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The Way They Were

I Wish I Were Her

Hilary's POV

“So she just totally went off on you like that?!” I asked my friend Danani.

“Yeah! And I don’t know why she got all that mad because I didn’t want to invite Adaeze to my sweet sixteen… I mean they’re not even friends and this is going to be a very formal event and she acts too crazy!” she yelled.

“Ugh! I know poor people piss me off!!”

“What are you talking about?! She’s not even poor she actually has a lot of money and so does Angelica but they just don’t flaunt it like us,”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know, maybe because they want people to accept them for who they are and not how much money they have,”

“Well I accept you for who you are… you just happen to have a lot of money,” I laughed.

“Well thanks, its good to know I’m not surrounded by a bunch of superficial jerks..”

“Like the poor people… did I mention they piss me off… but not ALL of them…”

“Oh My God!!! I forgot all about that… you still like Kevin?”

“Yeah… he’s like the only cute poor boy!”

“He’s not poor either!!”

“Okay sorry… he’s the only cute poor acting boy!!”

“You know…. I suggest if your going to make a move you hurry because someone else likes him too…”


“I’m not telling!”

“Why not?”


“Because what?”

“Just because..”

“Ooh its one of your poor friends..”


“Sorry… I have to get used to saying not poor, no but just tell me I promise I won’t tell anyone!!”


“PROMISE!!” I crossed my fingers behind my back.

“Okay, it’s Asia, she told me she liked him a long time ago”


That little whore is trying to steal my man eh?

Well I don’t care if she’s rich or poor or whatever she is, I always get what I want, and you know why?

Because I can.

“Yeah and you better grab your mini skirts because I heard he’s kind of into her too…”

“Wow…. Nani, guess what”


“This like a once in a lifetime thing but for once I wish I was poor,”

“Not poor…”

“Well… not popular,”

“Ew, not popular why?”

“Well its not that I wish that I wasn’t popular,”

“Well than what is it because I’m confused?”

“I just… I wish I was her”

“Who Asia? Please everyone wishes they were her.. That girl has got it made and she doesn’t even know it!!”

“Yeah,” I smiled.

I’m going to get Kevin, even if I have to BUY him.. Yeah she may have money she may have brains…

But I always get what I want and I want HIM.
♠ ♠ ♠