Waking up in Vegas

Based on Katy Perry's Waking Up In Vegas

‘Arhmmff, let me sleep!’

He continued to gently shake me from my deep slumber. Eventually giving up, he let his hands rest around my waist. I turned over slowly to be greeted by his smiling form laying next to me.

‘Babe, we have to get up, come on shake the glitter from your clothes and shower,’

As he said this his eyes gradually wondered down my body, my spine stiffened as I realised that I was completely naked, nothing but the cream silk sheet separating me from this wonderful man’s grasp. My eyes shot open, alert as ever. He just grinned widely at my realisation.

‘Shit, Gabe, what happened? Well I know what happened but… last night’s all a bit of a blur to me.’

I could feel my head starting to pound now, a horrible dry feeling in the back of my throat and I felt as though I was going to be sick at any minute. As I lifted my hand to my face to brush away my messy hair the light caught on a thick gold band that was wrapped around my ring finger.

‘Oh god Gabe! Why am I wearing your class ring?! What did we do?!’

I scrunched my face into my hands and sighed heavily. Seriously this had to be a joke, too cliché for my liking. I never got involved with my brothers friends. Ever. I hadn’t realised but the whole time I was freaking out over the previous nights occurrences Gabe had sat there merry as ever. Was the guy still drunk?

‘Well honey, we got hitched and we were dressed just like Elvis! Congratulations Mrs Florence Saporta!’

He announced in a completely serious tone before leaning forward and kissing my bare shoulder.

‘WHAT?! Is that a joke?!’ I screeched at the top of my lungs, which by the way almost killed me. I shot bolt up right, clutching the sheets to my naked chest.

‘Well yeah it is but we did tear up the town, we are now partners in crime!’

He grinned mischievously at me before bursting out into near hysterics. It took almost all of my -little- energy not to slap him! His eyes crinkled at the sides as he doubled over clutching his shirtless body. He looked positively gorgeous, considering. I couldn’t help but laugh at our situation. It was that or cry and I certainly wasn’t going to do that!

I fell backwards laughing still as I was greeted by Gabe’s arms wrapping themselves around my body, yet again. To be honest with you I didn’t want to resist. He lent his grinning face into my neck, tracing my jaw line with light kisses until his lips connected gently with mine. I relaxed into the kiss and forgot about the nausea that I could feel building up. It was as if an electric bolt shot through our lips, we both shuddered with pleasure and pulled apart.

‘We really need to get ready to go.’

Gabe nodded, sighing quietly I swear I saw a patch of disappointment sweep through his features. I shook it off and rose from the spacious bed, not even caring about whether the sheet came with me or not. The nausea was almost at its limits so I quickened my pace to my clothes. Bad idea, a sharp pain ran through my head. I pulled on my dress from the night before and ran the short distance to the en-suite.

I lent over the toilet seat and wretched a few times before the contents of my bowls were safely inside the toilet. I always suffered from stupid hangovers. Embarrassing and pointless.

‘Flo, are you okay?’

Gabe had asked full of concern as he walked into the room with caution, thankfully he was almost fully clothed again. I felt his soft hand sweep up my auburn hair as his other hand rubbed my back soothingly.

After around 10 minutes in the bathroom my mobile rang loudly from somewhere in the hotel suite. I attempted to stand so I could retrieve it but Gabe was already walking out of the room to answer it. I shrunk back into my position over the toilet. Attractive.

‘Nah, it’s Gabanti.’

‘Well, she’s kind of in the bathroom at the moment, soooo your stuck with me Honey dip!’

I could only just hear the muffled yet cheery responses from Gabe as he spoke to the mystery caller.

‘No William! I did not!’

Oh shit! Will. I was in for it now.

‘Seriously man, an SOS party is not needed, I’ll bring her back don’t worry, I’m looking out for her just as much as you are.’

He chuckled into the phone before saying his goodbyes and promising Will once more that he didn’t sleep with the youngest Beckett sibling.

I walked back out into the hotel suite, I was fully showered, clothed and the painkillers were working a treat on my headache. Colour was finally returning to my cheeks.

‘Will phoned, he kinda came to conclusions as to why I was staying in the same room as his little sister but my fast wit saved the day yet again.’

He grinned broadly. He was perched on the edge of the neatly made bed with all of our belongings surrounding him.

Tote, wallet, mobiles, keys and a small white box - condoms.


My head started thumping at the thought of my stupidity but hey, at least we were safe… right? But it was done now I couldn’t undo time and to be honest -again, where is all this honesty coming from, huh?- I was pretty sure that I didn’t want to.

I shook my head and joined Gabe on the end of the bed as he stuffed his pockets with his belongings. Surprisingly I was not feeling an ounce of awkwardness between the two of us, of which I was thankful for. I was used to hearing about Gabe’s endless one night stands and for some reason I didn’t feel like just another notch on his bedpost.

He turned towards me, lacing his fingers with mine and smiling down at me.

‘Are you sure your okay to travel? I don’t want you to you-know-um- get sick again, we’re gonna get a taxi as we’re all hung-over and stuff’

He stumbled numerous times causing him to flush slightly, if I didn’t know him better I would never have seen it, a faint smile appeared on my face as I saw this reaction. He was being oddly sweet, I hadn’t expected him to be so… caring, I liked it. After all William would kill him if he found out what really happened.

‘So, what do you think Will is gonna say when he finds out what really happened?’

Can this guy read minds? Is he so insane as to tell Will?

‘My brother is NOT going to find out, okay? Babe, he will kill you even if you are one of his friends actually, ESPECIALLY cause you are one of his friends!’

I all but shouted at him resulting in me feeling awful when I saw his face falter slightly.

‘That bean pole? He wouldn’t stand a chance against the infamous Gabriel Eduardo Saporta!’

I couldn’t help but crack a smile at the truth in his words.

‘But seriously, would he even if I -um- really -uhh- liked you? I kind of - umm- thought you… did too, hence last night.’

His smile faded altogether and was replaced by a flush of rouge that covered his cheeks.

Wow. Gabe Saporta. Blush. Wow. Me. Wow.

Huh!? My brain was going into overdrive as my heart responded equally as fast.

I snapped out of it and looked straight into his chocolate coloured eyes for the first time that morning. Within them a hint of hope was evident, almost mirroring my own. He lent forward and pressed his soft lips delicately against my own. I kissed back almost immediately as I felt him smile into the kiss. My heart was tingling and I felt strangely complete. He pulled away ever so slightly and whispered into my ear,

‘Flo, as cheesy as this is, I want you to be my girlfriend.’

‘Shut up and put your money where your mouth is, I’m going to make sure you’re the best a girl can get, your already so close.’

I grinned up at him and placed my lips back to where they were previous, where they belonged.

And that my friend is what you get for waking up in Vegas.
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you have no idea how much fun i had writing this! xD
It's My fave. song atm [:
sooo, how many lyric references did you find?

thank thank thankk youu [: