My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Thirty

When Matt woke up the next morning thoughts began flying faster than he could grasp them. He had absolutely no idea how to be sure that Aaron didn’t lay a finger on Amber or Lisa and he didn’t have much time to figure it out either. He thanked God that he didn’t have to work that day, which meant he might actually be able to come up with a plan that was usable.

At first he thought of calling Amber but then he remembered that she was working, so he decided to wait and just call her later. After going downstairs, getting something to eat, and talking to his mom he returned to his room to brainstorm possible ideas. A feeling of unease and worry had set in over him since he’d saw Amber breakdown the previous night and it wouldn’t let up.

After many ideas, which Amber wouldn’t approve of because they would send him to jail, one that was possible hit him and he smiled to himself. It would keep the Davis sisters safe and reveal Aaron for what he was all at once. Now he just had to get Amber to agree.


Amber watched the clock closely, waiting until her shift was over. Alyce had left an hour ago which meant that she was no longer forced to talk about what had happened the previous night. And even though she didn’t want to talk about it she couldn’t wait to get off and go to Matt’s house, only to discuss a plan revolving around the incident.

“You leaving sweetie?” Esme asked as Amber headed towards the door to leave. She already knew that her daughter was going to the Sanders house but they had agreed to not mention it in the store, incase anyone walked in.

“Yeah. I’m going to a friends house.” Amber answered as she hugged her mom and held in the sigh. She and Matt’s feelings for each other were becoming harder and harder to hide as it was, much less with Aaron’s crap pushing things in the wrong direction.

“Have fun. Are you going to be home for dinner?”

“I doubt it.”

“Okay. Be careful.” Amber smiled at her mom and nodded her head before leaving the store. Once in her car she put her seatbelt on and started the car before leaving the parking lot and heading directly for the Sanders house.

The ride was filled with the low sound of music, which was unusual since she usually played loud music, as she drove and allowed thoughts to rush through her head. She didn’t want to admit what Aaron was doing to her but now it was undeniable. Matt knew what she was going through more so now than he ever had, and this thought worried her. Matt would worry about her now and she did not want that.
When she drove up to the Sanders house Matt was already waiting outside. He smiled when she stepped out of her car and felt relief wash over him at seeing her in a normal mood. Her face even lit up when she saw him. “Hey.” He told her as his arms wrapped around her.

“Hey Matt.” She brought her lips to his. He smiled and pulled her even closer to him, not wanting to let go- then they heard a laugh. Matt’s lips pulled from Amber’s and she frowned. She watched as Matt groaned and rolled his eyes.

“We will be inside in a minute Dad, damn.” Matt called over his shoulder, his voice more than slightly agitated. He looked at Amber, who was now smiling and trying to hide her laughter, and unwrapped his arms from her. “I guess we should go inside.”

“Wait a second Matt. What do you want to tell me?”

“It is just a plan dealing with Aaron. I’ll tell you after dinner.”

“Oh okay. Good because I have one to tell you too.”

After dinner Amber followed Matt upstairs to his bedroom, where they both sat down on his bed. She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder as she thought of how quickly time was running out for them. They needed a plan and they needed on fast. “So do you want to go first or should I?” His voice asked, breaking her concentration.

“You go first please.” She didn’t bother moving from her spot as Matt began to explain.

“I thought that maybe we’d talk to my dad about all this, then I can shadow you around and one of the guys can shadow Lisa around for a while to keep you safe. While we are doing that the other guys will follow Aaron around and wait for him to screw up. When he does screw up and do something that we can have proof for we’ll go to your dad and tell him everything, then he’ll hopefully take care of Aaron.”

“That would be a good plan, except for one thing Matt.” Amber began, knowing that they might have to put both their plans together to even get a possible outcome. “Aaron won’t screw up like that in time. He’s an asshole and everything else but he is careful. He has patience and he can wait for long periods of time to carry anything out, and I mean long periods of time. So by the time he’d screw up it would already be too late.”

“Then what is your plan? Maybe we can merge them together.”

“Well there is only one person who can honestly say what he does that I actually know, I’m sure there are more that I don’t know about. So I was going to call Beth and go see her for a visit and ask, no beg if I have too, if she’ll help us. At least by saying what Aaron really is to my dad.”

“If you are really sure about that then I think we might be able to merge our plans together. I mean I’m not thrilled with the idea of you leaving while he’s making threats towards you but it would probably be safer for you anyway. One of the other guys can shadow Lisa and keep her safe while you are gone and the rest of us will shadow Aaron, just in case he does screw up.”

