Fallen Angels

Fallen Angel 3 If Looks Could Kill

Toni's POV
"FINE! I'M COMING!" I hate my mother. I really do. I walked down the stairs, crossed my arms and stared dully at my mother, who was sitting on the couch watching tv and doing her hair.
"What do you want now mom?"
"Did you finish your chores?"
"Duh. The house is clean, isn't it?"
"Good. Get ready to go soon, we're going out tonight."
"Whoa whoa whoa. Wait. What? I can't go out tonight with you, I've got a party to go to, remember?"
"Antoinette, I told you we were going to my sister's wedding tonight and you ARE coming. No excuses." Here's the thing with me: people could say that I have a love/hate relationship with my mom but if they did, they're completely wrong. I have a more..... I-hate-you/Why-are-you-ruining-my-life relationship with my mom. When arguing to defend myself just isn't working, I have to switch my defenses to Why-are-you-ruining-my-life?
"MOM! Please, let me go to the party! I've been planning this for months now and Ashton will be heartbroken if I can't come and support her! This is so important for me and besides, your sister hates me! Why not make the world a better place by keeping the peace and letting me have fun after working so hard!!!!!" Okay, not the total truth but nothing's fair when it comes to war.
"Get ready right now. We're leaving in an hour."
"Okay, can I go to the party after the wedding?" My mom's answered by SLAMming the door. She had gotten up and walked into her room without another word. How over-dramatic.
* * * * *
I logged on to AIM after fully pampering myself for the wedding-hey, I deserve a treat or two-and prayed that Ashton would be online. The truth was, tonight, I was supposed to take Ashton out to an outside school party at a club so she could meet some boys but she was to scared to go alone and her self-esteem was a huge issue. She was overly shy around guys and didn’t know how to flirt or even talk with guys. All she knew how t do was dance but that wouldn’t help her much. So me and Donna promised to come to support her.
To bad Oly couldn't come though. Her parents hated it when she asked to go out places late, even when its a weekend AND there are parents there.
I looked for Ashton but she wasn't online and god knows that she doesn't have her cell phone on. She never does.
Instead, I found Donna online:
PurplMunkey: Hey toni. Wts up?
For some strange reason, Donna never puts vowels in words that have more than four letters. Mostly anyways. Its taken me forever to understand what she’s writing and every time I talk to her, I always think 'god what a dork.'
LoveMeKissMe: Donna, r u goin 2 the party 2nite??
PurplMunkey: wll...yah. rn't u?
LoveMeKissMe: no. my mom’s not letting me go. god i hate her so much.
PurplMunkey: toni!!! u hav 2 cum! ashton's luv life dpnds on u! u hav the mst exprnce w/gys thn ny1 i kno!
LoveMeKissMe: i know that. thats why im gonna need u 2 help her out until i can ditch the wedding.
PurplMunkey: WUT????? toni, if its a wddng, u gtta go? wait, is ur mom gttng mrried?
LoveMeKissMe: NO! gosh, its her sister or something. donna, can u help her out until i get there? or do i need to get sum1 else whose a total stranger and probably screw ashton up 4 good?
PurplMunkey: dn’t evn jk! i guess so.
PurplMunkey: actlly i can.
PurplMunkey: but toni. now im wrried. how r u gnna htch a rde?
LoveMeKissMe: ill think of something. dont worry bout me, worry bout Ashton. we're doing this 4 her & i cant hav u worrying about me kk?
PurplMunkey: sre thng.
PurplMunkey: but if u need nythng, cll me.
LoveMeKissMe: i need 1 thng.
LoveMeKissMe: well 2 things. 1, bring sum party clothes 4 me 2 change in2.
PurplMunkey: gtcha. u wnt the rcker-chic shrt w/sknny jeans?
LoveMeKissMe: yes! thats perfect. also bring shoes 2.
PurplMunkey: u need mkeup 2?
LoveMeKissMe: no, i can manage.
PurplMunkey: kk. bye bye! :)
LoveMeKissMe: wait! dont go! im not finished!
PurplMunkey: oh rght.
PurplMunkey: wts the 2nd thng?
LoveMeKissMe: dont tell Ashton anything!!!!! she will freak out if she finds out that im not coming n if she does, shell never get over it. but if she does ask, u tell her that im running late cuz my mom is running a few errands 1st. party is at 10, right? i might be an hour or 2 late but ill still have enough time to help ashton out right?
PurplMunkey: yeah.
PurplMunkey: i tld her prnts to let her slpovr so tht i could tke her 2 the prty.
LoveMeKissMe: u also told her prnts that theres no school 2moro so she wnt get in touble 4 goin out late right?
PurplMunkey: duh. they’re fine w/her goin out lte, as lng as we “stck 2gthr” n i dnt let anythng bad hppn 2 her whch i wnt. i luv her 2 mch 2 leave her w/sum guy so she can get rapd.
LoveMeKissMe: perfect. the wedding starts at 9 & knowing my family, theyll stay extra late to get drunk.
LoveMeKissMe:...at east till 3.
PurplMunkey: thts prbbly whn the prty wll end 2.
LoveMeKissMe: so ill go home w/u guys at like 2:30 if thats ok so we can beat my mom, & if she asks me, ill tell her i got tired & u were near by so u came by 2 take me home.
PurplMunkey: prfct.
PurplMunkey: oh crp. ashton's here. im gnna do her hair, outfit, n mkeup now.
LoveMeKissMe: good. make her look awesum. :D
PurplMunkey: shes gnna b so sexy whn u c her. :)
LoveMeKissMe: good. cant wait. focus on making her look good tho. delete this when she comes n PLEASE dont make her look like a stripper. ):(
PurplMunkey: lke she’ll let me. ;)
PurplMunkey: gtta go. bye. *wave*
LoveMeKissMe: bye. :) *dork*
PurplMunkey: ):P
I logged out and picked up my keys, my purse filled with stuff to help me survive (my ipod and cell phone), and left to go to the wedding.
♠ ♠ ♠
again, sorry it took me so long to post chapters because im busy and ive been in a rut but now im back. this chapter has an AIM conversation: donna=PurplMunkey toni=LoveMeKissMe.
if i got anything bout AIM wrong, sorry but i doubt i did.
ill try and post chap.4 later tonite or tomorrow and finally, u have heard toni's full name: Antoinette Amelie Valentine. all european, very beautiful. enjoy! :)