Sequel: Dear August



I was sitting on our computer chair slowly spinning, waiting for my Myspace to load. I don't know why I'm checking it anyways. Yeah, I think today will be the day that I delete it, my last login was a the end of May. I was getting impatient. My connection kept dying. My home phone has been ringing constantly and followed shortly after.

"What Pete?" I sighed out. I couldn't avoid him forever, he might have had something important to say.

"Hey, Brendon it's Pete. I just thought I'd call to tell you, you're being a dumbass," Exactly what I needed to hear right now, "You can't go to Ryan's, it'll end up- end up just bad-

"Shut up! God, I know, I know," I rubbed my forehead and forcefully clicked exit on the browser, "And stop being such an asshole, God. And- it's I need to talk to him… just for this once."

"Fine," he started pouting on the other end, "Just this time, tell him that your still baking the bun. Please?"

"I will. It is just so frickin' hard. You know? No, you don't-"

"Yeah, yeah I do…." Pete sounded distance and then snapped out of it, "I mean not with something like this." I sighed and got up to attempt getting ready.

"Well, um, Pete? I gotta start getting ready."

"Ok, you can do it, Bren."

"Uh-huh I'll try… Bye."

"Peace man."

I shut my phone and slouched a little. Softly reaching for the bump on my stomach I held my hand over it and then stroked it. Surprisingly, I felt a warming tingle in my hands. I still don't know if it is the loving tingle or the one you get when you hate something so much you can't begin to describe how you'd want to get rid of it.

Taking a moment more, I looked up to see Ben looking at me from the couch in the living room. He darted his eyes back to the TV. My cheeks were a little warm, yet another brain teaser- either from embarrassment or anger? Shutting down the computer I left the wood paneled room and went to my bathroom. Ah, yes the perk about being oldest in the house now. I get Kira's old room, and minus the smaller closet I find it quite accommodating to my needs.

Anyways, back to getting ready… there isn't anything nice I can wear anymore. So I gave up, then went to brushing my teeth and straightening my hair. Now it was down to waiting for Will and Ryan to pick me up, which wasn't long.