Status: Under editing and on a pause. Be patient please.

Angel's Haunting



“Oh. Ok. Hey Emma, wait I need to talk to you.”
“What Kate?” I asked in an annoyed voice. She answered when everyone had left….

“What’s your problem!” she screamed at me.
“What do you mean?” I asked politely. Which, in case you were wondering, is proving to be very hard.
“Joe likes you instead of me and I want to know why!” she demanded. That was when I lost it. If she thinks that just because a guy likes me that I did something to them, well she had another thing coming!
“I didn’t do anything. I was just civil to him instead of hanging all over him like you tried to do at the beginning of Youth,” I said in a deadly voice.
“Yeah, well stay away! He’s going to be mine,” she screamed. And this is where I draw the line.
“WHY! SO YOU CAN HAVE YOUR LITTLE BOY TOY? SO YOU CAN JUST HAVE FUN LEADING HIM AROUND FOR TWO WEEKS?” I exploded. I was 20 miles past furious and ready to start throwing punches at her. I’m not her slave!
“No. So your family doesn’t get hurt. Cause wouldn’t it be such a shame if anything happened to them?” Oh that little….
“You won’t touch them,” I said in my deadliest voice.
“And why is that?”
“Because you will regret even thinking about it as soon as you try.”
“Ohhh, I’m sooo scared,” she said in a baby voice.
“You should be. So you better leave now, before I get too angry.” With that, I turned on my heel and marched out of there. I marched to where she couldn’t touch me….
I was currently in my church attic. Surprisingly, no one knew about this place. Not even my brothers. This was excellent for me. It meant that I was only one who had found the key, so no one got in here with out me finding out about it.
It was my hide away on Sundays. It had a window seat thing. It was also very cluttered with an out of tune guitar, a desk and a book shelf filled with books. I loved it. I tuned the guitar last year, when I had gone to a music store and picked up a tuner and some of those Teaching yourself Guitar books. I tried, but it wasn’t my specialty. I still love the guitar it’s self though. The books were named things like on the shelves were named things like God at work, Remember Faith. Then we had the novels on there. Like Withering Heights and some old Agatha Christie books. All old but it gave the room some style and personality. What surprised me through was that there was a fridge there. It was empty and hooked up to the wall when I found it. It was currently loaded with Coke, Pepsi, Fresca, and my personal favorite Vidration.
I was so angry that I could have stayed up here all day just so I could hide from my problems. Then again I didn’t want the guys to be waiting for me too long. After about 5 minutes I figured that Kate was gone and everyone else would be worried. As I emerged I quickly walked away from its hiding place so no one else would find it. I found the guys waiting for me, worried sick.
“Em, what did she want?” Matt asked with a really concerned look on his face.
“Nothing important,” I responded briskly.
“Hey, umm, Emma?” asked Joe.
“Yeah?” I responded.
“Well you know how we just moved here, and umm we need to go to school?”
“Yeah,” I said slightly bemused.
“Well, if we end up going to your school will you show us around?” He asked nervously.
“Of course. I would be a terrible friend if I didn’t,” I told him smiling outwardly. On the inside I was nervous of if he didn’t want to be my friend. This seemed to make him really happy though. I figured I said the right thing.
“Oh, thank you SO much.” He said.
“It’s really not a problem. Did you do a schedule yet?”
“No,” he said guiltily.
“It’s not bad. I was just curios. It means that you can request certain classes with people you know. I’m a few years younger but I can still show you around.”
“Oh ok.” I just now realized that everyone else seemed to have gone next door. Where Matt lives, and next to him, now the Jonas’.
“See you tomorrow,” He said lamely.
“Yeah tomorrow,” I said with a huge smile on my face.
When I closed the door I leaned back on it smiling, just like in all those cheesy movies.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long =( I had it all typed up then I accidentally deleted it. I took it in a sort of new direction, and in my opinion, a better one. Thank you to the three that applied to the character thing. You guys will be in soon. Comments, critiques, ratings and subscribers are welcome. And remember: Tell your friends. More comments, faster updates.