Sequel: Dear August



I was in a cream and pink wall-papered room when I woke up. An IV was attached to my arm, along with something with my blood going through it and there was an empty setup for an incubator. I felt weak and confused when I looked around. My family was sleeping on couches and there was someone yelling at another person in the hall. After waiting another hour a nurse came in and noticed I was awake, she smiled and rambled about the baby.

I had it.


Look under covers.


Rub forehead.


The whole time I was out, I didn't have the joy or more like the reality of having the baby. Soon my parents woke up, then my siblings (who were sent home to get ready for school), and eventually a rotation of the people in the waiting room were allowed to come and see me. Surprisingly a lot of people were there like, Will, who had a split lip, Pete, Jon, Spencer! The last person so see me was Ryan and that's when the baby was rolled in and set up in the incubator. They said the baby couldn't stay long due to her frail condition. Dr. H, who was exhausted looking and most likely on his fifth cup of coffee, wandered in briefly and didn't say a word as he scanned over a chart or two. Surprisingly, he didn't even look at me either.

"Oh Jesus."

Ryan came over and draped himself over the side of my bed and planted kisses on my cheeks. Something still sounded frightened about him. After we sanitized our hands the baby was given to Ryan to hold.

"Hey baby," he cooed, "It's a girl Brendon. Can we name her?" Ryan had proud joy poking through his body language now.

"James is coming down as soon as he can." My Dad piped up and watched over us, "They said you could name her if you had any picked out. I didn't think ya did."

"You're right," My legs were heavy as I sat up slightly and Ryan handed the bundle to me, "Ryan…" I whispered finally putting all the pieces together, "I peed on myself!"

He snorted and shook his head slowly, "Well, it was more like your water breaking." We both had a grin come across our faced, although Ryan's was different.

"She's beautiful." I went back to the baby girl that was squirming in my arms.

A tiny hand had escaped and the mop of hair was showing under the pink and purple hat. My arms began shaking. A slight whimper came from her wide mouth and she crinkled her nose.

"She looks like you Ry," I stared at this beauty a moment more and then saw Ryan observing the two of us, "I like August."

"It is the middle of December, honey." My mother smiled and grabbed my father's hand. He coughed and signaled they get out of the room.

"August is good." Ryan agreed and I passed her back to him, "You look spent." He pointed out to me as he rocked August back and forth.

"We still have the middle name to pick." I whined while rustling around a little to shake any sign of fatigue I might have shown, "Besides, I'm just cold."

"We'll pick it out when you wake up." He sounded like he's already made a schedule for me. Ryan brushed the hair out of my face and I shook my head.

"We have to do it now Ryro."

"Sure?" He looked up without moving his head and I nodded instead of saying anything back, "Ok…" We debated for a while and then decided on one after he picked up a name book from the gift shop.


"What Brendon?" He asked back while he was up setting now August Concordia back in the incubator.

"When do I get to go home?" He shrugged a little and walked back, "I feel fine really!"

Ryan didn't make eye contact and sticking out his bottom lip he almost opened his mouth to say something. For once I was thankful he stopped. I was done hearing how sick I looked, because, you know, there was nothing like a good compliment. So, after getting comfortable again he started playing with my fingers and ever so delicately outlined where the iv was inserted.

"Does your dad know?"

"No. Not yet."


"It's fine though. I don't care what he says or even my mom at this point." He moved back to stroking my hair causing my lids to droop.

"I love you." I said into his arm. Then taking one more look at August I snuggled into the bed further.

"I love you too." He murmured loud enough for me to hear and a content grin arose on my face.

Before I fell into a deep sleep cold swept over me and I heard slight murmurs. Although, I couldn't make out about what, all I knew was a few cries from August and the comforting voices of my parents almost cooing about me. Then there was a blaring beep like my ears were ringing.

It had come to an end.

We'll all float on again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I killed him.