My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“You know what? I changed my mind Alyce. I’m going to go put my jeans and tee shirt back on.” Amber said as she clutched the beach towel tightly around her. Alyce had her towel draped over one of her arms as the two stood next to the pool, the guys already in the water, and rolled her eyes.

“Amber let the towel go. You are already here.”

“No, I’m not letting it go. And what is your point?”

“Oh for the love of the llamas!” Alyce’s hands clamped onto the towel from Amber’s back and pulled, ripping the towel away from Amber.

“You! Give that back!” Amber turned to Alyce and glared.

“Not unless you promise to just hold it.”

“Alright, alright. Just give me the damn thing!”

“Here you go.”

“You know there are times when I really don’t like you.”

“Yeah I know.”

“Then why do you continue to do things that make me really not like you?”

“Because someone’s gotta do it, that’s why.”

“I had something big to tell you but now I’m not going to.” Amber and Alyce glared at each other for a moment, smiles threatening to erupt over their faces.

“Tell me now Amber Davis!”

“Nope, since you ripped my towel away I’m going to get into the pool with the guys.”

“Will you tell me later?”

“Nope.” Alyce kept glaring at Amber as they jumped into the pool and swam over to the guys. Amber smirked at Alyce before looking back at Matt. Alyce caught the hidden message and smirked at her friend before looking back at Kellan. Had the guys not been right there they would have continued their silent argument, which was sure to continue vocally later that day.

“So Kellan and I are leaving in the morning.” Alyce told Amber the next night as they talked on their cell phones.

“Really?” Amber felt guilty that she wasn’t extremely upset about this turn of event. But to go through with her plan she needed to be alone with Matt. And to go through with it she knew that no one they knew could be anywhere around.

“God Amber, you could at least sound upset.” Alyce was trying to sound disappointed but secretly she was laughing.

“I can hear your laughing Alyce. And I’m sorry I wish I could.”

“Oh don’t worry about it. Just have fun. I’ll see you whenever you get back.”

“See ya.” Upon closing her phone Amber plopped back on the bed and smiled to herself. Her plan was starting to look like it might be possible after all, as long as she didn’t chicken out at the last minute.

“What did I miss?” Matt asked walking in and handing Amber a bottle of water.

“This is going to sound horrible of me, but Alyce and Kellan are leaving in the morning!”

“And it sounds horrible because you are happy about it?”

“Basically yeah.”

“It doesn’t sound horrible.”

“Well anyway are you ready to go?”

“After you.”

It was around 4:30 or 5 a.m. when they two finally made it back to their hotel room, and as soon as they walked in Amber went to her bag. “I feel so tired.” Amber pulled out her pajamas as Matt pulled his shirt off.

“That makes two of us.” Matt agreed as she smiled before disappearing into the bathroom to change into the pajamas she held. Meanwhile Matt slid on a pair of sweat pants and crawled into the bed the two had shared the previous two nights. When Amber appeared from the bathroom Matt pulled the covers back and she smiled before placing her worn clothes on top of her suitcase and crawling in beside her boyfriend.

As soon as they were settled in Matt turned the lamp that had been the main source of light off and placed his arm over Amber. She smiled to herself at the feeling of his arm and nuzzled her head into the pillow as her back rested comfortably against his chest. Matt moved enough so that he could place a gentle kiss to her cheek before settling his head back onto the pillow. The two didn’t bother saying another word, instead they just drifted off into each their own dreamless worlds of sleep.


Amber woke up the next morning around 11 and looked up at Matt, who was still asleep. Sometime during the night she’d rolled over so they were facing each other, although of this she had no memory considering how soundly she’d slept. She smiled at him and laid her head back down on the pillow. She felt her nerves bubble back up when she realized that that night would be the best time to bring up her plan to Matt.

“What time is it?” Matt asked with a grumble as he opened his eyes slightly to see Amber. He liked waking up to her in the morning.

“It’s 11.” She answered before quickly kissing his lips.

“Already?” She laughed and rolled her eyes, causing Matt to smile. “So did Alyce and Kellan already leave?”

“I’m not sure, let me check.” Amber reached back and grabbed her cell phone off the night stand. When she flipped it open she saw 1 New Message “I think so, I have a new text. Lets see what it says.” She selected read and the text opened.

Okay Kellan and I are leaving. See ya when ya get home! Amber decided to text her back later and closed her cell phone, before she looked back at Matt again.

“Yeah they left about an hour ago. I’m shocked, she didn’t tell me to behave.” This drew a chuckle from Matt who smiled at Amber.

“Does she need to?”

“Need to or not, she usually does anyway.”

“Very true.”

“Exactly. So what do you want to do today?”

“I don’t care. Any idea?”

