Status: Under editing and on a pause. Be patient please.

Angel's Haunting



You’ve got me poppin’ champagne, caught up in the moment... I groaned as I rolled over. I might be a angel, but I was still a teenager. Or maybe a teenage angel was a better word for me. Anyway, it was Monday morning, and just like all those other teenagers and kids out there (and most of the adults) I had to get up.
Waking up is the worst time of day. It meant going from pleasant unconsciousness to bust and unhappy work.
This morning I decided to wear some dark wash skinny jeans and a t-shirt with black leather jacket and black converse. I threw on some colorful feather earrings with colorful bracelets and white leather bag that had a colorful feathered design..
I then decided it was time to go pick up Libby from the orphanage and Madi from her house. Did I forget to tell you about my best friends Libby and Madison (Madi)? Libby has big hazel eyes, long natural curly red hair, lots of freckles. She was also tall, curvy, very pretty. She defiantly had some girls who were jealous of her. Despite all of her looks Libby has had a tough past. She was orphaned at age 12. Her whole family died. Meaning her 4 brothers and parents. Her parents didn’t have a step in guardian thing set up so Libby was sent to the orphanage. I got lucky because she’s still allowed to go to public school and stuff.
Madi was bubbly and happy but she can be secretive and quiet. It honestly depended on her mood, and when she got furious, she got cold headed instead of hotheaded. It was a trait that usually served her well.
She has long brown hair with big innocent green eyes and a cute smile. Her height was 5'5. They were my two best friends on heaven and earth, literally.
As I drove up to the orphanage I saw Libby sitting on the front steps waiting. When I drove up her face lit up, like she was afraid that one day I wouldn’t show up. She was wearing an Aqua Contrast Neck Detail Top with black leggings. She also had her rose mirrored aviators with her areopostale flipflops and a tiffany braclet. She also grabbed her maroon eV2. She was more in the fashion scene then me.
“Hey, how was the weekend?” She chirped happily as she got in.
“Good, I’m showing a new kid around school today.”
“Oh, is he hot?” Of all the things to ask.
“Is that really the first thing you ask? Listen, if you think he’s hot, go for it.”
“Really? You’re the best! But wait, what if he likes you?”
“Umm, I don’t know. What you want I guess.” Libby is the best, but sometimes the filter from her brain to mouth just turned off.
“Ok!” she said perkily. What a strange, lovable child. As we were driving to Madi’s house Libby turned on the radio and Boom Boom Pow flooded our speakers. And of course, we sang along
“I’m so three thousand and eight, you so two thousand and late I got that Boom boom boom, that future boom boom boom I love that song!” I said happily. What can I say, I just love music.
“I know, it’s one of my all time favorites!” I laughed Madi had come up at us when we had pulled into her drive way. She also loved almost every song she heard and added it at once to her infamous “All Time Favorite Song List”. It was one of her quirks. But if we didn’t have quirks, the world would be boring wouldn’t it? At least that’s what I say when people make fun of my friend’s (or mine) quirks. Madi was wearing a shirt that said "I noticed you were gangster, and I'm pretty gangster myself" with a pair of jeans. She was also wearing mis-matching converse. She had also grabbed her red razor. Yes, her converse didn’t match, it was actually how we became friends. The three of us decided to wear mis -matching converse all on the same day. Some kids were making fun of me and Libby and Madi both defended me, and BOOM instant friendship. “So, how your weekend?” Libby answered for me.
“She met a boy, a new into town boy. We are waiting to see if he’s hot.”
“How about handsome.” I suggested.
“Yeah, that works too. Why?”
“Because he’s right there on the sidewalk.” I replied.
“Don’t drive by him! Ask him if he wants a ride!” Libby screamed at me. So that’s what I did.
“Hey Joe, do you want a ride?” Joe grinned widely at me and accepted.
“Nick got up early and convinced my other brother Kevin to drive him. They left me saying that walking is good exercise.”
“Aw, poor Joe. Ok, this is Libby,” Libby waved, “and this is Madi,” and Madi waved.
“Hey guys. Umm, could you guys show me to the office. They said I couldn’t just walk into random classes.” We laughed.
“What a shame. You know I tried that once, when I was little and new to a school. My mom didn’t know what to do cause I came in, in the middle of the school year and then the teachers got mad,” I told him.
“Yep. It was embarrassing.” The rest of the ride was spent listening to what ever song came on the radio. Toward the end though, we let Joe sing. He has an amazing voice! Suddenly a totally undiscovered song came on. The weird thing was that I had never heard of it before, and I was singing along to.
The sun will rise the sun will save me
The sun will change me change the way I feel
The day will make this heart a fortune from the fruit of a hundred orchards
From the water rivers bring

The sun will rise the sun will save me from the night the sun will change me
Change the way I feel
I’ve had enough of the hard and harder times are tough and I’ve drifted farther
Farther from myself

I won’t dwell baby on my failures
It won’t help baby it won’t bring changes
I won’t run baby when all I want is to run
I won’t forget the morning’s sure to come

The sun will rise the sun will save me from then night the sun will change me
Change the way I feel
The love I want the love I need is sure to come is sure to lead me
Lead me home again

The light is low the night is burning, my head is still but my mind is turning
Turning round again
If only I can make it through this lonely night if I can do this
If I can drift away

Then the sun will rise the sun will save me from the night the sun will change me
Change the way I feel

When the song was over the entire car’s passengers were looking at me.
“What?” I asked defensively.
“That was some of the most amazing singing I have ever heard,” Madi told me. The way she was looking at me (in astonishment) told me that she was 100% sure about that.
“You have the voice of an angel.” Joe told me with a similar look on his face. I blushed. Usually didn’t sing in front of strangers(heck I barely sang in front of my friends) and although Joe wasn’t a total stranger, I still didn’t know him that well. When we pulled up to school I was still being questioned on how I didn’t let them hear me sing before. But as soon as we saw the crowd in front of school we all became quiet.
“Why are all the people here this morning. Last time I checked our student body wasn’t that big.” Libby said. Joe fell silent.
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Banners are welcome. Thank you Demiixxlovee for making me one. Sorry for the wait, I was finishing up finials.