Sequel: Dear August



"You guys came!" Jon was holding a cup and motioning with the other hand. A big smile was plastered on his face as he walked towards us from the stair case. He was clad with a Santa hat and his beard was powered white.

"Santa, seriously?" Ryan asked, then the two laughed at a secret joke (I take it).

"Yeah," Jon cleared his throat and lead up around. There were tons of people there all dressed in funky, funny, and of course, swanky costumes. I saw no one that was too big of a dick there and automatically felt more comfortable, "It just started picking up around here."

"Are you kidding me man?" Will jumped off a stair as we made our way back around, "It's been packed since the beginning!" He gave Ryan and I a greeting. For some reason we all smiled letting out a chuckle.

Will soon left us and we decided to go upstairs because Ryan thought it was too loud downstairs. He found the room that Spencer was in and surprisingly no one was making out. Although, I'm pretty sure Spencer was wasted, I don’t know, I couldn't tell my the way he smelled like vomit and burst out laughing at everything.

"Spence?" He simply giggled and muttered some nonsense back. Ryan found it funny and I sighed, "Well, what do we do now?" I asked Ry as he sat down on a bed, it appeared to be the guest bedroom. Spencer sat down too and passed out quickly.

"I don't know…" Ryan brushed some hair out of his face, "But, thanks for coming with me."

"Anytime time Ry." I mumbled only loudly enough for him to hear and my side ached turned into what I now realize was the baby moving.

Ryan began blinking rapidly, looking from my eyes to lips and then he gently planted a kiss on my mouth. There was a second of anticipation for something more to happen and we both had to let it sink in for a moment. Then the door opened abruptly and someone slipped in with a small bag sticking out of his pocket and soon more started following.

"Hey guys." One said under a mask.

"We got… stuff." Another snickered out.

"Want some?" The person with the masked offered and pulled it off to reveal Butcher.

Ryan smirked and tilted his head as to say 'yes' while I felt my heart race and pupils dilate. Andy the Butcher didn't know what was going on with me and it sounded so good. I've wanted it for a while- no, they could smoke it. Yeah right, and I could… I could sit and watch? Before I had time to process it everyone in the room that wasn't passed out was in a circle.

Including me.

The joint was passed around and it stopped at in my hands. I gazed at it and then my belly, why did I give a fuck? Taking my turn I let it all slip away- the sensation was great and I needed wanted more. And that's what I did… at two in the morning when I came home I was on the best trip of my life.
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Have a nice day loves

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