My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Twenty-five

Amber was beginning to rethink Alyce’s offer a week later as she sat in the shrink’s office with only a small table between the chair she sat in and the one Aaron sat in. “Don’t worry Amber, Kellan and I will sneak in and rescue you. I can even wear my ninja suit!” She had said when Amber told her. Now having Alyce burst through the door dressed as a ninja with Kellan as the get away driver didn’t sound like such a bad idea.

She was mentally kicking herself for thinking that if she just went and got it over with that it would be better. Then the silence that was the best part of the whole thing was broken. “Well this is nice.” Like always, Amber’s anger spiked at the sound of Aaron’s voice.

“Say one more word Aaron I swear I’ll rearrange your face.”

“Tisk tisk. Such a temper. Maybe if we are lucky the therapist can help with your anger problem. You are after all the future Mrs. Aaron Marshall.”

“That is it.” Amber turned and landed a hard punch to Aaron’s stomach, knocking the breath out of him. She’d just landed another good hit to the side of his face when she heard someone coming.

Feeling a tiny bit better, she sat back in the chair as the door opened. “Hello I’m Dr. Carrier and I’m your new therapist. How are the two of you?” The woman introduced herself before sitting down.

“We’re fine thank-you.” Aaron answered.

“Do not ever speak for me again or I swear I will-” Amber began

“Well I see we have a lot of work to do. How long have the two of you been together?” Dr. Carrier cut in.

“We aren’t.” Amber crossed her arms and glared at Aaron.

“We aren’t yet.” He corrected.

“Not ever!” Amber snapped at him quickly.

“Okay so if you two aren’t in a relationship then why are you here?” Dr. Carrier looked between the two of them.

“I was forced by that thing and my dad.” Amber answered.

“She doesn’t know what is best for her. Her dad and I do.” Aaron corrected Amber quickly. This only made the anger Amber felt worse.
“You aren’t good for anyone!”

“Temper love, temper.”

“Call me love one more time and you’ll be walking funny for a month.”

“Okay can someone explain here?” Dr. Carrier cut in.

“I will. My dad is being a jerk and he wants me to date that thing,” Amber pointed to Aaron. “even though I hate him. Well Aaron is dating my little sister but that doesn’t change anything. I’ve tried everything to get my dad and the thing off my back and let me live my own life. But that doesn’t work. At all.”

“I’m only dating her little sister because Lisa likes me. And I like her. But Amber is more wife material for me.” Aaron tried to make himself sound better.

“You S.O.B.” Amber glared at him.

“And the fact that her little sister is hot is a plus.”

“How old is her little sister?” Dr. Carrier asked.

“16.” They both answered.

“Are you having relations with her?”

“You better not be.” Amber almost growled at Aaron.

“No I’m not. It would be illegal.”

“Like that would stop you.” Amber snorted.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Let me put it this way. You know those small dogs that like to hump everything insight? Well I’ve saw some of them that are less horny than you. In all honestly I’m shocked you are trying to get into Dr. Carrier’s pants right now.” Amber paused. “Or maybe you are just coming up with a plan. I’m sorry Dr. Carrier but it is the truth about him.”

“I’ve heard worse.” The therapist assured Amber.

“That is not true.” Aaron told Amber with a smirk.

“You know what you need done Aaron?”

“Yes, you to start dating me and give up.”

“No. You need to be taken to the veterinary clinic, and get neutered like the dog you are.”

“How dare you!”

“I apologize for the vulgarity Dr. Carrier.” Amber turned back to the therapist again.

“I’ve still heard worse.” She didn’t seem to be bothered.

“I don’t understand what your problem with me is Amber Davis.” Aaron cut back in.

“My problem with you is you are the worlds biggest asshole and piece of crap. I’d like nothing more than to just pulverize you. And I promise you that if you hurt my sister the way you did Beth then you’ll pay.”


“Yes Beth! The girl that you destroyed two years ago! The one that still isn’t completely back to herself! If you so much as make Lisa cry again then I promise you that you will regret it and you’ll pay.”

“I’m sorry but by dating Amber’s little sister it makes it seem like you are using Lisa to get to Amber.” Dr. Carrier’s voice reminded them that they weren’t fighting alone.

“He is. He’s been using her since day one.” Amber informed her without taking her eyes off Aaron or backing off in the evil glare she was giving him.

“I am not!” Aaron shot back.

