Sequel: Dear August




Dance night.

I got as ready as I could and then was picked up by Ryan, who was looking pretty hot himself. He had a black jacket and a deep red shirt under it, although the accessories just made it. Ry put on some black and white striped socks, a killer new hair-do and so many other random trinkets. See, I'm actually more excited for later tonight…Plus, whenever I'm around him I just don't care anymore-- it doesn't matter at all.

"Two please," Ryan held up his fingers and began rummaging through his wallet.

"Ry! I can pay for myself." I debated.

"Nah, I asked you to come with me." He smiled and I decided to let him win.

"Hey," the girl behind the table said happily, "You two finally got back together. Good for you." I looked a little longer and it was Vicky-T all done up. Ryan and I looked at each other and gave weak nods, "Ok, here you go."

Ryan took the tickets and we walked into the gym to be bombarded by loud music. There were tons more people there then the year before and it was crazy. Surprisingly, Ryan didn't seemed phased by it at all, he simply put a blank face on with a bit of a grin and walked on. I followed him to the group of our friends.

"Guys, this is lame." Will said huffing a little while he sat forward. Pete and Ashlee nodded, Jon on the other hand shrugged. Cassie his, girlfriend, had a wedding to go to.

"Yeah, kind of," Pete said looking around, "Did Spin say when he was going to get here?" everyone shook their heads except Ryan.

"He told me he wasn't even bothering to come." Pat, who was sitting at the back of the group let out a chuckle.

"It isn't the same without Spin here…" Jon pouted a little and rested his elbow on his knee.

"I say we chill with him," Will suggested and smirked evilly. I could only imagine what he was thinking about and I could only hope Ryan didn't want to go with them.

"But guys we just got here." I pointed out and bit my lip.

"So? Just get a ride there with Ry," Jon stated as he got up brushing off his pants, "Are we in?"

The group nodded and I felt uncomfortable in an odd way, almost like we just got ditched. Pete was the only one who most likely wanted to get out of there. The fact that I came with Ryan was probably just one of the things that was driving him crazy, well and bad music and the whiney people.

"That was quick," I looked around at the now empty bleachers.

"Yeah, they are right though… it does look pretty lame." Ryan sat down in front of me and I shifted feet.

"Most dances are," yeah, except this one was always fun... but I wanted to hang out with my friends. Yet they seemed to have left… "After the next slow song do you want to leave?"

"Sure," He kept his smile hidden, but I could hear it in his voice.

So, the dance went on and Ryan and I sat. We talked but, not much because the music was too loud. My heart was still fluttering every time I thought about later that night. It was just going to be me and Ryan, there wasn't going to be anyone before or after to nag me about it. (Mostly due to the fact no one knew I was staying the night.)

The song came on, all I can say is it was some stupid, mainstream, overplayed, love song. We were ridiculed a little, of course, and some teachers definitely looked uncomfortable. Yet, strangely enough before we went to his house we had to stop at Walmart. It was pretty funny walking around in our dress clothes buying dog food along with a treat or two for his old pups, that and of course, some junk food. We arrived at his house shortly after.

"The toilet backed up again!" I heard him sarcastically chuckle a little as he came into the door and I stood off the the side of the room so he could better observed the scene.

"Looks like dad has been eating chili from the bar again. Can you hold it for a second longer or do you just want to use the downstairs one?" He asked and then looked serious as he forcefully grabbed the plunger.

"Um…I'll go downstairs." I nodded at my own response and walked away for a second. Ryan did a 'yes' to the air with the plunger still in his hand, for he knew he could postpone it longer now. I laughed at him as I left the room.

I walked as calmly as I could out of the hall and then waddled down the stairs. When I went back upstairs Ryan was laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling.

"You didn't clog that one up too?" Ryan sat up a little and I shook my head, then sat down next to him.

Honestly, I didn't realize how long I was gone. Lately with the extra pressure on my stomach I'd been feeling queasy when I went to the bathroom. Ryan shrugged and I stared at him for a moment more observing his out fit- crazy socks, pajama pants, and his dress shirt half unbuttoned. Looking down at m own ensemble I saw mine wasn't much better, for I had on my pants still and a big zip up hoodie over my tank top to cover the belly.

"You ok?" Ryan asked and stood up to come over by me.

"Yeah, I was just admiring your outfit," I took a step closer to him and he smiled looking ever so slightly down at me, "It just- god it just goes!" I exclaimed and put my hands on his hips.

"Oh, I know what you mean." Ryan nodded, giggling a little, "Brendon, I love you."

This kid just like whipping it out of no where. Yet, my heart started beating faster, I gripped tighter and my belly jumped a little.Ryan blinked a few times, concentrating harder on my lips, then he leaned in. At first it was just light kisses and I soon made mine more heated and Ryan followed. We inched our way back toward the bed, falling down we continued, with every break away, every nibble and peck I became more and more light headed. I loved him so much. Ryan was inching his hand around the top of my pants while I continued to grip tighter around his neck and waist. His hand slipped under my waist band. Ryan never broke eye contacted with me.

"Brenny? Bren?" I felt Ryan shake me a little as he remained over me, "Brendon?" Each time he said my name it sounded more panicked. Before I knew it I heard sirens in the background and I couldn't see anything beyond a foot in front of me.
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Have a nice day (hopefully not rainy like here!)