My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Twenty-Nine

After Amber and Matt returned from Vegas things went back to normal, well as normal as they could be. The two were once again hanging out with Alyce and Kellan at the bowling alley, Amber avoiding her dad with the excuse that she was with Alyce. Aaron was being his usual asshole self. And finally the thought of marriage had been pushed from both Amber and Matt’s minds once again.

Amber now stood in her bedroom, taking a final look in the mirror. Tonight was the night. It was the first dinner with both the families since she and Aaron had snapped, so that left her without a clue as to how this would go down. She glanced at the family pendant that hung around her neck and grimaced. The necklace used to just somehow fit on her, it symbolized that she was a part of something, now she was a part of something that she didn’t want to be.

Her fingers ran over the three roses as she closed her eyes and drew in a deep and shaky breath. She felt reality closing in around her and she felt helpless. She needed to see Matt, she had to see Matt. Just as these thoughts raced through her head she heard a vehicle drive up outside and she rushed to the window, pulling the curtains back. She saw Matt getting out of the large black SUV and sighed in relief the second he looked up and smiled at her window.

“Amber!” Anthony’s voice floated up as she was already headed for her bedroom door and the stairs. She reached the living room just as her dad opened the door, revealing Matt’s parents. Amber and Matt had just went through with their usual greeting when the door opened and Alyce burst in ahead of her parents.

“I am here! Now let the party begin!” She threw her arms out, putting on her “diva” act, as Amber liked to call it. Amber looked at her best friend and rolled her eyes with a head shake. Alyce dropped her arms and placed her hands on her hips, staring directly at Amber and giving her the “Alyce” look.

“You are such a drama queen.” Amber laughed, knowing that with Alyce there at least some of the tension would be eased. The laughing burst out from the girls at nothing and Matt coughed to hid the fact that he was laughing as well, just because Amber was.

“Aw I’m missing the party!” Aaron stated coming in the door behind his parents.

“Well you are here now so any party that was to be had is now over. You killed it the second you walked in that door.” Amber spat at him before rolling her eyes.

“Amber please, do not start tonight.” Anthony made each word ring out clearly as he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Amber’s response just slid through, even though she hadn’t meant to say anything.

“Alright I’ll play the daddy’s good little girl card tonight then and keep my mouth shut.” She immediately slapped her hand over her mouth as her eyes grew wide. She hadn’t meant to actually say it out loud, much less in front of Matt’s parents. But they both smiled slightly to themselves and she almost sighed in relief. The last thing she and Matt needed was for them to change their minds.

“You should keep your mouth shut Amber, all the time. Like a good fiancée for me, because it is only a matter of time.” Aaron’s words fueled the anger that flowed through Amber like a river. She cut her eyes and her hands balled into fists, much like Matt’s already had.

“Eat shit and die.” She smiled sweetly at him, secretly challenging him to lay a single finger on her so she could beat the crap out of him. He smirked back at her and opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off quickly.

“Lets just go to the dinning room shall we?” Anthony suggested, getting an agreement from everyone except Amber, Matt, Aaron, Alyce, and Kellan who had just arrived. In the dinning room Amber took a seat beside Matt, but Aaron grabbed the one next to her. Alyce sat on the other side of Aaron, ready to make up a cover story when Amber snapped at him.

It wasn’t long after dinner began that the rude comments started flowing, this time Anthony just kept talking and ignored the two, and Amber’s temper soared quickly. Alyce and Kellan were watching in suspense as they waited for Amber to blow. Alyce was quickly forming a distraction plan, and Kellan was just waiting to back her up.

Matt’s fists were clenched as tightly as humanly possible, as the anger pulsing through him made the vain in his neck become more visible against his skin. Matt felt his dad pat his shoulder as he watched Aaron like a hawk watching its prey, just waiting for him to touch Amber. And Matt knew the dirt bag was going to.

“I’m not sure how much longer we want to keep this up though, I mean both sides working so closely together.” Anthony stated looking at Mr. Sanders. Amber’s head would have snapped around but she was too busy fighting with Aaron to hear any outside comments. Matt’s anger was suddenly forgotten as he looked at his dad, silently begging him to find a way to put this off. He and Amber hadn’t figured everything out yet and they needed more time. If only a few more weeks.

“Well actually I was looking over the records and we’ve gotten more targets in these past few months than either of us had caught last year,” Mr. Sanders responded calmly, causing his son to hold in a sigh of relief. “so I vote we keep it up for at least another two months or so. The more we get the better right?”

