She's Got My Heart Tied in a Knot

I am running out of words

It's different, It's unexplainable, complicated, and confusing.
Any thing someone does, reminds me of him.
Im not desperate, nor am I needy. Im in love.
I pass by a restaurant patio and this women is smoking. The sent is so strong I nearly gag, but it lingers in my nose, It smells good and smooth. It sends a fuzzy feeling to the pit of my stomach. It reminds me of him.
The first time I hugged him, he smelled of cigarette smoke and pot. My arms still yearn for his touch.
"Im going ot miss you and those pretty little green eyes." His soft velvety voice whispers into my ear. I stop and sit on the nearest bus bench. I inhale and remember his body, his smile, his hair. A grin creeps on my face.
I stop to think about the last time I saw him.
His dangerous grin and cunning eyes faced me as I met him at the front door.
He stood there, no words passed between us.
The tension was so strong it was unbarable. He looked directly at me, something was hidden behind those creamy brown eyes.
His hand made its way to my cheek, they went hot and flushed a light pink.
He leaned in, close enough to were I could smell the trident gum he was chewing before.
My lips yearning for his, yearning to taste that gum, yearning for him.
Centimeters apart, noses touching eyes locked.
Just then he pulled away with out a sound. No kiss no communication.
He glanced at me once more, the 'something' hidden behind his eye was gone, they were now soft with guilt.
He turned on his heels and made his way back to his car parked under the car port.
I'm in love with a tease.

I feel a tap on my right shoulder, I glance back to see Kyle one of my bestfriends.
"Kyle!" I smile.
"Taylor-lane!" My favorite grin spreads across his face and he plants a kiss on the my cheek.
"What are you doing here? It's like negative 20 degrees." He takes off his second layer jacket and hands it too mee. I take it with out hesitation. I was thinking so deeply that I forgot about the weather.
"I just went for a walk. Don't exaggerate, its only like 45 degrees, retard." I punch his shoulder and begin walking with him down the side walk.
"yeah yeah, you want to go to Austins pad with me? He might rape me." Kyle clasp his hands togther and makes his voice a shrill high pitch girl voice.
"So I can get raped with you? Thanks! But sure I'll go."
Kyle just laughs I laugh too.
As we make our way there, I can see that kyle wants to talk about what happened with me and Caleb, the tease. But he avoids the whole situation.

We arrive at Austins, the house is almost completely empty except for Austin, Kent Marc, Kyle, me, and caleb.
My heart starts to race, I feel it pounding in my chest as I walk past him in the most unnatural casual way.
There is a slight smirk on his face as he talks with Austin, I see it fade as his gaze meets mine.
His eyes quickly avert to the floor and he wraps his arms defensivly around his waist.
"Why are we like this?" I want to scream but something is holding me back, something is telling me not to do it here.
We used to be cool. Bestfriends actually.
I always had a crush on him, ever since freshman year.
Supposedly he has too, but thats just hear say.
"Taylor-Lane! Come here." Marc calls to me. I go.
"long time no see stranger. The last few days you have been M.I.A."
I wanted to tell him that it was because of Caleb because he is a tease and I don't want to see his face, I want to tell him that its because I am so madly in love with this tease.
I hate that I love him. I hate that I love him.

"I know, I have been sick." He gives me a curious look.
"Sick? with what?" He knows. I know he knows. Kyle must have told.
"The common cold." I lie through my teeth,
"The common cold, eh? Really because it isn't flu season yet." He's trying to get me to tell, I wont budge.
"Well you know Marc, some people can still get sick even if it isn't flu season." Sarcasium spills through my voice.
"I know, its just so.... strange."
"Marc, shut up, I get it. I know you know." I break. He smiles.
"What happened? Like after the whole almost-kiss? caleb hasn't talked about it since."
"Nothing really. Wait, Caleb told you?" Something in the back of my mind makes me want to jump for joy, on the other hand the thing in the back of my mind makes me want to wring his neck.
"Yeah, he felt really bad, he has been meaning to talk to you. I think he will- Here he comes."
He began to whisper the last part of the sentence.
Suddenly Caleb appeared.
"Tay," He tries to pull the corners of his lips into a grin but he just can't.
"Caleb?" I try to hid the smear of sarcasium left over from Marc and mine's conversation.
"I can we talk? Out there?" He points to the back yard, the playset.
I nodd my head and walk out side.
I sit on the swing that is made for 12 year olds and younger.
I am 21.
"Taylor, about a couple days ago." He pauses and rubs his arms nervously.
Then continues. "I didn't kiss you because I thought it was wrong."
My temper wanted to explode but I controlled my self.
"We have been bestfriends for so long that I didn't want to ruin it."
Breath. Count to ten. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
"I drove to your house with the intention of kissing you and professing my fucking love for you, but this dark cloud hung above my head and told me to not bother, you couldn't like me back. That you only thought of me as a friend. I was still debating on weather to kiss you or not when I rang your door bell. And when show time came, I couldn't do it. I loved you too much to hurt you. I didn't want you too lose me as a friend. I didn't want to lose you as a friend." We stand there in silence. His eye on the ground. Mine on him.
"Caleb, you do not know how long I have liked you. I always thought you liked me as a friend only too. You don't and I don't." I take a step forward. He looks up, a slight smile on his face.
"Since I saw you big red hair freshman year, you have always been my love."
Another step, this time he takes one too. Were so close our bodies are touching.
His arms slither around my waist and pull me in closer.
"Don't walk away this time." I breath, he chuckles alittle and leans in.
Our lips touching so lightly that it feels like I am touching air.
Just then his lips crash harder onto mine. Were moving in unison.
Were smiling. Were laughing. Were blushing. Were kissing.
His hands move from my waist to my shoulders back to my lower back.
He pulls away with a smile.
"I like that." He whispers.
"I like it too." I whisper back, placing my head on his shoulder.
"Dude Kyle! Caleb and Taylor are finally making out! Yes!" I hear Kent yell in excitement.
I just laugh, Caleb does the same.
"Really! I can hear him running out side.
"Finally, that sexual Tension was creeping me out."
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate the kids who inspired this story. hahaha.
He has ugly(but cute) snake bites.
I really dislike him.