My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Matt was waiting outside by the front door when Amber drove up, she couldn’t help but smile when she saw him. It hadn’t even been two hours since they’d last saw each other but after the night she’d had it felt like days. Once she was out of her car she found herself wrapped in Matt’s arms. “What happened?”

“Matt I don’t want to talk about it right now.” She sighed as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Amber.” She silenced his words with a gentle kiss to his lips. “You cheat.” She laughed and he noticed the look in her eyes and began examining her skin thoroughly. At first he didn’t the redness on her skin, the light from the moon wasn’t the easiest light to see something that faint in, but when he did he felt the anger bubbling up.

“What? What’s wrong?” Amber noticed Matt had gone still and noticed a change in his breathing pattern. “Matt say something please.”

“What did he do to you?” Amber shuttered slightly at Matt’s voice even though she knew the harsh tone wasn’t meant for her. Her arms tightened around him in a weak attempted to make sure he didn’t try to go get revenge on Aaron.

“I’m fine Matt. Really it is okay.”

“No it is not,” Matt spoke through clenched teeth. “He hurt you. That bastard hurt you Amber. That is not okay.”

“And I hurt him back. Well actually I hurt him first.”

“Doesn’t change anything.”

“Matt please! I just want to leave town with you in the morning. I don’t want to deal with this tonight. Can we please just deal with whatever when we get back?”

“I guess so.” Amber could tell that Matt’s anger wasn’t going to go away that easily but as long as she knew that he wouldn’t do anything that night it was okay with her. “Come on lets go inside.”


“Are you sure that it is the best thing to ask Alyce and Kellan to come with us?” Amber asked the following morning as she sat Indian style in the middle of Matt’s bed as he placed clothes into his bag.

“Well if they don’t leave town won’t your dad get suspicious?”

“Maybe. I don’t care. But it won’t be the same.”

“The second the guys find out I went they’ll be there too, trust me. We’ll find away to work it all out.”

“How can you be so calm about it? Yet get so angry over what happened last night?”

“Easy this is just having to deal with our friends. That is having to live with the fact of that bastard hurt you and you won’t let me go hurt him severely.”

“You’d kill him, then you’d be in prison for murder.”

“Who said anyone would find out?”


“Okay I’m dropping the subject.” Matt stopped packing and looked around his room with an insanely cute and confused look on his face. She knew he was looking for something but didn’t want to ask, knowing that would make this look disappear from his face. “There it is.” He reached down and grabbed his cell phone charger off its spot below an outlet and the look went away.

“You should look for something again.” At Amber’s words Matt’s head turned so that he was looking at her, confused as to what she meant. Amber saw the confusion in his eyes and laughed quickly. “The confused look you got when you didn’t know where the charger was was cute.” Matt laughed and Amber stood up from her spot on the bed.

“I know where everything else is though.” Matt laughed as Amber’s arms wrapped around him from behind. “What’s wrong?” He felt her head rest against his shoulder and wondered what was bothering her.

“Nothing I was just thinking. I’m sorry for dragging you through all this.” The minute the words were out of Amber’s mouth Matt turned around to face her. Before he said anything else he gently pulled her into his arms.

“Will you stop apologizing? You aren’t dragging me through anything. Now lets just forget about all of this bullshit and get the hell out of town okay?” Amber laughed at Matt’s choice of words and let go of him, nodding in agreement.


“Holy crap!” Amber exclaimed when the outline of Las Vegas came into view several hours later. She glanced over at Matt, who was driving, and saw him smiling. “That is actually Vegas?”

“Yes that is Vegas. Did you expect it to be small?”

“Shut up Matt, just shut up.”

“And why should I?”

“Please? Please? Please shut up? For me?”

“Okay! I won’t give you shit anymore.” When they got to a hotel Matt looked over at Amber with a smile. “So do you want your own room?”

“I kinda wanna share. But its up to you.”

“One room it is then.” Amber laughed since she had guessed the answer to herself correctly before Matt even said anything. She released the seat belt and bent over to give Matt a quick kiss. “You ready?”

“Oh yes I am!” She opened the car door and hopped out before walking back to the trunk. As soon as Matt opened the trunk she grabbed her suitcase and slung her backpack over one of her shoulders as Matt grabbed his bag. “Thanks for agree to getting out of town with me Matt.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” Matt closed the trunk and his hand found hers before they started walking towards the hotel door. The happiness she felt just because they were away from California was indescribable. Even through her happiness she couldn’t help as her thoughts drifted to a few of the contents in her bag.

It didn’t take long at the check in and before they knew it they were in the hotel room, Amber looking out the window in amazement and Matt in the shower. Alyce and Kellan were going to check into the same hotel when they got there and Amber was expecting a text or a phone call any minute saying they were there.

“What are you looking at?” Matt asked when he walked out of the bathroom. Amber looked over and smiled at the sight of her boyfriend wearing jeans but no shirt.