“Nope, whatever works for me.”

“So I guess we’ll just go wonder around then huh?”

“Works for me. I’m going to go take a shower.”
“Okay.” After Amber got out Matt went to take one so they could leave. While Matt was in the shower Amber sat there thinking about what had been on her mind since they’d arrived. Now all the possibilities flying through her she almost didn’t notice when Matt reappeared. “What are you thinking about Amber?”

“Nothing important, I was just thinking about a lot of stuff.” Amber smiled and stood up before kissing Matt.

“Okay so are you ready?”

“Yeah, lets get out of here.” After finding food the two set off to go find something to entertain themselves for the afternoon. Of course while they were staying busy Amber’s mind was on a completely different subject of thought.

Matt and Amber found themselves at the Hard Rock café for dinner and that is when Amber’s cell phone went off. She flipped it open to find a new text from Alyce. So how is it going over there?

It is going great. How do you think it is going? How are things at home, do you know yet? I mean with my house?

I don’t really know yet. I’ll let you know when I find out though okay?

Okay thanks

Yup. Have fun!

“We are going to go back to the hotel room before we head anywhere else right?” Amber asked suddenly, knowing she needed to take any opportunity that she could.

“You don’t need to ask, just tell me you want to.” She smiled at Matt’s answer. As soon as they finished they headed back to the hotel. She needed to get Matt out of the hotel room for a minute though so she could take a few deep breaths before saying what she needed to.

“Hey Matt can you go grab me a bottle of water from the vending machine we passed?” She asked innocently as soon as they were in the room.

“Yeah I’ll be right back.” As soon as the door closed she drew in several deep breaths and sat down. She was nervous at the moment but didn’t want to put it off any longer. So the second the door opened back up a few minutes later she knew this was it.


“Mom?” Lisa asked when she found her mom in the kitchen that night.
“Yeah sweetie?” Esme looked up and smiled at her youngest daughter. The two knew that they could talk openly since Anthony was over at the Marshell’s house.

“Do you think Amber you know likes a guy?” Lisa sat down and looked at him mom, who was now making them each a milkshake, a tradition that normally included Amber. Although lately she hadn’t really been around the house or family as much as she used to be, and Lisa had taken a notice in this.

“What do you mean?” Esme asked before turning on the blender. The two waited as the blender filled the kitchen with noise. Esme thought of the turn that this discussion could take into her eldest daughter’s dark secrets. Lisa however was thinking of how to word her questions.

“Just are there any guys that she likes in that way that you know about?” Lisa asked when the blender was turned off and Esme was pouring the contents into two glasses.

“Yeah there is this one guy, but you’d have to ask her about it.” Esme handed one of the glasses to Lisa and the two moved to the table.

“I knew there was somebody. Do you think she’ll ever be comfortable enough with the family to bring a boyfriend home now? I mean after the whole Aaron thing? I’m just kinda confused about what the hell is going on with dad and her.”

“I’m not sure sweetie. I think if she does its not going to go over well. Dad loves her, a lot, but he is trying too hard to push her into doing what he thinks it right. I don’t think he realizes that he is pushing her a way.”

“What is going to happen mom?”

“I don’t know sweetheart. I just don’t know.”

“Can I ask one more thing?”

“Of course.”

“What is this whole thing with the Sanders and their side? Why are we supposed to hate them?” Lisa took a large sip of the milkshake as she waited for an answer.

“Really I’m not sure.” Esme answered honestly before she started to drink her own milkshake, and think about the things that Lisa had brought to her mind.


“Here you go.” Matt handed her the bottle of water and she smiled.

“Thanks.” She twisted off the cap and took a few large drinks before replacing the lid and setting it on a near by table. “Matt I want to talk to you about something.”

“Okay. Is something wrong?” Matt sat down next to her and braced himself for the worst.

“You remember when my parents were out of town and you kind of dropped the idea that if it was the only way we could stay together you’d be willing to get married?”

“Of course I remember.”

“And do you still stand behind that?”

“Of course I do.” As soon as the answer was out of his mouth Amber stood up and walked over to her bag. She unzipped it and reached under her clothes to pull out the camcorder, which was one of the secret items she’d brought, and sat back down by Matt.

“I want to record a message to show to my dad. Maybe explain some stuff to him without having to deal with it. Either that or have the ceremony recorded.”

“Amber? Are you trying to say what I think you are?”

Amber sat the camcorder next to her on the bed next to her, took a deep breath, and looked up at Matt. “I think I might be, I mean I think I’m ready to get married Matt. I think I might want to take you up on that offer you made.”

“Babe maybe we should talk about this a little more.”

“Matt if you don’t want to I get it.”