“Then I think we have a plan that just might work. Now I’ve gotta call and talk to Beth, and hope that part works out.”

“I’m sure it will. Come on Amber lets go talk to my dad.” Matt stood up and grabbed Amber’s hand as she joined him before the two went to go find Mr. Sanders. Matt knew where his dad would be and went straight to the den. “Dad?”

“Yeah son?” Mr. Sanders asked looking over at Matt and Amber with a smile on his face. He liked seeing Matt with someone who made him as happy as Amber did, and that was all that mattered to him.

“Can we talk to you about something?”

“Of course.” The pair sat down and Matt looked his dad straight in the eyes before cutting to the chase.

“Aaron isn’t what everyone thinks he is. He is a rapist who loves to beat girls almost to death after he’s done with them. He did it to Amber’s friend a few years ago and now he’s threatening to do the same to Amber and Lisa,” Mr. Sanders’ expression changed as he listened to his son explain things. “and I’m not going to just sit around and wait for him to hurt them. So Amber and I came up with a plan. She’s going to go find her friend and try and get her to explain to Mr. Davis what Aaron really is. But while she is gone I want one of the guys to shadow Lisa and keep her safe while me and the other 3 shadow Aaron incase he screws up. Will you help us?”

“There is no way that I wouldn’t help you two. This dirty bag needs to be taken down and I will do anything I can to help the two of you do that. Amber does your friend know anything yet?” Mr. Sander’s turned to Amber.

“Not yet, I tried calling her this afternoon but her cell was out of service range or something so I’m going to try again in the morning.”

“Okay that is good. Matt you let me know when you want to start as soon as it is decided. If the two of you need anything just ask me.”

“Thanks dad.”

“Thank you so much Mr. Sanders.”

“There is no need to thank me.”


Amber was contently watching TV later that night when her cell phone rang. She grabbed it and looked at the caller-id before hurrying to answer it. “Hello?”

“Hey Amber, it’s me.” Beth’s voice came over the line, making Amber realize that it really was Beth.

“Beth how are you?”

“I’m okay I guess. Better than the last time you saw me, that’s for sure. I got your voicemail message from earlier. What did you do this time?”

“I can’t really talk about it here. I was wondering if I could come out and see you for a while? And catch up on stuff too.”

“Sure! I’m going to a place called Vallecito Lake next week. It’s outside Durango, Colorado. My aunt has a cabin up there and I like to go every year if I can. So could you fly into Denver then catch a flight to Durango and meet me at the airport there next Monday? And maybe stay the week with me?”

“I’d love that. I’ll try and book a flight tonight or tomorrow morning and let you know alright?”

“Okay sounds like a deal to me.”


“I’m not sure I want you to go.” Matt whispered to Amber honestly two nights before her flight left. She smiled to herself and nuzzled her head against his chest, where her head had been resting for the past half hour. He gently rubbed her side as his arm remained around her shoulders and partially over her side.

“I’m not sure I want to go and leave you here all alone either.” She joked making him roll his eyes. “Not with all these other girls who will be throwing themselves at you after you guys play your show Wednesday.”

“Amber I’m serious.” Matt told her as he rolled his eyes again and she sighed. She closed her eyes and listened to his heartbeat for a moment before she bothered to respond.

“We’ve talked about this. I will be out of state, you won’t have to worry about Aaron hurting me. Lisa will be safe at home and you friend Jason will be following Aaron on Wednesday. Matt we both know that I have to do this.”
“I just don’t trust him no to follow you before we can stop him or something.”

“I’ll be fine. And I’ll see you next Saturday, a week from today.”

Matt sighed and closed his eyes, knowing that this battle was lost before it began. They both knew this had to happen but Matt still didn’t like the idea. “He could always just you know disappear.”


“Yeah I know, that is out of the question. I can’t help it though Amber.” He opened his eyes and gazed down at the back of Amber’s head, a gaze so loving it would have caused her to blush if she was able to see it.

“If it didn’t involve losing you then I’d let you, but you’d get caught Matt.”

“Maybe but maybe not.”


“Okay I’ll stop talking about it.”

“Thank you!” She allowed her eyes to close, knowing that she shouldn’t. Matt’s hand was gently rubbing her side and relaxing her even more. “I should go. It would probably be wise to actually stay at Alyce’s house for once.”

“You don’t have to. Just stay here and I’ll drive you to the airport in the morning. Please Amber?” Matt felt his good mood sink as soon as Amber began speaking of leaving. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with her before she left, and he now had less than 24 hours with her.

“I don’t think we should push our luck with your parents so much Matt. We need them to support us when my dad finds out.”

“They won’t care. Please Amber? You know what it doesn’t matter if you don’t agree, I am keeping you here anyway.” She smiled to herself, knowing that Matt was joking. He moved enough so that her head was resting against his neck and he could kiss her.

“Alright I’ll stay, but my bag for tonight is in my car. Let me go run and get it.”

“Give me your keys and I’ll go grab it for you.”

“Matt really it’s fine, I can do it.”

“Amber please just give me your keys so I can get your bag for you.”

Matt sat in the mall parking lot the next afternoon, the car windows and top down, with Zacky in the passenger seat. “Come on Jimmy, answer the phone already damn it.” He complained to himself as the phone rang.

“Rev speaking. Boss I am with SG and Gnome is still on operation W.A.P.L.F.A.” Jimmy answered, his voice in a whisper.

“Jimmy focus! We are not talking in code. Where are you and Brian?”

“Brian is hiding inside some weird store and I’m outside. Are you and Zacky still in the parking lot?”

“No Jimmy we drove off and left you and Brian stranded inside the mall! Of course we are still sitting out here.”

“Dude she’ll be fine. This asshole isn’t going to make an escape from us and find her. Calm down, we’ll get him.”

“Just keep a close eye on him alright Jimmy?”

“You got it boss.”

“You don’t have to call me boss.”

“He is coming out! I’ve gotta go!” The line went dead and Matt flipped his phone closed. When he flipped it back open he hit Johnny’s speed dial number, waiting as it rang several times.

“Hello?” Johnny answered after four rings.

“How is it going with Lisa? Are you having a hard time following her?” Matt asked, immediately regretting it.

“Matt I’m not a child, I know what I am doing. Lisa is safe, she is still in the shoe store working. Everything is okay over here.”

“Alright, good. And I know you can handle it gnome, just check in later on.”

“Okay.” As soon as they hung up Matt threw his head back against the head rest and sighed. Amber’s plane was supposed to be landing soon and she hadn’t called.

“Dude calm down, her plane will land soon. It can’t be that long of a flight from Denver to Durango. She’ll call when she can.” Zacky told Matt honestly.
“I don’t want her to be that far away Zacky. I just want to ki-” Matt was cut off by the sound of his ringing cell phone. He looked down at the phone and saw Amber’s picture on the outside, a smile spreading across his face. Zacky laughed as Matt answered his phone. “Hey Amber.”

“Hey Matt, the plane just landed. Beth had to go to the restroom so I thought I’d call before she gets back. How is it going down there?”

“So far so good. Johnny’s watching Lisa, and Brian and Jimmy are following Aaron. My and Zacky are waiting for Gates and Rev to come out behind Aaron. How was your flight from Denver?”

“Shorter than the first, not as lonely. Matt Beth is coming back, I’ve gotta go. I’ll call you as soon as I can. I love you.”

“I love you too Amber.” Matt flipped his phone closed and slid it back into his pocket, feeling relieved that Amber was safely on the ground. “If this doesn’t work…”

“Matt it will work! Damn it just stop freaking out! Amber knows what she is doing. Trust her already!” Zacky smacked the side of Matt’s head.

“I do trust her! It is me that I don’t trust Zacky! What if this is all going to work and I screw it up? Huh? Then what!? There is only one chance at this and if I blow it then it is over, forever!”

“Nothing will screw this up! Trust yourself and Amber! Look, there comes Jimmy and Brian, and there is Mr.Scumbag!”


“So what do you think?” Beth asked Amber as they walked into the cabin. Amber looked around and smiled widely.

“I like it. Its calming.” Amber responded, feeling more at ease than she did at the house she called home.

“If you want to put you bag in that room and get settled we can go explore around the lake. I think you’ll like it.” Beth pointed to a bedroom door, which Amber headed to.

As soon as she closed the door behind her she sighed. This was really the last plan she had and if it didn’t work then all hope was gone. The expiration date for she and Matt’s time in hiding was approaching quickly and they had to figure everything else out, quickly. Pressure was mounting on her shoulders rapidly.

The five days to win over Beth to their side and get her to tell Anthony who Aaron really was. Five days before she flew home to Huntington Beach. And only five days to make their plan work.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that this one is shorter than usual! But I felt like this chapter needed to end there. I shall try and update soon and trust me there will be a surprise coming in the next few chapters!!! Comments are loved!