13 Days, 10 Hours, and 22 Minutes of Being Married to Alex Gaskarth



"Hey, Flyzik." I grumbled when I opened the door the next morning at 7:45.

"Hi-ya, Taryn!"

"Are you being perky just to irritate me?" Matt grinned.

"It's an ice breaker." I laughed as I rolled my bag out into the hallway, locking it behind me.

"And the ice princess has a personality!" Matt exlaimed lightly. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"I'm not a bitch, I promise. Let me see how you react when you wake up married and then your new spouse's manager tells you that you have to uproot your life and travel California...ok the way I worded that last part didn't sound so bad..." I trailed off. Flyzik giggled, yes giggled like a little girl, and threw an arm over my shoulder.

"You know what, Tar? When the boys get to be too much, and trust me, they will be, you can come hang with me. I never get the friends because I'm just the manager." I laughed.

"As long as you never call me 'Tar' again." I responded, tossing my bags under the bus, save for the single one coming on with me.

"Deal." Matt said. The door to the bus suddenly opened and a tall, well built, blonde male ran out yelling at the top of his lungs and shaking his hands through hair erratically.

"Get it out, get it out, get it out!" Matt and I stood and stared until the guy turned and headed straight for us. Matt successfully dove out of the way, but I was trapped by the bus and he collided into me, sending us both flying to the ground. We landed with an oof and the wind was knocked out of me. The guy picked something off the ground that had fallen out of his hair and glared at.

"Damn it, Jack. Spiders my ass." He muttered.

"Um. Hello?" He looked down at me, as if just noticing he had landed ON someone for the first time. This entire band is made of geniuses, obviously. He quirked an eyebrow and smiled down at me.

"Hellooooo," He drawled. I chuckled, his smile was cute, why not flirt a bit?

"Alex! Zack's hitting on your wife!" I heard Jack shriek. I rolled my eyes. Oh yeah, that's why not. I'm fucking married. Damn it.

"He can keep her!" I heard Alex shout back. I sighed and Zack pushed himself off me, offering me a hand up.

"Zack Merrick." He stated, that grin still plastered on his face.

"Taryn Evans." I replied, shaking his hand slowly, letting the moment linger.

"It's Gaskarth" Jack interjected, grasping me by the shoulders and yanking me around and shoving me to the bus, "And you are a bad bad friend!" He said to Zack before flipping his nose into the air and leading me up the bus steps.

"So this is Rian, and Delicious, and Zack-whoops you already met him. Oh and these are our little fishes! Hiiiii little fishes!" Jack squealed. I looked over to Rian Dawson, whom I had sort of just been introduced to.

"How much coffee did you guys give him?"

"None actually, which makes this all the more amazing." Rian replied. I smiled, immediately liking Rian. How is it that I like every single other member of the band except for the one I married? Speaking of whom, Alex came strolling out of the backroom, his naturally disshevled hair even worse off then usual and the shorts slung about his hips indicated he had just woken up. He munched on a pretzel and nodded in my direction.

"Yo." He stated.

"Yo?! That's how you greet your wife?! Yo?!" Jack shouted incredulously. Alex looked to Jack for a second before shrugging. He reached foreward, grasped me by the shoulders, and then drew me to him, pressing his lips firmly against mine. I gasped and he slid his arms down to encircle my waist while I stood completely frozen in shock. A stunned silence fell over the room. When his tongue brush my lower lip it jolted me back to my sense. My GOD what am I doing?! I raised my hands and pushed his shoulders roughly away from me. Alex blinked and then looked over at Jack.

"See?" He said flatly before returning to his pretzal. I glared at him and then licked the lingering salt from my lips before sitting next to Matt on a couch.

"So where we headed, zik?" Matt looked over at me and blinked.


"What can I say? I'm original." Matt sighed and shook his head.

"At least you're not as frigid as yesterday." Matt mumbled.

"Alex's phone says she's not frigid at all." Jack grinned. My jaw dropped and I gaped at Alex, who sunk a little in his seat. I lept to my feet.

"You showed people those pictures?! Better yet, you KEPT those pictures?!" I shrieked. Alex smirked slightly, obviously amused.

"Wanna remember the semi-fun part of marriage," He stated.

"You are fucking unbelievable! Out of all the people in this damn band, I had to marry the asshole. Just my fucking luck." I hissed the last part, chucked a gummy spider at his head, and then stormed to the back of the bus, leaving a wave of shock in my wake.



"Have you guys noticed something?" Matt asked Jack and Rian as the bus rattled down the highway.

"That it would suck if we only had hands and no feet, that that fish is a bully and keeps taking most of the food, and my hair looks AWESOME today." Jack replied. Matt blinked and then turned to Rian.

"Ok, Rian. Have you noticed something?"

"Jack's hair does look pretty sweet. That annoying caulic is gone." Matt rubbed his temples with the tips of his index fingers. Sometimes it was extrememly trying managing a band of two year olds.

"It's Alex. You know how down he's been since he and Lisa broke up a couple months ago, but did you notice how he was when Taryn was in the room?"

"Turned on? The girl's hot." Jack responded flippantly, his natural tone.

"No! Witty! He's witty! He's normal, sarcastic, WITTY Alex! Taryn makes him happy!" Matt exclaimed.

"Then why isn't he nicer to her if he likes her so much?" Rian inquired.

"Well, he obviously doesn't get it yet."

"So what do you suggest we do?"

"Well, obviously he needs to date his wife." Jack interjected. Rian and Matt both froze in shock.

"That-that's an excellent idea, Jack!" Matt gasped.

"I'm chock full of them. Like we should all wear jump suits in the next show!" Rian and Matt turned to face one another, ignoring Jack, who's slight hyperactive idiocy seemed to have returned.

"Taryn hates Alex. She made that really clear when she called him an asshole and threw a gummy spider at his head." Rian supplied. A mischevious smirk spread Matt's lips.

"Just leave that to me."


1 DAY 20 hours 35 minutes

The movement of the my mattress slowly lured me away from sleep and to cold reality. I was on a tour bus headed to California. Fan-freaking-tastic. I opened my eyes to view Alex, who was seated at the edge of my bed. I removed the earbuds and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, you're in my bed."

"Wrong, Matt told me this was MY bunk." Alex's face darkened.

"Flyzik." He grumbled. He grasped my wrist and dragged me from the bed.

"Hey! What're you-"

"Flyzik!" Alex shouted. Matt's head poked out from the front of the bus.


"Do you think you're funny, Zik?" I spat, hands on hips.

"What happened to the extra bed you said we had, bro?" Alex chimed in. Matt grinned.

"I lied."


"I lied. Didn't tell the truth. Spread falsehood. Was less then hon-"

"I'm beginning to dislike you, Zik." I grumbled. Matt's grin widened.

"You love me. I'm you're favorite."

"You're falling down the list, dude. I'm sleeping on the fucking couch." I said and I turned and walked back to the rear of the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
tadaaaaa =)

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oh, and please read my Double Dog Dare Me, story =)

<3 KickFlip