“Just the city, and now you.”

“Well how about we go get some food? How does the Hard Rock Café sound?”

“Yeah just give me a minute.” Amber kissed Matt’s cheek before grabbing her stuff and headed to the bathroom. She’d just closed the door when her cell phone went off. It was a text from Alyce. How about I text you tonight and Kellan and I can meet up with you two? Amber selected reply.

Okay that sounds like a deal.
Have fun! But not too much! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!

Ew Alyce! You are sickening. See you later!

It didn’t take Amber too long and soon enough she walked out of the bathroom to find Matt flipping through the channels on the TV. “So are you ready?” She asked sitting down next to him.

“I sure am.” He turned off the TV and stood up, pulling Amber with him. She laughed and he just smiled at her as they walked towards the door. “What have you been thinking about so hard since we got here?” Amber looked at Matt when he asked his question in the elevator.

“Just how good it feels to not be anywhere near my dad or Aaron or any of the B.S.”

“It does feel good huh? Now how about we forget about it all while we are here?”

“That sounds like a good idea to me.”


The sun had just set when Amber and Matt found themselves in their hotel room waiting for a knock. They’d agreed to meet Alyce and Kellan there before heading off to go explore. Finally there was a knock. Amber threw the door open and there Alyce and Kellan stood. “Finally!”

“Ouch that hurts deeply. I mean Amber that is cold. Ice cold.” Alyce pouted.

“Stop being a drama queen.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“Then I’ll duck tape your mouth shut, tie you up, and throw you in a corner while we go out and have some fun.”

“The llamas will seek revenge.”

“I’m shaking.”

“Okay you two is the moment over?” Kellan cut in laughing.

“Yeah.” They chorused as Amber and Matt walked out of the room and into the hallway. Alyce glanced over that the couple and mouthed out “So what did you do this afternoon?” at Amber and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Amber slapped her friends arm and shook her head.
“Nothing.” She mouthed out back to Alyce and cut her eyes before adding “You sicko.” Amber pushed Alyce into Kellan, who gladly stopped her from falling. Amber moved closer to Matt to avoid being pushed in return.

“Why do I get the feeling we just missed an entire conversation?” Matt asked as he wrapped her arm around Amber’s shoulder and looked at Kellan.

“Because we did. These two have entire conversations in their own language.” Kellan laughed and looked down at Alyce with a grin.

“Yes, yes we do! And no one will ever know our language!” Alyce added in an evil laugh for dramatic measure.

Amber looked up at Matt and mouthed out “I’ll tell you later.” They had reached the elevator and the two best friends immediately jumped to press the down button before the other. “Ha!” Amber laughed when she succeeded.

“Shut up, you may have won this time but next time victory shall be mine!” The other people who were waiting for the elevator looked over at Amber and Alyce like they’d just escaped from a mental institution. “Why do people always look at us like that?”

“That is a good question, if you ever figure out an answer let me know okay?”


It was around 4 a.m. when Matt and Amber walked back into the hotel room. “For the record that was awesome!” She stated as she unzipped her suitcase so she could get out her pajamas. Here in Vegas with Matt it seemed like everything that had happened now two days ago seemed like months ago and she loved that feeling.

“Agreed.” Matt smiled at her before she disappeared into the bathroom to change. By the time she came back out Matt was already in one of the two queen size beds in the room. Amber looked between the bed that was occupied by Matt and the empty one, several different thoughts running quickly through her mind.

Matt watched as Amber looked between the bed he was lying in and the empty one, a look of indecision etched into her face. He would have asked what she was thinking about but he found the expression on her face entertaining and cute. Finally he opened his mouth to ask, but realized that she had made up her mind and was walking forward.

Making up her mind Amber walked forward and towards the bed Matt had already claimed. He smiled noticing that she’d made up her mind and rolled over a bit so she could join him. Amber pulled the covers back and crawled in next to Matt. “You don’t care do you?”
“Amber why in the hell would I care?” Amber could hear that Matt was holding back the laughter as he spoke. She rolled over, snuggling herself up against Matt.

“Does this bother you?”

“Not at all.”

“Good.” Matt reached over and turned off the lamp they’d turned on and then sunk back down in bed next to Amber. He let his arm rest around her and she smiled to herself. Amber realized how close they were by the fact that his breath was gently brushing against her cheek and moved her head over slightly. It only took a second for her lips to find his and capture them in a kiss.

“I love you Amber.” Matt whispered pulling away from the kiss and resting his forehead against hers.

“I love you too Matt.” Amber’s thoughts suddenly drifted back to some of the contents in her suitcase and her heart rate increased. She suddenly realized that with how close she was to Matt he would probably be able to notice the change and tried her hardest to calm herself down.

“Amber what’s wrong?” Matt had already noticed the change in Amber’s heart rate and the fact that her entire body had tensed up.

