‹ Prequel: We Can't Wake Up

All You Wish For and All You Need


“Hey you,” Anne spoke quietly as she approached Marcus in the hallway outside their classroom.

“Morning.” Marcus leaned down and pressed his lips briefly to her forehead. The students around watched and whispered amongst themselves. None more so than Arabella. “How did you sleep?”

“Not well. I don’t know why, but Arabella is just being so odd.” She glanced up at him and he could see the worry in her eyes.

Marcus nodded. “I know.” He paused and looked at the ground. “You didn’t say anything to her did you?” He looked back up at her, struggling to speak the words. “About me I mean.”

Anne shook her head rapidly. “I would never do that Marcus.”

His shoulders seemed to relax slightly, but not completely and he nodded. The professor walked between the students then and they filed into the classroom after him.

The dull voice of the man infront of the class washed over Marcus as he droned on. His mind drifted as he thought of Arabella and why she should be so suspicious of him. He thought that he had never given any sign that there might be something more. Nothing obvious anyway. A soft sigh slipped from his lips and he rested his head on his hand. Perhaps I should confront her about it he thought and frowned. But that might just make it seem as if I have something to hide.

The students packed up their things and shuffled out the door to their next class. Marcus trailed behind the mob, still lost in the maze of his mind. The dark corners lurked still, even after he had beaten them back that night, waiting for the moment that they would pounce and take him completely. He grimaced and shifted the books in his hands.

His thoughts whirred around in circles, only ever stopping for very long on two decisions; confronting Arabella, or ignoring her.

“Students!” Professor Pinge called out above the babble of voices. “Students! I have an announcement to make to you all.” The hall fell silent as the students turned away from their dinner and their conversations and watched the headmaster. “One week from today we shall be receiving three very special visitors.” He paused and allowed a quiet murmur to ripple around the students. “And these visitors are Harry Potter, Ron Weasly and Hermione Weasly.” There was a burst of excited shouts and applause from the students as they took in this news. “Yes, yes, very good.” He smiled and hushed the students. “And now, dessert!” He clapped his hands and the dinner disappeared, only to be replaced by mountains of sweets.

Marcus slowly picked at the sticky foods. Harry Potter was once again coming to Hogwarts. There was no animosity in his mind when he thought of that name. Only a sudden light. Harry Potter surely had to know who he was. After all he was the one who had killed his father. Perhaps he would be able to help.