mused aloud as she walked towards him with a smile.

“It’s just Zacky being a pervert again.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head before asking the question that had originated from Zacky’s questions. “You aren’t wearing a bikini are you?”

“I don’t wear those. I don’t even like one piece bathing suits for the most part. Why do you ask?”

“It’s a long story and I’ll tell you later. Or the guys will tell you.”

“Matt you can’t leave me hanging like that!” She complained as they walked out of the house and she turned to lock the deadbolt.

“It’s just the fact that Zacky likes to make comments about girls at the beach. And he asked if you were wearing one so he could start thinking of said comments.” Matt sighed as he wrapped his arms around her stomach.

“I think that’s kinda funny. Do you think he might have said that to you just to get your feathers ruffled.”

“Well there is one major flaw in your assumption.” She turned in his arms so she was now looking him directly in the eyes.

“And what would that be?”

“Easy. I don’t have feathers.” Amber rolled her eyes and pulled out of his arms with a laugh before grabbing his hands and pulling him towards his car.

“Or do you want me to drive?” She asked suddenly stopping, causing Matt to stop suddenly behind her.

“I’ll drive if that’s okay with you.”

“Works for me.”
When they arrived at the beach Jimmy came running towards Matt’s car with a smirk on his face. “Great, what the hell is he up to this time?” Matt asked as he watched one of his best friends approach the car. Being, well, Jimmy, he ran to the passenger’s side and plastered his face against the car door window.

“Hi Amber!” He yelled through the glass as he kept his face and hand’s plastered against the glass.

“Hi Jimmy!” Amber laughed at the sight she was seeing.

“Great, I bring my girlfriend to hang out with my friends and I and one of them decides to act like a lunatic.” Matt mumbled to himself.

“I think it’s funny.” Amber admitted as Jimmy played dead against the glass. “Besides Alyce is my best friend. Trust me, I’ve saw weirder.” Amber gestured to Jimmy’s face with another laugh.

“Amber?” Jimmy asked suddenly coming back to life.

“Yes Jimmy?”

“Would you hate me if I opened the car door and hugged you?”

“Of course not!” With a grin on his face Jimmy opened the car door, pulled Amber out, and embraced her in a hug.

“Okay Jimmy let her go now.” Matt laughed walking up beside them.

“And if I don’t want to? What if I want to kidnap her and keep her as a pet?” Jimmy asked looking at Matt.

“No Jimmy you can’t kidnap her or keep her as a pet!” Matt couldn’t hide the laugh this time no more than Amber could.

“Well rats!” Jimmy then released her and went to join the rest of the guys.

“You sure you don’t want to leave?” Matt asked all hints of joking erased from his voice. He didn’t want Amber to be scared away by the guys craziness since he wasn’t sure if she was ready to hang out with them on one of their full blown fun days.

“I’m sure. I told you already Matt. Alyce is my best friend, I’ve saw weirder than anything the guys can do or say.”

“Okay, just making sure.”

“Will you two get your slow asses over here?” Brian yelled at them with a smirk.

“Shut up Brian!” Matt yelled back as the two walked towards where everyone else was. For the guys it was just a normal day. Jimmy acting like a completely weirdo in the most hilarious way. Brian debating where they should hang out that night. And Zacky doing the most random things. Johnny argued with all of them and since he was the youngest they all gave him shit. Amber found all of them together to be completely and totally hilarious.

“Your friends are funny.” Amber announced as Matt drove back to her house. She liked being able to look over and see the gorgeous guy that she called her boyfriend sitting in the driver’s seat.

“I’m glad you think so.” Matt smiled as he kept his eyes on the road. It was around then they both saw the dark clouds threatening to invade the clear blue sky and groaned. A storm wasn’t exactly wanted, not like that fact would stop one.

“I wonder if Alyce is going to come back over tonight.” Amber wondered aloud as she watched out the window.

“She didn’t say?”

“Nope. I’ll text her later.” Amber looked back at Matt. “You are going to stay at my house for a while right?”

“Of course. I want to spend as much time with you as possible.” It was around then when Amber saw the large house come into view and she realized she hadn’t been paying much attention to where they were after all.


“But won’t Alyce get mad if she shows up and you aren’t downstairs to open the door for her? I mean it is a storm out there.” Matt pointed out as Amber waited for the popcorn to finish so they could go up to her room and watch a movie.

“Alyce doesn’t need me to open the door. She has her own key. In fact when everyone else is gone I never have to open the door. She just walks right in.” Amber pulled the microwave door open as it beeped and pulled the popcorn bag out.

“Then it sounds like we have a plan.”

“Yes we do. Can you do me a favor?”


“Grab this and go up to my room. I need to turn all the lights off down here and find the cat.” Amber looked around for Willow but didn’t see her.

“No problem.” Matt took the bowl of popcorn and headed up to Amber’s room where the movie was waiting. Amber found Willow stretched out on the couch sound asleep and laughed. She shook her head and scooped up the little cat.

Once in her room she laid Willow down at the foot of her bed and pulled Matt back with her. Their backs now rested against the wall as the looked at the TV screen. She pushed play and the movie began.

Of course on the night that it was starting to rain and a thunderstorm seemed to be brewing outside they’d pick a horror movie to watch. “Will you scream?” Matt asked wrapping his arm around her.

“I doubt it, so don’t hold your breath.” Amber grabbed a piece of popcorn and placed it in her mouth with a smirk.

“Shit.” She wasn’t meant to hear what Matt mumbled under his breath but she did and it made her giggle.

“You’ll live.” After this there was no more talking as the movie pulled both of them in. Outside the rain began to come down harder and the lightning and thunder seemed to be building up. It was half way through the movie when it happened.

The evil killer was just about to brutally kill another victim when the lightning hit, lighting Amber’s room through the curtains and her bedroom door opened. With the combination of this Amber scram, which was echoed by another scream. A scream that was obviously not Matt’s.

Alyce reached over and flipped on the light and looked at Amber and Matt. “Why are you screaming? It’s me moron.”

“I didn’t know that!” Amber loosened her grip on Matt and looked at Alyce, who was staring at them with a smirk on her face. “What?”

“You two look, cozy.”

“Shut up Alyce. We are watching a movie. Now sit down and turn the damn light off will you? It’s too bright.”

“Fine.” Alyce switched off the light and went to the futon like she normally did. By the time the movie ended the thunderstorm had kicked in and the rain was coming down steadily now. Amber could also hear the wind whipping around. It was one of those sucky storms that sucked compared to the normal Southern California weather.

“Maybe I should go. It’s getting bad out there.” Matt’s voice conveyed that he wasn’t happy about leaving so early. It was barely 9:30.

“Or you could just stay here. You are right I mean, it is getting bad out there. Which means it could be dangerous to drive in.” Amber pouted not wanting him to leave.

“Amber I really should go. You and Alyce need to spend time hanging out.” Alyce stood up and went to get the blankets she usually did on nights like these. This time she plopped them into the chair that converted into a bed and folded her arms.

“I don’t feel like listening to you discuss something that we all already know the outcome of. I repeat, like I always do, sleep in the chair.” Alyce said firmly before walking back to the futon and pulling it out into a bed and mumbling something that sounded like “Stubborn people.”

“Please?” Amber pouted looking Matt directly in the eyes.


“Thank you!” She threw her arms around him and kissed him causing Alyce to roll her eyes and make fake gagging sounds even though she was hiding a smile.


Amber was sure she was the only one left awake the next morning at about 3:30. The storm outside wasn’t slowing at all and in all honestly the wind and thunder scared her. Due to how incredibly loud it was outside she hadn’t been able to fall asleep and it wasn’t for a lack of trying.

More thunder boomed loudly outside and with a muffled sigh Amber pulled the covers over her head and closed her eyes tighter. She could feel how tired she was and how much she longed for sleep, but so far none came. The rain poured down outside and although it usually had a calming affect on her but tonight the raging storm was just too overpowering.

She waited for several minutes and finally found herself falling asleep when more thunder boomed, waking her up again. Tired of just lying in her bed in the dark room she sat up and threw the blankets off before leaving room. Once in the kitchen she turned on the light and grabbed a glass for some water.

It was several minutes later as she slowly sipped her water she heard someone else in the kitchen with her. With a glance over her shoulder she realized it was Matt and smile at him. “Can’t sleep?” He asked walking up behind her.

“Not with all the damn thunder and wind.” She sighed allowing herself to rest in his arms.
“I’m sorry.”

“Did I wake you up when I left the room?”

“Nah. I wasn’t asleep either.”

“Is it the storm?”

“I honestly don’t know, I just can’t fall asleep.”

“I wasn’t keeping you up was I?”

“Amber I couldn’t even hear you. I thought you were asleep.” He kissed her cheek and she let her arms go back to wrap around his neck.

“I’m glad I stayed home.”

“I’m glad you did too.”

“Do you think it would work if I just told him that I didn’t care what he thinks?”

“Your dad?”


“I doubt it. I wish it could be that simple.”

“I wish it could be too. Do you want something to drink?”

“No thanks. I’m good.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah I’m sure.”

“What is wrong with you two?” Alyce grumbled walking into the kitchen and going to the cabinet that contained the cereal.

“What do you mean what is wrong with us?” Amber asked openly confused.

“I wake up when I think I hear what sounds like someone leaving the room, then another someone, and do you realize it is 3:30 a.m.?” She grabbed a bowling and poured some of the chocolately cereal for herself before getting the milk.

“Sorry I couldn’t sleep so I came down here.” Amber shrugged.
“And I followed.” Matt added in calmly.

“Why aren’t you two asleep anyway?” Alyce replaced the milk and grabbed a spoon.

“The wind and thunder is keeping me awake.” Amber took another sip of the cold water.

“I don’t really know.” Matt answered honestly.

“Well I repeat. You two are weird.” Alyce took her food and sat down to eat. Amber’s stomach growled suddenly, as if cued by the sight of food and she wiggled her way out of Matt’s arms.

“Are you hungry Matt?” She asked as she opened the freezer door and reached for a box of chocolate chip waffles.

“A little.” He answered with a shrug.

“Do you want waffles or poptarts? Or something else?”

“Poptarts sound good to me.” Amber handed him the box and a few minutes later they too found themselves seated at the table eating a very early breakfast.

“So you know I was thinking,” Alyce started before eating another spoonful. “That tomorrow, or well today, that we should have Kellan over.”

“Sounds cool to me.” Amber agreed before turning to Matt. “What do you think?”

“It doesn’t matter to me. It is up to you two.” Matt took another bite of poptart.

“Then it’s settled, we’ll have Kellan over later.” Alyce decided and went back to eating her cereal. As soon as she was finished she went back upstairs to get some more sleep.

“I think I’m going to try and get some sleep now.” Amber stood up and placed her plate in the sink.

“I agree.” They were about to walk out of the kitchen when Matt grabbed Amber suddenly and kissed her. “Night. I love you.”

“Night Matt,” She laughed. “I love you too.”

Once back in her room it didn’t take either of them long to get settled in. The storm was still going on outside but this time with food in her stomach Amber felt more tired than she had before. Closing her eyes she thought of a very comforting thought, Matt was in the chair/bed a few feet away from her. And with a final content sigh she closed her eyes and drifted off in the needed sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to everyone who reads/subscribes/comments! It means a lot to me!! I hope everyone likes this one!!!

♥♪♫Bat Shadows♫♪♥