“That you are completely right on. I suppose we’ll talk about this another time then.” Anthony then closed the subject and changed the topic again. As soon as Matt knew that was over for the time being he went back to paying attention to Aaron, making sure he wasn’t threatening Amber in anyway.

“Oh come on Amber. You know you want me.” Aaron told her seductively. Amber scoffed at him and cut her eyes fiercely.

“I would not sleep with you if the survival of mankind rested on it Aaron. I’d rather we all die off forever than get whatever disease you are carrying around.” Amber’s voice lashed out, the words fierce with anger and hatred. Matt smile slightly, enjoying Amber’s choice in words.

“I am going to laugh when you are forced to take that back.”

“Die evil creature, your evil powers are not welcome or work here. Be gone.” Amber told him sarcastically and took a bite of her food and a drink of the raspberry ice tea. She was rather pleased with herself. She had some self-control left. She hadn’t pulverized him yet.

The two finally remained silent, allowing Matt to rest his hand on Amber’s knee. She placed her hand over his and wrote out “I love you” on the back of his hand with the tip of her finger. Alyce and Kellan were lost in their own conversation with each other now, completely content that they were in their own little world again. Everyone else was also branched off into their conversations, not paying attention to the others.

The only four who were left silent at the huge table were Matt, Amber, Lisa, and Aaron. Lisa didn’t feel like talking much with her friend who was next to her, she’d been involved in Amber and Aaron’s earlier fight, and was contently eating her food. Matt and Amber didn’t feel the need to talk, so long as Matt’s hand was near hers. Aaron was left with no other choice, seeing as everyone else at the table had shunned him basically.

Amber was contently drawing gentle circles in the palm of Matt’s hand when it happened. She suddenly felt something moving up her right leg. At first she wasn’t sure what in the hell it was, but seconds later she realized it was a hand. Worse it was Aaron’s hand. By the time she’d snapped the hand had made it’s way to her inner thigh.

She flew up from her chair and slapped Aaron so hard across the face that everyone in the room stopped talking and looked at them. “Don’t you ever touch me again you pervert!” Amber snarled and slapped him just as hard a second time. Aaron and Alyce stood up at the same time.

“And don’t touch me like that again either!” Alyce told him and slapped him just as hard, making sure that both sides of his face showed handprints on his skin.

“What is going on?” Anthony asked, not wanting to hear the answer.

“He was placing his dirty perverted hand were it shouldn’t be and he is lucky that I’m going cutting off his-” Amber was cut off by Anthony again.
“Aaron apologize to my daughter, now.” Amber’s jaw fell open and Matt, Alyce, and Kellen’s eyes all grew wide. Lisa dropped her fork and stared dumbfounded at her father. Aaron looked at him completely confused.

“I’m sorry Amber,” Aaron said through clenched teeth at her, not meaning it at all. “I know things like that should be saved until marriage.” Anthony smiled, satisfied with Aaron again. Amber however opened her mouth to speak but this time Alyce cut in.

“And you don’t do that to a girl! I mean all I want is to be with Kellan and love him. Isn’t that what every girl wants? No one wants to be practically felt up under the table by some guy! No one! And it is just so sad when two people are pushed together against their will,” Alyce ranted on, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “if I didn’t have Kellan and was forced with some guy I didn’t even like then I might die. Die of the pain and the loneliness, and the heartbreak and oh it is just horrible! Kellan,” The tears started falling from her eyes and running down her cheeks. “I love you.”

Amber watched with her arms crossed over her chest as Alyce pulled off the perfect distraction and drama queen moment. However Amber was far too angry to enjoy watching her friend pull it off so perfectly. She did make a mental note of how good Alyce had gotten at this in the past years though.

Aaron smirked at Amber without anyone except she and Matt seeing and this was the final straw. Amber looked over at Matt, who was still sitting down. “Matt will you trade me spots? I can’t stand to be close to that thing anymore.”

“Yeah of course Amber.” The two traded and switched their remaining dinner to their new spots. Amber looked over at Matt’s dad who smile at her warmly and she realized she missed it when her own dad had done this. That only made her even more angry.

The rest of dinner was silent and after they finished eating Matt and Amber went back to what they had been doing, this time without interruption. “Amber will you help me get the cake cut up and served? You two Lisa?” Esme asked standing up.

“Yeah mom.” The Davis sisters answered as they stood up. The two followed Esme into the kitchen where they got the plates for everyone as their mom cut into one of the two large cakes she’d made that afternoon. After they were doing getting the cake on the plates everyone came in to grab a slice before returning to the dinning room.