“And who is Beth?” Amber smiled smugly. She’d like to see Aaron explain this one.

“She was is my ex-girlfriend. She was too clingy and it destroyed her when I broke up with her. I hated to do it, I really did.” Amber could have punched him. The rest of the time passed with similar fights about what Aaron did and what he didn’t do.

That evening Alyce came over to hang out with Amber and they were in the kitchen. “Did he eat all your good junk food again?” Alyce asked looking through the refrigerator.

“Of course he did. He acts like he owns the damn place.” Amber grumbled from her spot at the high bar.

“Well then we should do something to him.”

‘Like pulverize him?”
“Pickles!” Amber laughed at her best friend’s happiness over pickles. “So when are you seeing Matt again?”

“Tomorrow night. My dad is having everyone over for a dinner party remember?”

“I meant alone.”

“Soon I hope. But I don’t know.” The following night Amber waited outside by the door for the Sanders. She needed to at least be in the same place as Matt. Her excitement jumped the second she saw him step out of the vehicle.

He was wearing jeans and a black dress shirt. She smiled at him and when he smiled back she almost lost her breath. She had fallen head over heels in love with him and she knew it. “Hello Amber.” Matt smiled walking up.

“Hello Matt.” She smiled back before they went inside. Thankfully she ended up sitting in between Matt and Alyce. She hoped that the evening went smoothly and it did until the end. Anthony was the one who messed it all up.

“So Aaron here has volunteered to lead a search for another of the dirt bags this Thursday night. Gary who is leading for your side?” Anthony announced and asked.

“Matt is. Who else would?” Mr. Sanders responded calmly.

“I’ll lead it.” Amber stood up.

“No you will not. I am leading it. Why would you and what gives you the right to be in charge over me?!” Aaron sprang up. He didn’t really care about catching anyone he just wanted the glory and Amber knew it.

“Yes I will. No you are not. And how about the fact that I am Amber Davis, meaning that I am the oldest child of Anthony Davis. I out rank you.” Amber growled at him.

“And who would be your second command?”

“Easy. Alyce. Kellan would be third.”

“Amber I’m not sure if I want you to lead a search party.” Anthony chipped in.

“I’m leading the damn thing! Like it or not I am your oldest child and your oldest daughter. I out rank that sorry piece of crap that you are so damn proud of and I’m leading! I do not care what you say. It is my right.” Amber paused and looked at Anthony. “And if you have any further argument or want someone to agree that I should maybe I should call grandpa.”

“Fine you can lead it. But you’ll have to work with Matt and Aaron has to go along.”

“I no problem working with Matt. Matt do you have a problem working with me?” Amber turned to Matt.

“Not at all.” Matt answered as he hid a smile.

“See. And Aaron will be on the chain of command where I put him if he has to be. Alyce will second me if she wants, and Kellan with third if he wants.” Amber turned to Alyce. “What do you say? Second?”

“Of course.” Alyce told her.


“You can count on me.”

“Then that makes your four. I still think Aaron should lead though.”

“Get over it.” Matt, Alyce, and Kellan had to try their hardest as Amber sat down. She really didn’t care about leading anything dealing with the business. Her main problem was she didn’t want Aaron taking her place or being anywhere around Matt without her there. She wasn’t scared for Matt but she didn’t want him to end up in jail for assault against Aaron.

After dinner Amber went out to the back yard with Alyce and Kellan. She hoped that Matt would join them, since they now had an excuse to talk. “Do you really want to lead anything Amber?” Kellan asked.

“No but I refuse to let Aaron take the place that actually belongs to me.” Amber sat down and closed her eyes.

“It might be fun. We can torment Aaron all night.” Alyce pointed out.

“I’m glad that it will be Amber instead of Aaron. I just don’t want her to get hurt.” Matt’s voice made Amber open her eyes and smile.

“I won’t get hurt Matt.” She promised. She’d tagged along on a search before and if the dirt bag was a big threat then they wouldn’t be sending Matt and Amber’s age groups after them.

“We’ll give you two some time. Come on Kellan.” Alyce stood up and Kellan joined her.

“Amber your birthday is less than a month away. What do you want as a present?” Matt asked her suddenly.
“You don’t have to get me anything Matt.” Amber answered.

“Well I am. So what do you want?”

“It doesn’t matter to me. You really don’t have to get me anything.”

