Fallen Angels

Fallen Angel 2 Meet The Boys

Toni's POV
Fifth period science. The time of the day where sleep was definitely assured. During this class, all we did was watch movies or have the teacher give us all the answers to our classwork and homework. Sure, we all failed miserably on midterms but hey, his fault for not teaching us. The lights were off and we were all watching some documentary about how Walt Disney didn't actually create Mickey Mouse, but he claimed it. Pretty interesting really but the thing is...
I'm NOT three.
I took out my Ipod and chose Untouched by the Veronicas, my favorite song for now. The beat really made me want to dance like crazy.
The lights turned on in the middle of the chorus, and I turned to see the principal standing at the door. I quickly pulled the headphones out of my ear, but left them on my lap so it would draw less attention to myself by trying to shove it in my bag.
Everyone else turned to the principal and stared.
"Mr. Rodriguez, do you mind if I make a small announcement?"
"Of course not Mr. Konde. Go ahead." He paused the movie and we all waited impatiently for what he had to say.
"Today, we have four new arrivals at New Age High School. They officially start class tomorrow, I am just showing them around to which classes they will be going to." Mr. Konde opened the door and called out, "Seeth, you can come on in now!"
Seeth? Isn't it the name supposed to be Seth? Sounds like a weapon, or maybe a knife.
"Everyone please give a warm welcome to Seeth Inger Bratiano." Great...I got the foreigner. What happened to Mr. California?
Not that I'm a picky person, I just want someone special in my life. At least, thats what I think I want.
The door opened and in came Seeth. Well, Seeth. Not at all what I was expecting.
Very muscular, taller than me-why is everyone taller than me....then again, I don't want a smurf-his hair was onyx-black and very shaggy, with bangs that hung perfectly above his violet eyes but you could still see his face very clearly. He wasn't leaning or slouching when he came in the room, he stood tall and proud, even though he didn't seem to be enjoying himself.
He didn't smile. The most memorable feature about his face was how....unused his lips were. Like he was always frowning and he didn't know or remember how to feel happy. Just serious.
"Seeth, would you like to say anything about yourself to your classmates?" Seeth looked at Mr. Konde and then back at us. He shoved his hand in his pockets but he still managed to have a strong posture.
"Umm, I'm from Romania but I'm still related to Kristian, Damion, and Rave"-Those must be the other boys-"we're just like cousins or something. Oh yeah, just to give you guys a warning, don't screw around with me or I'll tear you apart. Thats a promise."
The girls all murmured happily, very interested with him while the other guys were either scared or pissed by his bravery. But somehow, he doesn't seem so brave, just honest.
"Thank you Seeth for your...er...announcement. Alright, everyone continue your work and set a good example for our new students in case you have more classes with them. Bad behavior will give you all detention." Mr. Konde nodded one last time, pleased with himself, and walked out of the room with Seeth following.
If Seeth was that hot, then I might die of a heart attack if I see his cousins.
Donna's POV
So my history class was having a debate about whether abortion was good and bad. I pulled out my notebook and began doodling all over my homework due next class. Or at least, I tried to doodle not that I'm really good. Arts just not my forte. It belongs to the true artistic genius here, Ashton Hart. Thing bout Ash is, she doesn't seem to realize how lucky she is, in most ways.
I mean, my life may suck but at least I have self-esteem. She's got none. I can go through a beating and still feel beautiful, no matter what anyone said. I'm not one to talk back but I won't back down. I'm an interesting person you could say.
The door opened and the principal walked in and held the door open for someone.
"Class? No doubt you've heard of the four new students arriving. I'd like to introduce you to Kristian E. Canning, one of our new students. He will be joining your class tomorrow for the rest of the year and we are pleased to announce that he will be staying at our school with us. Kristian, you can come in now."
Kristian walked in.
Honestly, its hard deciding on something you know that should be obvious but it isn't to you. This guy was just...I dunno.
He was a tall, strong looking guy-not the kind of boy to mess around with-and he had shaggy blonde hair that looked spiked at the tips. I loved his smirk. It just screamed cocky to me but tough at the same time with just a mix of the emotion "I don't give a damn."
I also loved his crystal blue eyes, which almost looked like ice if you really admired them.
One of the girls whistled when he came in and he turned his cold ice eyes to her.
"Are you done?" His voice was deep and sounded naturally pissed. The girl nodded nervously, looking very afraid. Kristian continued.
"So you know my name then. Do not call me any nicknames like "Kris" or something stupid like that, not unless you wanna piss me off. I’m a pretty angry person so back off, if you care." Everyone froze in response to what he was saying, including me.