It was later that night, as everyone stood around talking in the living room, when Amber noticed the evil gleam in Aaron’s eyes. He was planning something and she knew it. She needed a drink of water and said she’d be right back before disappearing into the kitchen. After taking several long sips of the cold water she headed back towards the living room, before being grabbed and pulled into the dinning room.

The room was dark so at first she didn’t know who exactly had pulled her aside, until the light came on that is. “What do you want?!” She hissed violently pushing Aaron away as he laughed.

“Hold still and listen,” He warned pushing her against the wall. “and don’t even think about screaming.”

“I can take you myself Aaron, I don’t need help.”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You see we both know that you know what exactly I am capable of, after what happened with Beth.”

“Don’t you even say her name you scum bag!”

“Shh,” He placed a finger to his lips before bringing his face closer to Amber’s. “you don’t want to make this any worse now Amber. We both know what I can do, and we both know that I’m not above doing it again. Which reminds me that I would do horrible things to you if this house wasn’t full of people. I’m tired of playing games.” He lifted a hand and swept a strand of hair behind Amber’s ear, making her flinch from his touch and him to laugh quietly to himself.

“Touch me again and I swear I’ll pay someone to cut off your favorite body part while you are sleeping you asshole.” Amber warned, her eyes gleaming in furry.

“I’m shaking, I really am. Now shut up and listen to me, or else. Now as I was saying we both know what I am willing to do, and I think you know how much I enjoy it. It really is a shame that there are so many people here tonight, you look so pretty tonight.” He ran a finger down her cheek and she slapped him across the face. “Ah ah ah, none of that.

“Anyway as I was saying before you so rudely slapped me we both know what I can and will do. Now I’m tired of having to play games with you in order to make you realize that you belong to me. So here are your options: option one, you accept that you are mine and agree to whatever I want you today. Option two, you keep this up and I’ll take your sister’s innocence and do to her exactly what I did to Beth, and then I’ll come after you. I’m going to give you a month or so to decide and then I’ll act accordingly. The clock starts ticking right now Amber.” He released her shoulders and back away slowly before Amber snapped.

“You lay so much as a finger on her and I will kill you, I swear I will! And I promise you it will be slow you no good, scum bag, piece of shit! You know why you have to resort to raping girls? Huh? Do you? It is because you think you are all this and every female on the face of the earth realizes that you aren’t good for damn thing, that you are a coward! You beat the shit out of them because you can’t grow a pair and stand up to a man, hell you couldn’t stand up to a nine year old boy!” Amber’s voice lashed out violently and he punched her swiftly in the gut, knocking out her air supply.

“You shut up you useless bitch! Just shut up!” He stormed out, leaving Amber to slid down the wall and clutch her stomach as she gasped for air. The tears were starting to leak out from her eyes as she hid her face in her knees, not realizing that the room was now dark again. Instead she forgot about the fact that everyone was there, the fact that she wasn’t afraid of Aaron, and let the fear take over. Not only fear for Lisa, but for Matt, and herself. And she finally cried.


“Zack have you saw Amber? She said she was going to get a glass of water about 15 minutes ago and she’s not back out here yet.” Matt asked in one breath, a horrible feeling closing in on him.

“Nah man and Alyce just left. I haven’t saw her either.” Zacky answered glancing around again, his eyes landing on Aaron. Aaron had returned several minutes before, looking completely pissed off and it clicked suddenly.

“If anyone asks I went to the bathroom got it? I’ve got to find her-” Matt started before Zacky cut him off.

“Look at that asshole, he did something.” Zacky pointed to Aaron and Matt’s head snapped over. Anger immediately consumed Matt but he couldn’t focus on it at the moment, he had to find Amber.

“Yeah. I’ve gotta find her Zack.”

“Go, I’ll cover for you if anyone asks. Just go!” Zacky pushed his best friend and Matt disappeared into the kitchen. It was easier to hear without everyone talking around him, so it didn’t take him long to hear the sobs. He followed them into the dinning room and turned the light on, stunned by what he saw.

Amber was sitting on the floor, her back pressed against the wall with her knees drawn to her chest and her face hidden on them, cry so hard she was shaking. “Amber?” Matt asked, she could say anything over the crying but she looked up before hiding her face again. “Baby talk to me. What happened?” Matt sat down next to her and pulled her face up so she was looking at him.

