Status: Under editing and on a pause. Be patient please.

Angel's Haunting


Emma’s POV
“OK, I got it, Thank you. Nice to know who everyone is.” He said kindly. Then SHE walked in. SHE was pretty dang nasty. I don’t know what I did to her but she really didn’t like me. She had gone through the trouble of finding out my secret. Now it’s her blackmail.
“Hey, who are you?” Kate said in a flirty voice stepping in front of me to talk to Joe.
“I’m Joe. Who are you?” Joe seemed more shocked then any thing. While Kate had come in Kelly had drifted over to the other side of the room, so I went over to Matt and the others on that side. I guess she wasn’t on the guys team anymore.
“Hey, look Kate’s here.” Everyone smiled, typical. Everyone loved that girl. She got every single guy she wanted. Every single guy wanted her. I didn’t have one guy who had a crush on me. Although my secret would defiantly stop any crushes. What is my secret you may ask. Well it is that I was supposed to be dead. I had gotten in a car crash with my entire family inside. My parents and I died. Afterword my brothers moved away, but they couldn’t bring themselves to sell the house. When I went to heaven I was sent back to guard some people (I wasn’t told who). They also said that my time wasn’t done on earth. I was really confused but I ignored it. I asked if I could tell my brother. The angel who debriefed me said I could only tell my blood relatives until the change happened. Still confused? So am I. So I told my brothers and they reacted by hugging me, it was awkward because their arms passed right through me. But they were still happy to have me back. Anyway back to present. Kate for some reason thought I was a threat to her and she found my secret back when I was weak. Weak as in I wasn’t as solid as I am now. For some reason I got solider as time went on. Weird huh. I think so too.
“Hey Joe, want to be one the same team?” Kate asked.
“Uhh no I already promised the girls I would team with them. Sorry.”
Kate was angry and I could tell. Not good. But It felt REALLY good to annoy Kate though so it evened out.
“Hey Emma don’t you want to come over to this side?”
“No thanks Kate” I was instantly quiet again. She was still scary when she was angry.
“Emma, is Kate always this pushy?” asked Joe.
“It depends.” I said back.
“On what?” Joe was persistent.
“On how much she wants you.”
“She wants me?” Joe was puzzled. Poor boy.
‘Yup, and it looks like she really wants you.”
“Darn,” he muttered. I laughed because he was the first person to ever NOT like Kate.
“Hey Kate.” That was Zach of course. He had a BIG crush on her. I don’t know why though. So of course she tried to make Joe jealous by flirting with Zach. Too bad it wasn’t working.
Then we started out on our scavenger hunt. It was fun without Kate. Joe kept making me laugh with all of these cool stunts that were also really stupid at the same time. It was cute. Kinda like he was trying to impress me.
It all came down though when we got back. Kate was all over Joe again though. Youth was over so I grabbed my bad and started out of the youth room as soon as I could.
“Wait up.” I heard. So I turned around and saw Matt, Nick,Olivia and Joe running toward me.
“Hey guys what’s up?”
‘Kate wanted to talk to Joe. We had to spring him from Kate’s spell,” Answered Olivia.
“I was not under a ‘spell’” Joe was using air quotes. “She kept talking and talking. She wouldn’t stop! And I didn’t want to be rude because everyone, or almost everyone LOVES her and I don’t want to make a bad impression.” I don’t know why but I believed him.
“True enough,” Olivia said. “But why didn’t you say ‘I have to go’?”
“She was practically hugging me, a little creepy.” Joe looked scared at the thought of it.
“Joe! Wait!” Who was it but the IT it’s self. “Wait for meeee,” she said drawing out the e in me. When she caught up to us (out of breath) she asked “Joe do you want to come to my house? Nick can tell your parents.” Wow that girl sure moved fast. ‘Please I wanted to talk to you and I didn’t get the chance today.”
“Sorry I can’t. I’m really tired.”
“Oh. OK. Hey Emma, wait I need to talk to you.”
“What Kate?” I asked in an annoyed voice. She answered when everyone had left….
♠ ♠ ♠
OK the one paragraph that explain why she wasn't normal was a little confusing. But other then that did I do OK?