Cemetery Strolls

We vow to be best friends for ever..blood drops on

Gerard's POV

I remember the night when we vowed to be best friends for ever. It was pretty late nearing midnight when me, Mikey, Frankie, Ray, Bob, KT and Tiana were out taking a stroll through the graveyard. It was an ordinary night, it was pretty normal to find us hanging out at the cemetery. Even though we had only been friends for about 2 months.

Every time we went to the cemetery it was a rule that we had to wear black and we had to bring some sort of liquor even though all of us were underage.
That night I remember we stopped by the mausoleum like we did most nights and KT handed us all a beer each.
Except this night was slightly different, tonight we had something to do, something important.
“Okay well we all know what we’re here for” Tiana said
People would think what we did was crazy and weird but we all decided it would be something really cool to do.
“Okay so what should I write on the oath?” KT said.
“Um something like We vow to stay friends for as long as we shall live” Frank said
“Yea and write commandments and stuff like thou shall never let jocks give each other shit and stuff” I added.
“Good idea Gee tard” Mikey said.
God I hared it when he called me that.

“Okay so here it is I’ll read the oath out to you guys alright” KT said
“We vow to stay friends for as long as we shall live, we shall stick up for each other when jocks give us shit, we shall always be there for each other, we shall help one and other when in need in the darkest of all times and we shall never betray each other”
“Does that sound good? And then we’ll like make up different rules” Tiana says doing the bunny finger thing when she said rules.
“Yep it sounds good” Ray says taking a large mouthful of his beer.
“Okay who’s got the pocket knife?”
“Me, here we go” Bob said handing a pocket knife to KT.
“Okay so we recite the words of the oath as you do it then drop blood onto the paper” Frankie said grinning at the idea of ‘blood’.
“Yes that’s right, are we already” KT said.
Nods of agreement went around the circle as KT cut cleanly through the palm of her hand before handing the pocket knife to Ray.
Everybody said the words on the oath as we all cut cleanly through the palm of our hands letting drops of blood slip onto the paper.
“Okay now everyone put your hands in the middle” Frankie said.
We all looked pretty confused but did as Frankie told us.
“Now every ones blood will flow freely through each others for as long as we shall live” he said.
We all cheered in agreement.

And now 8 years later we still visit the cemetery and still remain best of friends.