Trying to Stay Alive

Old Friends come back

The yelling and fighting and cutting went on for a few more days. Finally my house was all quiet. I crept out of my room and went to get myself some food. I had locked myself in my room and haven't eaten. Now was my chance to get food before the two insane people came back. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a shitload of food and ran bakc up the stairs and locked my door and set the food down. I jumped once my phone rang. I answered it without looking at the ID.

"Karla how are you"
"Good who is this"
"Don't tell me you dont remember your bestest friend in the whole wide world."
"Um i dont really ahve friends" I said
"Well I moved and now I'm moving back to town...Its me Seidee"
"Seidee.. OMG yay I'm sorry I didnt realize it was you"
"Its ok but dont do it again"
"I wont I promise"
"So you wanna hang out"
"Hell yea you remember where I live right"
"Yep I'll be over soon"
"Yay bye seidee"
"Bye" she said and hung up.

Ok seidee was one of my old friends but she moved away and we lost contact with each other. We were so close and It was so sad when she left. We both promised we would stay freinds forever and I'm glad she wants to keep that promise.