“I want to though.”

“You are sweet.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” Amber and Matt agreed to meet Alyce and Kellan at the bowling alley later that night before everyone left. Amber was coming out of her room to leave when she discovered Aaron standing there, waiting for her. “What do you want Aaron?”

“What is going on with you and him?” Aaron asked.

“Me and who?”

“Matt Sanders. Why else would you want to lead?”

“Nothing is going one. I want to lead because it is my spot, not yours. So you better get used to it because you may have my dad eating out of the palm of your hand but remember something Aaron, that is rightfully my spot. And I have more people on my side than you ever will.” Amber pushed him against the wall hard. “Now leave.” She waited until he was downstairs before she went to tell her mom bye.

“Hey mom?” She asked finding her mom in the living room watching TV.

“Yeah sweetie?” Esme looked over and smiled.

“I’m going to go bowling with Alyce for a while. I’ll be home later.” She hugged her mom tightly and Esme understood that it wasn’t just Alyce she was going to be hanging out with.

“Okay. Have fun sweetheart.” Once in her car and driving away from the house Amber turned the stereo up and began singing to the lyrics of Metallica. It felt great to her to know that she was going to get to see Matt. Much to her relief she made it to the bowling alley quickly and Matt was waiting outside.

She hugged him tightly and they walked inside as Matt kept his hands on Amber’s sides. Once inside Amber noticed Alyce and Kellan running around the place and wondered why they were this time. “Alyce please!” Kellan begged her as he chased after her.

“Never!” She laughed and kept running.


“What did you do this time?” Amber called.

“Behold!” Alyce threw her current hostage up in the air.

“What the hell is that?” Amber asked.

“It’s a script. He wants his part to be a surprise to me until he tries out for it!”

“So you steal it?”

“Well yeah!”

“Only you Alyce.”

“I got you!” Kellan grabbed Alyce and she kissed him. “Now will you please give me the script?” He looked at her she caved.

“Fine, but I want you to know I don’t like it when you don’t tell me things.”

“I will tell you all about it tomorrow.”

“Of course I will. Don’t I always?”

“True true.” Alyce ran away from Kellan then and ran up to Amber. She jumped on her back causing Amber to scream and grab onto the back of a chair to avoid falling over.

“You are too hyper. What did you have Alyce?” Amber asked her as she jumped off her back and started bouncing up and down in place.

“A redbull. And there is another one! I think I’m going to drink it!”

“Alyce you don’t need another redbull.” Amber turned around and looked at Alyce.

“Of course I do! They are good!”

“No Alyce you don’t need another one. You are already bouncing.”

“But, but I want one!”

“I know you do. You just don’t need it.”

“Nobody loves me enough to let me have the second redbull.” She looked down and started pouting.

“That’s not true. I love you Alyce.” Kellan told her.

“Stop being a drama queen.” Amber sat down next to Matt before she kissed him.

“Okay! Let’s get this party started!” Alyce then ran over and turned on the stereo system before she began doing one of her many dances.

“She shouldn’t have redbull.” Amber laughed.

“She is funny though!” Kellan added in laughing some more.

“You non-fun people! Someone dance with me!”

That night Amber was lying in her bed when she got a text message from Matt. After the whole search thing is over I vote we go somewhere for the weekend. Just get out of town for a while. What do you say?

Amber smiled and selected reply. That sounds awesome! Count me in!

Sweet! So what are you doing?

Watching TV. What about you?

The same.

Well I think I’m going to get some sleep Matt. Night, I love you.

Night Amber. I love you too.

After Matt stopped texting Amber he sat in his bedroom thinking. He knew that they couldn’t hide forever and their time was starting to run out. It wouldn’t be long before Anthony would find out and they’d have to do something.

That morning that he had brought up getting married to Amber he had been completely serious. He wasn’t going to lose her no matter what, and he knew that he loved her enough to marry her. He did hope that it didn’t come to that thought, it wasn’t exactly the happiest reason to get married.

He sat down his guitar and closed the notebook he’d been writing the song it. He’d finished so next he’d show it to Amber. That night the last thing he thought about before he fell asleep was her and he hoped that she’d have a good reaction to the song when he played it for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank to everyone who reads/comments/subscribes! And a huge thanks to all the wonderful people who take the time to leave me amazing comments!! Oh and if you want to read an awesome M.Shadows story then click here!!!