Sequel: Dear August



Well, Pete got a new car and went to court this weekend. But just in general he got his car back and Will doesn't have to worry about going to five sides of town before going to school. And may I say, this car is awesome. A black and grey paint job, with a killer sound system, and there's fucking seat warmers. I have the happiest butt before I go to school every morning now. Insurance really worked out for him. Pete had been saving up for a while and we were going to the strip mall to pick up an order he made for his new bass.

"Carmen and I broke up," He said as he slouched down in his seat, "She says I'm holding things from her lately."

"I'm sorry," I stared out the windshield.

"Eh, it is ok. Besides I have my eye on someone new."

"Manwhore, you!"

"No, I've liked her for a while now. Ok?"

"Ok," I smiled and tried to hide it. Pete hit my shoulder and took the keys out of the ignition, "Do I at least get to know who it is?"

"No! You'll harass her, maybe touch her hair or something."

"Oh, thanks for making me sound like a total flamer," Pete started laughing and I couldn't help myself. We finally calmed down and headed in.

"It's Ashlee," He said after walking past two stores. I was shocked I thought he'd go for someone a little less- a little less country bumpkin. Then again, she doesn't seem as bad as her sister… Jessica.

"I see. Ask her on a date yet or anything?"

"Nah, I am going to wait a little while. She just seems like the type who is more laid back. I'm going to hang out with her some more."

"Sounds like a plan," he nodded and I stopped in my tracks, "We need to stop at Starbucks!"

"Why? You can't have coffee, the bun would be bouncing off the wall." I glared and opened the door.

"For one thing stop referring to it like a fucking pastry and for another Jon," I half called the name, "works here! Duh." Pete snickered a little and I couldn't help but laugh yet again at his teasing.

"Hey guys," he said behind the counter, clad with a cap and apron, "What do you want?"

"Hm, I'll take a strawberry icer. Yeah that sounds good."

"Icer! You have to say it with more enthusiasm."

"Right, I'll work on it," Jon laughed at my response and typed it in on the register.

"That's what I like to hear and you Pete?"

"Um, surprise me. Not anything with too strong of coffee."

He stroked his beard for a moment then typed something in and his discount number. We soon heard some loud laughing on the other side of the store and chairs scooting out. Jon looked up a moment from what he was blending.

"Some of the other guys are here," He pointed out and set mine on he counter, "I should be off for break soon too."

"Cool," I looked at Pete and he motioned for me to go over by them. Grinning I took a sip and went over, at a table meant for only four people. The same group that went to Ryan's, minus the ferret kid.

"Brendon!" a few shouted.

"And Pete." I added pulling up a chair. Gingerly sitting down I positioned myself between Ryan and Andy on the corner of the table.

"Ok, ok, I got one," Will played with a sugar packet, "Would you rather have a blow job or hand job?" the table got silent for a split second, I felt so out of the loop, the only intimate contact I'd ever had directly put me in this condition. I haven't had the chance like most guys my age to experiment with anything else.

"Blow job," Pete came up behind us all, "I mean I can do a hand job myself."

"Really?" Butcher threw his head back and laughed, "I can give myself a blow job." We all started laughing, "Oh, that's not normal…. Oh wow."

"That's just awkward." Spencer put his hands up, "Um, being stuck in a rotating door or elevator?" Several answers went around the table. Ryan remained quiet and I sipped my drink.

"Jesus Christ! Brain freeze!" I rubbed my temple and everyone drew their attention towards me only to laugh. Then they quickly went back to their conversations.

"Brendon, I'm going to go. I'll be back in a little bit," By this point Pete had noticed who was there and was constantly checking his phone for the time.

"You can just go, I'm sure I'll find a ride. And I know how you probably want to play it," He got up waved and left. Shortly after Jon came and took his spot.

"What'd I miss?" Jon took off his apron and munched on a cookie he had bought.

"Not much," Ryan said and turned to me, "I- I can give you a ride home if you want."

"Sure. I don't see a problem with that," I looked back up to see Will eyeing me from across the table. I gave him a quick glance not to say anything and went back to talking, which lasted until Jon had to go back to work. From there we all decided to leave and go somewhere else.
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have a nice day peeps!