“M-matt?” She asked taking deep breaths before the sobs shook her body violently again. She pulled her head away and hid it again so he couldn’t see her. So instead of trying to get her to talk he pulled her onto his lap and just waited, gently kissing the top of her head now and then as he prayed she’d be able to talk soon. The sobs finally slowed down somewhat although she wasn’t talking yet.

“What happened? Did he hurt you? Amber did he-” Matt struggled to get the words out of his mouth, unsure what he would do if Aaron had. “did he rape you?” He took in a deep breath as he awaited the answer.

“N-no, not y-yet.” Amber answered shakily as she closed her eyes to stop any more tears. “He just threatened and punched me really hard.”

“He punched you? Where?”

“In my stomach to shut me up,” Amber lifted her head to look at Matt. “he said if I don’t surrender to him that he’ll do what he did to Beth to Lisa then come after me. Matt I’m scared. I’m actually scared.”

“Amber,” Matt wiped the remaining tears off her cheeks, hating that she was in so much pain over this. “he isn’t going to touch you. I won’t let him. And I won’t let him touch your sister either. It is going to be okay. I promise.”

“Matt no one can stop him! You can’t stop him unless we are willing to never be able to see each other again! I have to stop him, it has to be me because this is all about me.”

“You aren’t going anywhere near him Amber. I don’t want you hurt like that.”

“I don’t know how I’m going to stop him but I have to find away Matt! It is the only way Lisa will be safe! The only way I’ll be safe!” Matt stopped her from going on anymore when he pressed his lips against hers and pulled her as close to his body as he could.

“I’m not going to let you get hurt. I won’t let him hurt you or Lisa. I won’t Amber, but you have to trust me.” Matt told her as he pulled his lips from hers and allowed his forehead to rest against hers.

“I do trust you.” Amber placed her hand on his cheek and looked into his beautiful hazel eyes, wishing that they weren’t hiding. Wishing deeply that they didn’t have to.


Amber had told Matt to go back into the living room while she stayed in the kitchen, holding a paper towel that was wet with cold water to her eyes to reduce that redness and puffiness. She was finally feeling more in control of herself that she had since she’d finally broke down, feeling more like herself. Now all she needed was a plan.

Finally she removed the paper towels and took a deep breath, preparing herself to face everyone again. Matt was waiting close to the kitchen entry way, making sure Aaron didn’t go to bother Amber again, and she smiled when she saw him. “Amber you are back just in time! Everyone is leaving.” Anthony told her.

She went through with the normal goodbyes with everyone and waited until the house cleared out before she disappeared up to her room to take a shower. She had to get Aaron’s germs off her skin as the thought made her stomach turn. She turned on the hot water and allowed it to heat up before she climbed in.

When she got out she slipped into her favorite pair of pajamas and opened the bathroom door, allowing the steam to fill her room. She sat down on her bed and pulled Willow into her lap as the cat began purring. Amber watched as the cat slowly fell back asleep before she pulled the covers back and got under them, taking Willow with her.

She reached back and grabbed her phone as the cat placed her head on Amber’s spare pillow. The silence was comforting, even though she could hear voices from down stairs, but she still turned her stereo on low so the sounds of Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters filled her room. She flipped open her phone and scrolled through her contacts list before pausing on the number that she wanted to call. That she had to call.

She sighed and flipped her phone closed as she decided that she’d make the necessary phone call tomorrow, when she wasn’t still reeling over what had happened not even 3 hours ago. By then she could think clearly about everything. Not that she needed to, she knew what she was going to have to do. No matter how much she didn’t want to it was the only way.


Matt laid in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was still worried about Amber and couldn’t go any longer without knowing what she was doing. He opened his phone and sent her a text message. Amber are you okay?

He waited for a reply text message and hurried to read it when his phone went off. Yeah I’m ok. I’m calming down again so I can think. I’m sorry you had to see me breakdown like that tonight Matt, I really am.

You don’t ever have to be sorry for that Amber, you should know that.

Yeah I know. I think I’m going to try and get some sleep. Ok. Good night. I love you.

Night Matt. I love you too.

Matt closed his cell phone and his eyes at the same time. So far he hadn’t come up with a plan that didn’t involve doing anything to Aaron that was illegal. And he knew Amber wouldn’t go for any of them. Finally he ended up falling asleep, still thinking about everything that had or was going to happen.

The next day however a plan would form, and it was a plan that would forever change both Amber and his lives forever. And possibly protect both of the Davis sisters.
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Thanks to everyone who reads/comments/subscribes! And a huge thanks to all the wonderful people who take the time to leave me amazing comments!!