Trying to Stay Alive

looking for a place

Finally after a few hours my dad finally left the house. Me and my mom were jsut sitting in my room waiting. She decided that she was going to go get food. We both decided to go out and get food. We were bonding there was no yelling or fighting. Finally I decided to talk to my mom about moving.

"Mom why don't we jsut move out and leave dad"
"Well thats what I've been trying to do but he gets in the way everytime"
"Mom I'll look for places and well get out of here and start over and be done with him"
"Ok Karla well do that well leave once we both agree on a place"
"Yes this is gonna be great"
"Yes it will as long as we get away from the beatings....Karla darling I'm sorry for hitting you. I shouldn't have done that at all. I should have stopped your father from doing it to you but instead =I helped him. I feel so bad for everything you've been put through"
"Thanks mom but as long as you dont hit me anymore I'll be good"
"I promise I wont hurt you anymore"
"Thanks mom" I said and then we fell queit until we got to a fast food place. We got out and got food and everything. We spent the day together and bonded and looked for apartments out of Belleville and we found some that we liked but they were to much for me and my mom to pay for so we have to keep looking till we find a cheaper place.