Fallen Angels

Fallen Angel 1 I'm Not Like Them

Ashton's POV
"Hey Ashton! Come 'ere, will ya?" I winced and turned around and saw Whitney, Amanda, and Monica, all fake-smiling at me and beckoning me over. I closed my locker and walked over to them-not that I had much of a choice.
"What do you want Whitney?" Whitney was the head bitch at New Age High School, the ultimate dancer and flirt, but still, everyone loved to hate her. Her two idiot sidekicks never left her side but only to gain status. Still, they were pretty good at acting like they liked her.
"Ashton, being the great friend I am, I signed you up to be on the crew for the talent show. After all, I know how much you love to...create." Whoa, back up. What?
"Whitney, what are you talking about? I've already planned to sing with my friends and-"
"Oh but you haven't signed up yet. Besides, I've taken the liberty of making sure that you make this show a success and make me look good." This isn’t very fair.
"Once you're signed up, you can't quit or you fail." Of course I can’t.
"Just thought you should know. Ms. Harris told me to tell you. You got a problem with that?" Well....
"No Whitney. No problem."
"Rehearsal is at 4. Don't be late, it goes 'till eight o'clock so you might wanna get a snack...on second thought, you might wanna lay off the snacks." Amanda and Monica snickered.
My voice cracked as I spoke. "My parents will never let me do it."
Whitney shrugged. "Then I guess you won't be here much longer. Have fun at the new school then." The three girls left me standing there and wishing that this conversation had gone just a little bit smoother.
* * * * *
Donna's POV
My fourth period was always the longest because it was the period right before lunch and lunch was the only time I could see my friends. I sat there watching my teacher try to explain Linear Functions to me and the rest of the class, but without success. I stared at the clock and wished that there was something to make this class hurry up. The door opened, and all of us turned, happy for the distraction.
Milo entered the room, carrying our latest announcements and he handed them to the teacher. Usually we get announcements in the morning but a rumor went around school that the assistant principal was fired so she assigned no one to do anything. We’ve all noticed that the school’s pretty unorganized right now.
Mr. Smith began reading:
"Environmental Club: Please come this weekend to Matheson Hammocks to help clean up the beach for extra credit. You will receive ten hours for doing so.
Those who have signed up for the talent show will have to come to mandatory meetings all this week. No exceptions and no backing out." Thank god I’m not helping. I feel sorry for the pour soul who gets dragged into that.
"By the way everyone, today we're excepting four new students who are coming in from California, Bolivia, Romania, and Germany-I believe they are very distant relatives with each other but I'm not entirely sure. Treat the boys with the utmost respect everyone."
New students, new boys. Looks like Toni has someone new to have and someone new for me to play with.....
Lunch-The Best Period of them All
Ashton's POV
"New students? Seriously?" I looked at Donna as if she were crazy. Well, crazier.
"No way Don. I know you're lying to us now. This school never accepts students in the middle of the year like this." Toni and I nodded in agreement.
"Well these four kids must be pretty special. I mean, boys that is." I looked over at Toni, whose eyes bugged open in shock.
"Wow thats great! I’ve been looking for some new meat around here and I'm tired of having the old relationship thing. I just want to date people and feel free again. Now I've got four boy toys to play with." She grinned maliciously at us as Olympia sat down with us.
"Hi girls! Have you heard of the new boys coming in? They are officially getting their new schedules right now and they got to class fifth period. Isn't that awesome?"
Somehow, I don't understand how some people can be so wrapped up in guys.
Toni smiled and said, "Anyone know their names?"
Donna was the first to make the reply.
"Ugh, I know where they come from. Lets see, one comes from California, another from Bolivia-"
"Hey that's my middle name!" We all stared at Oly who was smiling greatly.
"Anyways, the third's from Germany but I can't remember where the fourth one is from."
I interrupted their little fantasy before things got out of hand. "No ones guaranteed that they'll have the same class as us. Don't you guys think its weird that four random boys just happen to show up on a random day like this?"
The conversation pretty much went on like this:
Donna-They're not just some random boys Ash. They're technically related.
Me-And they all live in different countries? That's a little weird.
Donna-They're not brothers you know. They're like cousins or something. They can live in different places, a lot of families do.
Toni- The one from Cali sounds hot. He must have a nice tan and great bod.
Olympia-I want Bolivia! Not 'cause its my name, but 'cause my parents met there! So romantic! Or maybe Germany.
Donna-Germany is mine of course! He's European, and boy do they know how to travel!
Toni-Guess your stuck with unknown Ash. That is, if you try to get him.
Ashton-I will try! But not with him. I want to pick the guy who I like the most!

So on and so forth. They dragged me into this conversation and now more than anything, I have to know them. The four mysterious boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is chapter 1. u'll understand the title pretty soon so no worries. just follow the story, n if u have any questions, just comment me or send me a message. dont forget to read my other stories if u want n SUBSCRIBE! ;)
P.S. I renamed Melissa because her name didn't fit her character's personality so instead, im renaming her Antoinette a.k.a. Toni for short in honor of my very best friend in the whole world Gaby because she loves that name. :)