My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Three

One Month Later
As Amber and Matt found out, one month can change everything. Since the night they met they had at least talked to each other ever day. Anytime they could spend time together, they took it and would find a way to see each other.

Alyce had been the first to point it out to Amber that Matt had become her boyfriend, and Amber had welcomed the idea. She even liked the sound of it. Likewise Zacky had been the first to point it out to Matt hat Amber had become his girlfriend, and he too welcomed the idea. He liked the sound of it too.

But one problem remained. Amber was a Davis. And Matt was a Sanders.


Amber didn’t feel like getting up yet, so she just sat up in her bed and looked around. Her bedroom was her favorite room in the huge house. The furniture was all black, the comforter on her bed was black and dark red with matching sheets and curtains, and the walls were still white.

She looked over to her nightstand and saw the single black rose Matt had given her the previous night. She picked it up and inhaled the scent. The very thought of him made her smile. She knew that her phone would ring soon and it would either be Matt or Alyce. With a final sniff of the rose she laid it back on her nightstand..

She heard her 16 year old sister’s squeals from down the hallway as she talked to her friends. It was a Saturday so her parents were both home. One thing was for sure, Amber was no ordinary 18 year old.

She suddenly heard her phone vibrating on her nightstand. She saw it was Alyce and flipped it open. “I want to know everything. Start at the beginning.” Alyce told her instantly.


As soon as Matt woke up he reached for his phone so he could call Amber. He did this every morning. It rand a few times before it went to voicemail.

“Hey this is Amber, leave me a message and I’ll call you back when I feel like it.” Her greeting said making Matt smile.


“Morning gorgeous. I just wanted to tell you good morning. Call me later.” He then closed his phone and sat it on the nightstand again. It was a few seconds later when it buzzed. He grabbed it and flipped it open to find a text from Amber.

I’m talking to Alyce, she is catching me up on stuff from last night that I missed. Call u in a bit.

Matt smiled to himself and turned on his TV, knowing it wouldn’t be long until she called him. They talked as much as they could. He missed her when they didn’t get to see each other and knew she missed him. It only took a few minutes for his phone to ring.


“So how was your date with Kellan last night?” Amber asked as she laid back onto the mound of pillows she’d set up while telling Alyce about her night with Matt.

“It was as wonderful as always.” Alyce said with a content sigh. Amber rolled her eyes, she wasn’t even that bad and at the moment she was like a love sick puppy. “Have I told you what an amazing kisser he is yet? The way that his lips move against mine and the way his tongue feels when-” Amber cut her off there.

“EW! Alyce! Ew! I don’t need those details!”

“You are just ruining my fun you know that?”

“Well I’m sorry.”

“I just get carried away thinking of him.” Amber heard her call waiting go off. She saw it was Matt and smiled. “Like you don’t get carried away with thinking of Matt. I know you do.”

“But I don’t give you details of a make-out session.”

“You’ve had a make-out session with him!?”

“No comment!” Amber heard Alyce fall off her bed in shock and laughed to her self.
“Hang on for a sec.” She quickly sent Matt a text promising to call him in a few minutes. “Still there Alyce?”
“Yes! Details! Now!”

“How about no details?”

“I will come over there and beat it out of you if I have to. When?”

“It’s wasn’t a make-out session, per say.”

“Per say huh? What was it then?”

“A very nice lip lock?”

“Liar. Where?”

“A dark room.”

“Ew, Amber, ew.”

“Uh, it was a movie theater.”

“Cliché. What movie?”

“The one the night before last. It was a crappy movie. We got board.”

“Obviously. Now how was it?”

“How do you think?”

“It couldn’t have been better than mine last night with Kellan.”

“I repeat I don’t need details. And further more you are disgusting right now.”

“You don’t know the details I could give you.”


“Matt called didn’t he?”

“Yeah. How’d you know?”

“You sound anxious. Call him. But call me back after. I want those details Amber. I mean it. And I will get them.” With that the line went dead. Amber looked at her phone and laughed. That was Alyce for you. The call ended screen went away and her wallpaper reappeared. It was a picture of Matt at the moment. The outside was of Alyce being retarded.
No one ever thought to look inside. She hit Matt’s speed-dial number and lifted the phone to her ear and listened to the ringing. It didn’t take long for him to answer.


“Morning. How was your night?”

“After I came home, it sucked. Yours?”

“The same.”

“I’m sorry.” She smiled and rolled her eyes. “So what are you doing right now?”

“Lying on my bed and talking to you.”

“Add TV and the same. How’s Alyce?” Amber once again smiled. Matt had grown to like her crazy best friend, and like everyone else found her funny and entertaining.

“She was giving me details and her date with Kellan that I didn’t want. I’ll leave it at that and spare you the gore.” She heard him chuckle after she said that.

“So it was graphic details huh?”

“Too graphic for me. I do not want to hear about them making out.”

“Can’t say I blame you.”

“I knew that you would say that.”

“You know me well.”

“So I do. So I do. You wanna hang out today?”

“I’m not sure if I can get away today. I don’t want to push it.”

“I hate this.”

“So do I. But you know what would happen if anyone found out.”

“Yeah I know, but it doesn’t change anything.”

“I know.”

“Amber! Breakfast!” Esme’s voice broke though Amber’s haze and snapped her back to reality. She didn’t want to go, but if she didn’t it would seem oddly out of place.
“I’ve gotta go. I’ll text you later and maybe we can hang out.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye.” They hung up and she made herself get out of bed and go down stairs. Lisa was already at the table with her friends and they already had their plates. Her dad was sitting at the table already as well and her mom was just sitting down.

Amber got her plate and took her seat. As she ate her pancakes she couldn’t help but think about the night before. She was fighting her smile back so she looked down and acted like she was engrossed in her food although she was no where near interested in it.

“Amber?” Her dad’s voice grabbed her attention and her head snapped up to look at Anthony Davis.

“Yes dad?”

“We are having some families over for dinner tonight.” Her bubble popped. She wouldn’t get to see Matt today.


“One of the families your mom and I were thinking of inviting is the Sanders. What do you think?” Of course in her head she was screaming yes, but on the outside she put on her “I don’t care” act.

“Whatever you think. It doesn’t matter to me.”

“Then I suppose we will invite them.” She wanted to pull her phone out and call Matt at that second, but instead she looked down at her food again. She decided that she would eat her pancakes as fast as she could so she could leave the table and go back to her bedroom. For the first time probably ever, she was looking forwards to a dinner “party” her parents were throwing.

“So uh who else is coming tonight?” Amber asked clearing her throat as she tried to sound nonchalant about even the idea of the night.

“Just a few other families. We are inviting Alyce and her parents of course, since that is what you are wondering. And a few of the families from the Sanders’s side. And of course Lutz family. But I think that will be all.” Mr. Davis answered his daughters question, thinking that she was only interested in her friends and their families.

“Oh I see. That will be nice.” Amber finished the last bite of her pancakes and stood up from the table.


“Matt!” Matt stood up at the sound of his dad’s voice yelling for him from the living room.

“Yeah dad?” Matt asked as he walked into the living a few minutes later.

“I just got a call from Anthony Davis. He and Esme are inviting us over for a dinner party tonight. Along with the Bakers, the Haners, the Sullivans, and the Sewards. I’ve agreed that we will be there.” As soon as Matt heard the news it took everything he had in him not to blow his and Amber’s cover.

“What time?”

“Seven.” As Matt went back up stairs Mr. Sanders thought he noticed something different about his son the second he told him about dinner, but he then shrugged off the idea.