Time to Pull the Trigger

Clocky and How to make people think you're normal

The officer followed me to the cell.

"Hey Danny." It felt weird to have to speak to him like this, with him behind bars. He wasn't a bad person over all, he never tried to be. I was the person that wanted to be in trouble constantly, yet Danny, ever since we were kids, got the blame every time.

"Hey Rikkie. Happy Birthday." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. He was only sitting there, on the ground, which wasn't really a surprise, he didn't own a bed, a couch or anything until I moved in. He said it proved his youth, the fact that he could sleep on the hard floor and not feel like crap the next morning.

"As soon as I have the bail money-"

"Don't worry about it Rikkie." He shook his head. "I'll be out of here soon enough."

I hung my head. Truthfully, he would probably be out before I could make the amount of money to bail him anyway, but I hated the way all of his friends stared at me when I walked in the door. Every time they would look behind me, seeming to wonder if Danny was behind me, he never was.

"Jessie." His face immediately brightened at the sight of his girlfriend. I stepped back to let her stand in my place. He stood up from his position and intertwined their fingers through the bars.

As i watched him talk softly and reassuringly to her, i felt a pang in my heart. I couldn't ignore the jealousy or the fact that i wanted something like what they had. I knew they would get married. Everyone did. My brother's love for her was more than he had shown anyone, even me. It hurt, yes, but it was something i would have to except. Jessie was practically everything my brother was not and he needed her and she needed him. I respected the way they looked out for each other and ever since i had seen the life he lead, just like when i was little, i wanted to be just like him.

As i walked back into my brothers apartment i was surprised to see 'the boys' all sitting on the multiple bean bags we owned.

"Happy Birthday!" They all yelled in unison and i froze in my steps.

"Who told you?" I asked, setting down my messenger bag.

"Your brother." Jayden was the first to get off of his lazy ass and lead me to the lounge as the rest followed.

"We saw him this morning and he said that we better do something big for you since you're turning 21 and everything. He said he would kick our asses if we didn't since he couldn't be here. But when we got here you were gone, so Jessie said she would go and see if you were visiting good ol' Dano." Addison picked me up and threw me down on a comforter on the floor, which hurt since it felt about as hard as the ground "Now stay there while we go and get your presents." He warned.

I nodded and saluted him mockingly as he left behind Jayden.

Kalen sat down next to me on the uncomfortable mattress. "Where did this come from?" I criticized.

"Your brother." He raised an eyebrow. "Does that surprise you? We saw it put away in the closet over there." He pointed.

I nodded as i tried to get into a more comfortable position. I soon gave up on the impossible task.

"Are you okay?" Kalen's eyes danced as a smirk appeared on his face. I soon noticed he had been watching me the entire time as he sat crisscross applesauce.

"This is so fricken uncomfortable." I complained.

Before he could answer, Jayden and Addison entered, holding hefty bags.

"What the hell did you guys buy me?" I questioned as they set them in front of me.

"We would have wrapped them, but you usually do that stuff." Jayden shrugged.

"So you put them in hefty bags?" I rolled my eyes as i untied the knot on the first one. I stared at the first box i had pulled out.

"That was from all of us." I heard Addison snicker.

"Clocky?" I queried, reading the front of the box. "Just try to sleep in, CLOCKY dares you?"

"It's a new alarm clock." Jayden supplied. I could still hear the boys laughing. I continued reading. The box said, whenever you decided to not get up, CLOCKY would roll away and hide while continuing to beep loudly.

"Wow. Thanks guys." I joined in their laughter. I would probably kill it one day but it was pretty damn amusing.

"Okay, next." Kalen patted my knee impatiently.

I pulled out a second gift, a book. "How to make people think you're normal book." I read the title aloud. "Ouch."

"From me." Addison smiled.

I opened to the first page and read the first couple sentences. "I am too normal!" I contradicted the first line, hitting Addison over the head with the book.

"That's not what the book says!" He laughed.

And while I'm sure you all would love to hear about the rest of the 'gifts' i got, i'll just summarize. On top of CLOCKY and the HOW TO MAKE PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE NORMAL BOOK, i got a new ipod (my last one fell in the toilet), a new messenger bag, a 'How to clear a hangover book' (they thought it was appropriate with me turning 21 and all), a chocolate scented calculator (this is why the guys don't go shopping without me, they're like little boys and will buy ANYTHING), a green astronomical laser pointer (refer to last comment), an arm wrestling mania electronic arm wrestling game (okay, no matter how stupid, i would most likely enjoy kicking their asses at this), an Ass Kickin' hot sauces crate ( and i admit, i do put hot sauce on practically anything that's not sweet) and ashley simpson and pete wentz salt and pepper shakers. (i don't know where they found them, but they're hilarious.)

"FInally finished." I tossed the empty hefty bags into a corner and piled all the gifts onto the mattress.

"For now." The boys all looked to each other mischievously.

"Right now, i don't even want to know." I admitted, holding my hands up in the air.
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Please comment. Criticism is very welcome. And should i keep writing or not?
Much appreciated : )