Status: Under editing and on a pause. Be patient please.

Angel's Haunting


***Joe’s POV***
I was at our new church. We had just moved and we were all trying to mingle with all of these people we didn’t know. That was when I heard nick say “Do you think I could bring Joe?” To be honest I didn't want to go. But I could just refuse to come later. I mean most of the kids don't know me, and it would just be all around awkward. After Nick’s new friend left he came over.
“Hey, what would you say to coming to Youth Group with me?”
“I don’t really want to go.” I said in a tired voice.
“Come on, please. I promise that I’ll introduce you to everyone. And you can be my partner if we need them.”
“Nah, no thanks. Listen I just want to unpack for now. Maybe next week. OK?”
“Please!! I’ll make it up to you.”
“I don’t know yet, but I will.”
“Boys, time to go.” Called our mom. So for the entire ride Nick was saying
“No” Yup that was our entire conversation except it was at least 20 minutes long of the same thing. I would have won but Nick had to bring it up to Mom.
“Hey mom. Do you think Joe and I should go to Youth tonight?”
“Oh! That’s a wonderful idea Nick. What do you think?” The last part was directed to me. Nick had me cornered. Oh well. I guess it won’t be that bad. I hope.
“Sounds great mommy.” I said Nick just had a grin that he had won.
I had made Nick promise to introduce me as the cool older brother.Shallow, yes. Satisfying, YES.
Any way when we walked in I must have looked like a lost puppy cause that is what I felt like. Nick walked up to who I assumed was Matt and some other dude.
“Hey guys. What’s up?” Nick said.
“Oh nothing much. The usual.” Matt said.
“Hey guys so today we are going to do a kind of scavenger hunt. We are going to walk around and take pictures of thing on you list.” The youth director said. Matt looked at the list. “Oh! I forgot we will be in two teams. You can pick them but they need to be somewhat equal.” Nick, Zach, Matt and I were on a team with some girl named Kelly.
“Umm… sorry I’m late. I forgot when we start.”
“Emma! Over here!” Matt called loudly. Geez, is that his girlfriend or something? He looked really happy to see her.
“Dude, who is she?” asked Nick
“Emma, I’ve known her since she was born. She’s 15.” Matt answered
“Really?” Nick asked. It sounded like a stupid question
“You aren’t going to make a move on her are you?” Matt sounded aggressive about this girl.
“Why would you say that?” Wow Nick.
“Listen at least get to know her first because she almost never comes to anything so don’t mess anything up. Just give her space.” Matt explained
“Fair enough.” While they were talking I walked to Emma
“Hey, I’m Joe. Who are you?”
“I’m Emma. Nice to meet you."
"I just moved here.”
“Oh! Are you Joe Jonas by any chance?”
“Why Yes I am.” She giggled. It was really cute. “Would you like to give me a name tour thing?” She giggled again.
“You mean introduce you to everyone?”
“Yes that was the word I was looking for.”
“The youth director is Dan, Zach is next to Matt who is next to your brother. Kelly is next to him. On the other side is Jake (the only guy), Melissa is his sister. Then there is Olivia the brown haired girl. Oh! And Chelsea, Jake’s girlfriend. That’s about it”
“OK, I got it, thank you. Nice to know who everyone is.” I said. Then she got really quiet and it was really strange how quiet and scared looking she got so quickly. I wonder what’s the matter…
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