My Heart's Always With You

Chapter Seven

“My parents are thinking about throwing a party and inviting your family.” Matt told Amber the following night on the phone. Amber was in her room sitting on her bed as they talked.

“Awesome! When?”

“This weekend I think. But I’m not completely sure.”

She yawned and laid back. “Well lets keep our fingers crossed. Who knows when we’ll get to see each other.”

“No kidding huh?”

“This really sucks. I hate hiding.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Do you think we can ever actually be together? In the open I mean?”

“Amber I told you I’d find a way.”

“I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I won’t.”

“Amber! It’s family night!” Anthony’s voice reached her room.

“I’ve gotta go play a stupid game for family night. I’ll try to call you later.”

“Okay. Bye.”

“Bye Matt.” After the hung up she went downstairs to join in on “family night”. Her parents were already waiting along with Lisa. Esme and Lisa already looked bored and Amber just looked unhappy.

As she sat down she was clueless to what was coming for her.


Matt had joined his friends at their usual hang out after Amber had to go. “So when are you going to tell Amber?” Jimmy asked as they watched Zacky and Brian play pool and Johnny try and hit on a lady at the bar.

“Tell her what?” Matt asked him.

“That you love her.”


“What you’re not sure?”

“No I’m sure. I just don’t wanna freak her out with it.”

“Well Man you better act fast.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I heard Aaron Marshell and his folks are moving back.”

“Who?” The name Marshell rang a distant bell to Matt.

“Aaron Marshell? His dad Simon used to be one of Amber’s dad’s best go-to-guys. Then I guess Anthony sent him to like Hawaii or something cause he almost got caught for a screw up.”

“And this matters to me why? And do you listen to your parents talk about everything?”

“Not everything. I didn’t even mean to hear this actually.”

“Back to the point Jimmy. Why does it matter to me?”

“oh yeah! Cause I guess Aaron had the hots for Amber 2 years ago when they left. And I guess Anthony is going to get them together.”


“I think.”

“Well did Amber like him?”

“Don’t know.”

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Matt thought if she liked this Aaron guy then she’d pick him. At least with this other guy she wouldn’t have to hide like she did with him.

“Man it’s just a rumor right now. You know things get screwed up when they cross over the sides anyway.” Matt did know that was true.

“What’s going on?” Zacky asked walking up.

“Yeah Matt looks pissed.” Brian added with a laugh. So Jimmy repeated what he’d told Matt.

They’d been playing for a while in silence. Esme and Amber were thinking of what move to make when it was their turn, Lisa was in la-la land about a new crush she had, and Anthony was waiting for the right moment to break the news. He made small talk but since they were playing risk Esme and Amber were plotting world domination. At least the game world. “Amber?” Anthony asked.

“Hang on dad, taking over a country here.” She finished and looked at him. “Yeah?”

“Do you remember the Marshells?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Well I’m having them move back up here.” Amber’s anger was rising by the second. She had a feeling where this was going and she had to act fast.

“But dad after Simon screwed up?”

“Everyone makes mistakes Amber. Simon has been one of the best. And I hear Aaron has grown. He wants to be involved.”

“Well whoop-de-freakin’-do for him.” Amber mumbled too low for anyone to hear. She had major problems with Aaron Marshell.

“And I’ve been thinking, you’re 18 now and you don’t have a boyfriend.”

“I like my space.” Well she also liked her space with Matt.

“Aaron has always liked you, and he’d make a good match for you.” Amber flew up out of her chair.

“No way in hell!” She was almost yelling.

“Amber sit down please. I was already looking for someone to stay with when I was your age. He would make a good match for you. He is strong, smart, and he is interested in-” Anthony stopped himself and Amber laughed humorlessly.

“And he is interested in the business. I should’ve known. That is what its all about huh? Newsflash I didn’t like Aaron when I was 16 and I never will!”

“If I say you will date him you will! And you will try to decide if you could settle down with him.”

“The hell I will!”

“Amber Samantha Davis!”

“I’m not a baby! Since you love Aaron so much just put him in charge! But I’m not going to date him. So stop trying to marry me off! I’m 18 years old, I wanna have fun, not settle down. So you can tell Aaron he can kiss my ass goodbye!” She left her dad with that as she went up to her room as he told her he was still her father, he was right, and she would do as he said.


“So did you hear when he is supposed to come back?” Matt asked Jimmy a little bit later that night as they played pool.

“Nope. You are freaking out about this a lot.”

“Well Jimmy if she likes him she won’t have to sneak around to be with him like she does with me.”

“True, but I didn’t hear if she liked him.” That is Matt’s cell phone rang. He looked at the caller-id. It was Amber.

“It’s her.” Matt mumbled with a smile.

“Who?” Zacky asked.

“Amber” Jimmy spoke for Matt.

“Hey Amber.” Matt answered walking away.


“You sound mad.”

“Pissed. I’ll explain later. Can I meet you somewhere?”

“Yeah. I’m out with the guys already so just name the place.”

“How about I just meet you there?”

“Okay. We’re at Johnny’s bar. Do you know where it is?”

“Yeah. I’ll be there in a bit. Thanks Matt.”

“I can’t wait to see you.”

“I can’t wait to see you either.”

When he walked over to the guys they all wanted to know what was going on. “She is going to come meet up with us. Something happened. She sounds pissed.” Matt told them as he sat down.

“Sweetie open up please.” Esme knocked.

“Come in.” Amber yelled from her bathroom where she was putting on her make up. Esme walked in and looked into her daughter’s bathroom.

“Going somewhere?” She asked. Amber quickly bit her lip. She hadn’t thought of a cover story yet.

“Yeah. I’ve gotta get out of here for a while.”

“Where are you going? You look nice.”

“I don’t know yet. I’ll probably see if Alyce wants to get dinner or so something. Thanks Mom.” She was wearing a skirt and corset with black heels. She had on glittery dark purple eye shadows, black mascara, and black eyeliner. She was wearing fairly long star earrings in her first ear piercing, lightning bolts in the second, and ruby studs in the third ones. She had a small silver hoop in her cartilage piercing on her right ear. Her family pendant necklace wasn’t on; instead she was wearing a necklace with several stars on it. Her dirty dish water blonde hair was straightened out and was shoulder length.

“You aren’t going to wear you family pendant?” Esme asked.

“I’ll wear the side that said Amber on display.” She put it on and flipped it around. It had the outline of the three roses around her name. She grabbed her stuff and hugged her mom.

“What time will you be home sweetie?” Esme asked as they let each other go.

“I don’t know mom. I've gotta cool down or something bad will happen.”

“Okay well I’ll call you later before I go to bed.”

“Okay. I love you mom.”

“I love you too sweetie.”

Downstairs her dad saw her and snapped. “Where are you going?!”

“Out. The joy of being 18. And you are the one who wants me to stay living here. But I don’t care if you want to kick me out.” And with that she walked out of the house. In her car she had her phone on a hands free system so Alyce’s voice filled the car.

“So where are you going?” She asked.

“I’m going to meet Matt and his friends.”

“Where at?”

“Johnny’s bar.”

“A bar? That should be interesting. How are you going to get in?”

“How do you think?”

“Let me guess? A fake-id?”

“You’ve got that right.”

“Well text me later. I’m on my way to Kellan’s house for dinner.”

“Have fun Alyce. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Later.” She snapped her phone closed and turned on the stereo and Metallica stated playing. Her anger hadn’t went away completely and was only simmering down the closer she got to where Matt was. When she got there she quickly sent a text message.

“Just got here. Be inside in a sec.”

Matt was waiting to watch her walk through the door when his phone went off. He pulled it out of his pocket and flipped it open. “Just got here. Be inside in a sec.” the text from Amber read. His head snapped up at the door.

A few seconds later she walked inside and his jaw almost dropped. He hadn’t saw her dressed like. She never wore skirts unless it was for a family related thing and for some reason she looked better in the one she was wearing tonight. She saw him and smiled before walking over. “Hi.” She told him before kissing his cheek.

“Hey.” He smiled moving over so she could sit down next to him. He quickly kissed her cheek and the guys complained at them. Matt wrapped his arm around her shoulder and acted like he wasn’t wondering why she had been so pissed earlier.

It wasn’t long until the guys left them alone for a few minutes as they all scattered to go play pool. “So I guess you are wondering what is going on huh?” She asked looking at him. A smiled crept onto his face as he nodded. “Why are you smiling?” She laughed.

“You look amazing tonight.”

“Thank you. So do you wanna know?”


“Well um two years ago my dad’s go-to-guy screwed up with some dirt bag and almost got caught. So my dad sent him and his family to Hawaii until it blew over. Well his son, Aaron liked me when they left. My dad decided to bring them back up here.” Amber looked away from Matt and at the table in front of her and drew circles on the wood. “He wants me to date Aaron, well actually he wants more than that. I told him that I wouldn’t do it. I refuse to see Aaron. That’s what pissed me off.”

“Did you like him?”

“No. I hated him. Still do. Why?”

“Well I just thought that maybe you might go for him. With him you wouldn’t have to hide like you do with Me.” Matt looked away too after he said this.

“Never. Matt I don’t even like him.”

“I just wanted to make sure.”

“Well now you know. I’m not going to pick anyone over you.”

“Are you two done yet?” Zacky’s voice interrupted.


When Esme called Amber she walked outside to answer her phone. Matt followed her outside say maybe he could talk to her when she hung up with her mom. “So is dad still throwing a hissy fit?” Amber asked as they leaned up against the side of the building.

“Of course.” Esme answered flatly.

“I’m sorry mom but I won’t do it. I cannot stand Aaron.”

“I know. I don’t want you to.”


“So you don’t know what time you’ll be home yet?”

“Nope not yet. I wanna make sure I’m completely cooled off before I go home.”

“I understand. I’ll see you in the morning.” Amber told her mom goodnight and hung up before looking over at Matt. “What have we got ourselves into?” She asked Matt with a laugh.

“A mess. But I think it’s worth it.”

“Completely worth it.” She moved over closer to him and kissed him. Those three words were burning in their mouths but they refused to say them, both afraid to scare the other away. But it was only a matter of time before one of them would say it.

So they went back inside to hang out with the guys some more. Amber really enjoyed hanging out with them, they were a lot of fun. And it kept her mind off of what was to come.
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So I'd like to say that my best friend (known as Alyce in this story) helped me with Amber's outfit. She matched everything, so the link will send you to a photobucket album with pictures. I'd just like to point out that I picked out several different outfits and this was the one we agreed on. Also the model in the pictures is NOT what Amber is supposed to look like.

Thank you for reading and please comment!!