“That is not what I’m saying. Amber you haven’t even had your 19th birthday yet. If you are really sure about this then we’ll do it, but we don’t need to rush into this. I promised you that we’d find a way to make this work and I meant it.”

“Yeah, but how Matt? Aaron and I were practically choking each other Saturday night and he didn’t even change his opinion of him over that. We are never going to get him to except us Matt.”

“I’ll make him. It isn’t his life Amber. The only person that can make me stay away from you is you. He isn’t going to keep me away from you, no matter how much he tries. I promise you that. If it is what you really want though, and you are sure, then I’m in. But it should be up to you and if you are ready, not because of who our families are.”

“He is never going to let me be free. Even if Aaron disappeared off the face of the earth it wouldn’t make a difference. And sometimes I think I’m ready for something that big, but other days I think about how young we are. To be honest Matt, I’ve never been the kind to plan on getting married this young.”

“Neither have I. So how about we stop worry about everything while we are here, and just deal with it when it comes up. Then when the time comes for everyone to find out we’ll handle it then. Even if we don’t have a plan.”

“Okay I can agree with that.” Matt smiled and pressed his lips against Amber’s making her heart skip a beat and a smile to form on her lips.

“How about lets get out of here and go have some more fun?”

“Let’s go.”


“Lisa? Esme? What are you two up to?” Anthony asked finding them sitting at the dinning room table, finishing off their milkshakes.

“Just having a milkshake.” Esme answered with a smile.

“Oh I see. Does anyone know where Amber went or who she went with?”

“Why does it matter dad? Because she didn’t go with Aaron?” Lisa crossed her arms over her chest and cut her eyes.

“Esme do you know?”

“She didn’t want to talk about it, so no. She needed away.” Esme answered honestly.

“I don’t understand why she hates Aaron so much. Lisa when she gets back you should talk to her about it, try to talk her into giving him a chance.” Lisa jumped up at his words, completely furious.

“I’m not going to talk to her about him! She hates him because he is an asshole! And if you even cared about her happiness then you wouldn’t be trying to force her into seeing him. The side of him that you see isn’t the real him dad. But would you care even if you could see the real him?”

“For the last time you two are too young to know what is good for you, so do not go there with me young lady!”

“I can’t wait until I’m 18 like Amber!” Lisa cut her eyes at her father before hugging her mom and running up to her room, slamming the door behind her. She laid down on her bed and sighed deeply feeling more confused than she ever had in her life. She knew few things that she was sure of and the one that weighed on her mind the most was that she knew Aaron had done something horrible, but she didn’t know what.


“Frankly cabs in Vegas scare me sometimes.” Amber admitted in a whisper as the two stood outside the Hard Rock hotel, waiting to get a cab so they could go back to the hotel they were staying at.

“Why?” Matt asked with a chuckle.

“Some of the drivers just scare me. Just the driving in the traffic I guess. I don’t know.” She shrugged and let his arms wrap around her, knowing they would soon be in a cab on their way back.

“Are you ready to most likely be scared again?” Matt teased as the cab stopped in front of them. Amber rolled her eyes and got into the cab without a word, while Matt grinned. Lucky for Amber this wasn’t one of those rides and the trip back didn’t take long and the two were soon back in their hotel room.

“I can’t believe it is already 5 in the morning again.” Amber mumbled as she turned the lamp off, making the room dark again.

“I’m glad that we came.” Matt’s voice said from behind Amber as his arm draped over her side. She smiled and rolled over so that they were facing each other in the dark.

“Yeah me too. It’s an awesome thing that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas too! I love it here.”

“Me too.”

“But I’m sure you don’t love all the bring lights and shinny things like I do.”

“I’m sure I don’t.” This drew a laugh from both of them before a silence fell over them. Amber’s eyes had closed and she was rapidly losing her conciousness. Matt could tell that she was drifting in and out by her breathing and the fact that every bit of tension in her body kept disappearing. “Night Amber. I love you.” He whispered, so if she was asleep he wouldn’t wake her up.

“Night Matt. I love you too.” She mumbled before closing her eyes and falling asleep soundly. Matt was beginning to drift out now two, and in moments would be sound asleep as well.

The night and the rest of the time in Vegas could have lasted months and the two wouldn’t have minded. They knew that the confrontation that would forever change things was soon coming. And when it came, they’d be ready, even if they didn’t want it.
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Thank to everyone who reads/comments/subscribes! And a huge thanks to all the wonderful people who take the time to leave me amazing comments!!

Oh and I have news about this story! Although I'm not sure when exactly this one will end (and I'm not going to rush to end it either) I have decided that there will be a sequel! So far it is untitled but I have a pretty good idea what it will be about. But I want to ask this first: do you guys want one?