He was a troublemaker; someone dangerous. Someone bad to be around and someone I should stay away from. But hey, I'm only human and Friday, I'll see if he really is all cracked up to be.
Olympia's POV
I'm horribly failing math. Even though a few other people are failing this class, I'm doing the worst.
"Olympia, Linear functions are functions that have x as the input variable, and x is raised only to the first power. There is no second or third power."
"Yes but Ms. Rito I-"
"Oly, just pay attention to the examples and you will do better." I hate failing. It makes me feel like I don't belong anywhere in the world. My mom and step-dad always want me to be perfect, but they say I never will because I'm to nice. I hate failing. I hate crying.
Tears welled up in my eyes and I pulled Ashton's hoodie over my head. I was so happy she always shared her things with me and just thinking about Ashton made me happy again.
"Ms. Rito, may I make an announcement?" We all turned to see Mr. Konde enter the room with a boy following him.
"Certainly sir. Go right ahead." Mr. Konde smiled and turned to us.
"Students, this is Raven A.Velasco, our new student. He will be attending New Age for the next four years and tomorrow, he will start his new schedule so I expect you all to treat him with respect and kindness as well as the other three new boys. Raven, is there anything you'd like to say?" The boy came out from behind the principal and looked uncomfortable but the principal grabbed his shoulder to keep him from leaving.
"You guys can call me Rave if you want to. I don't really mind what you call me."
Rave had the most beautiful hair I'd ever seen. “Raven-colored” curls with a ruby tinge at the tips. A little past his ears but just perfect for him. Chocolate brown eyes, filled with innocence and sadness.
His eyes went all across the room until he reached mine. Then his expression changed, like he was pitying me. Or sorry for me. Or angry at me. Without looking away from me, he said "I'm ready to go now Mr. Konde. Where's my next class?"
Ashton's POV
Language arts. A place where I'd rather be writing creative stories, not essays.
The book we were reading was the most boring book I had ever laid my hands upon and let me just say I love reading. I'm a total book worm but this book was just so agonizing, I along with the rest of the class stopped reading the book as soon as we got to the first few chapters.
If Spark notes didn't exist though, we'd all be doomed but the point is, we're on chapter 22 and the teacher thinks we've all been such good students by reading his little torture device.
"Everyone take out your notes. We're going to have a review discussion about the three paintings that Jane painted." At least the girl had some art in her blood. Just not enough to get me anymore interested in this book.
I took out my hard copy of Jane Eyre and pulled out the real book I was interested in: Fade. It was the sequel to the book Wake, which I had picked up accidently at the library. When I didn't get any homework that night, I stayed up until eleven trying to finish it. And I so did.
I opened the book and angled myself to be facing the teacher and look like I'm paying attention when really, I'm not.
* * * * *
"Students may I have your attention?" I looked up briefly at Mr. Garcia, who was nodding to the principal Mr. Konde. I looked up at the clock and saw that class was almost over, thank god. I slid Fade back into my bag and looked at the principal with undivided attention.
"Good afternoon class. I'd like to introduce one of our newest students Damion Leagan-" What kind of name is Leagan? Is that made up"-and he will be joining your class tomorrow and presumably, a few of your others as well. Damion, come on in."
Then I saw Damion for the first time. Midnight black hair, curved around his head perfectly but not to short, beautiful emerald eyes, and very very strong. Definitely not my type but Toni or Donna would definitely take a liking in Damion.
"Damion, would you like to tell your new classmates anything about yourself?"
Damion looked up at us, his face calm but emotionless. I would've loved to draw him because his face was so unique-looking.
"No not really. I don't really no everyone that well."
I heard Whitney whisper in the back, "I so want to get to know you." I don't even know why she's in this class, she's not smart and she shouldn't be in honors. She's just a huge suck up to people.
I tried to keep my attention on the guy standing before me, who was gazing at the wall with boredom.
"Alright then. Mr. Garcia, you may continue your class. In the meantime, Damion, let me take you to your last class."
And with that, he left us. It almost seemed like he never existed to us, like he was to good to be true or real, yet there he was, perfect in my memories.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the chapter that introduces Seeth Bratiano, Kristian "Kris" Canning, Damion Leagan, and Raven "Rave" Velasco, my gorgeous boy quartet (not that they sing.) Bits of their personality are revealed later and if you are confused about the story plot, just wait until I write either four or five. it'll definitely clear up the story. also, all my titles for Fallen Angel have different names but i think im gonna change it by the time i get to chap 4 or 5. something like that. also: the day is tuesday. wednesday & thursday are no school days but there is Friday.
p.s. i think i mightve found a pic. for Kristian but im not sure.