Little Girls Always Look Up to Their Mothers

The story takes place in the 1940's in a house a few miles from a small town.

Delihla lives alone with her young mother.

Story behind the story (if you wanna know... Not necesarry to know, though):
When I was in the 9th grade we - being the infamous 'troubled' class of the school - got a substitute teacher for one of our classes. She looked kinda post-punk, pre-emo - her clothes dark and her hair cut in several, weird angles - and she inspired me.
She gave us each a dice and a sheet of paper. The point was to let the dice decide what genre the story should be, and also which props should be used in it and where and when it should take place.
My theme should be horror. I don't remember all the other stuff, except that one of the props was supposed to be a spur...
And then this story formed in my head.
After half an hour I still wasn't done, but the teacher had us read them out loud. After I'd read mine, she honestly looked at me as if she was two seconds away from sending me to the school counsiler... When I looked around at my classmates, they were all in pure shock.
And that is why this story has never left my brain.

Enjoy the reading!