“Nothing, I was just thinking about what we are going to do when we get back. I mean with the whole my dad and Aaron thing.”

“Please just forget about it while we are here. After all we are here to get away from all of that, not thinking about it.” Matt’s sigh made Amber feel bad for not telling him what was really going on.

“You are right.” She kissed him again, and then settled her head back on the pillow. The dark curtains blocked the bright lights of the city, although Amber really enjoyed seeing them, and made it easier for her to feel like she could easily sleep.

“Amber?” Matt’s voice asked as she slowly began to drift off to sleep. She nuzzled her head against the pillow before responding.

“Hum?” She didn’t open her eyes since it was dark anyway.

“Sorry I didn’t know that you were falling asleep already. Night.”

“Night Matt.” Amber once again closed her eyes and began to drift off to sleep. Matt waited until her breathing deepened and her body was free of any tension so that he knew she was sound asleep before he turned on one of the lamps.
Matt knew that Amber was a sound sleeper and the light wouldn’t wake her up. Some of her hair had fallen over the side of her face even though she’d pulled it up into a messy ponytail and he gently pushed it back behind her ear. “Oh Amber what did we get ourselves into?” He asked in a whisper.

The same anger built up inside of him again as he thought of what Aaron had done to her not even a full two days before. The anger quickly faded away again as he looked back at Amber though. He kissed her cheek before turning the lamp off and settling in to get some sleep as well.


The next morning when Amber woke up Matt was still soundly asleep, so she laid her head back down and closed her eyes not wanting to wake him up. She had glanced over at the clock to see that it was 10 in the morning and knew her phone would soon go off with a text from Alyce. She never slept late and Amber wondered why.

As her thoughts got the best of her she drifted into her own little world, until the sound of her phone vibrating on the nightstand sounded. She reached back to grab it and flip it open. R u up yet? You wanna go grab some coffee at Starbucks? Amber hit reply to send Alyce a message back.

I just woke up so I’d have to grab a shower and I’m not out of bed yet. Are you willing to wait? She hit send and closed her phone to wait for the reply she knew would soon come through. It didn’t take Alyce long at all.

Yeah. Is Matt going to come?

I don’t think so, he’s still asleep. Is Kellan?

Doubt it, still asleep too. Text me when you are ready and I’ll meet you at the elevator in the lobby. Amber sent a quick okay back and sat her phone back on the nightstand before slipping out from under Matt’s arm and standing up.

“Amber?” Matt asked slowly coming to.

“Sorry Matt I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“It’s okay. I needed to anyway.”

“Hey I’m going to go grab a coffee with Alyce. You wanna come?”

“Nah you go ahead. I think I’m going to get some more sleep. I’ll be awake when you get back okay?”

“No need to hurry for me.” About 30 minutes later the elevator doors opened in the lobby and Amber walked out to find Alyce waiting. “Morning.”

“Morning non-bubbly person.” Alyce waved before the two set off to find the Starbucks they’d saw the previous night. When they found it they ordered their coffees and sat down at one of the tables in front of it. “So what happened last night?”

“Nothing happened Alyce. We went to bed. That is it. Okay well we talked while we laid in bed but that is it.” Amber took a drink of the coffee before looking back at her friend. “What happened with you and Kellan?”

“Nothing. We don’t do those types of things.” Alyce took a drink of her coffee and grinned evilly. “Do you and Matt do said types of things?”

“No Alyce, we don’t.” Amber laughed and took a bite of the pastry she’d gotten with her coffee before continuing. “Why do you ask anyway?” She knew the reason why but wanted to hear it from Alyce’s mouth.

“Lets see, because I like to know everything.” The two grinned at each other and then turned their attention to their coffees and pastries allowing several minutes to pass before saying anything else. They were both wrapped up in their own thoughts and didn’t feel like sharing them aloud.

“You know we should all go to the pool today.” Amber suggested suddenly several minutes later as the two were finishing up.

“We should. I’m sure the guys would like that one.” Amber rolled her eyes at Alyce and laughed before finishing off her coffee and standing up to throw the empty cup and the paper bag from her pastry away.

“I guess I’ll see you down there then.”

“Deal.” At the elevators the two went their own ways, going to the floors they were staying on. Matt was in the shower when Amber reached the room so she went to the window again to look outside.

“Hey I didn’t think you’d be back already.” Matt said when he walked out of the bathroom pulling a shirt on.

“Yeah the coffee didn’t take long. Hey do you wanna go down to the pool? I think I’m going to go down there and hang out with Alyce for a while.”

“Yeah just give me a few minutes.” Amber thought once again of the one thing that no one besides herself had thought about and shook the thought away again for now. It wasn’t the time for it, instead it was time to go have fun and forget everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this one is kind of a filler...
Thank to everyone who reads/comments/subscribes! And a huge thanks to all the wonderful people who take the time to leave me amazing comments!! Oh and if you want to read an awesome M.Shadows story then click here!!!