A Little Piece Of Heaven

I Never Told You What I Do For A Living

It was dark, almost midnight; I was sprinting through the woods as fast as I could. I stopped for a minute to catch my breath and cringed as I heard the faint sounds of gunshots in the distance. I leaned up against a tree trunk and hung my head as the tears started building up. I stayed there for a few minuets as my heavy breaths slowed down. “There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” I jumped and then looked behind me, a sad smile on my face as I looked at my best friend Jimmy. I’d known him since we were little, and I’ve always had a thing for him. “Let’s get out of here before the cops come, okay Sweetie?” he said with a gentle smile. I nodded and followed him to wherever he was leading us. I bet you’re probably wondering why we’re running from the cops. You see, I live with Jimmy and his step-brother, Louie, who isn’t exactly the nicest person ever. Louie started drinking more and more lately, and the alcohol started to mix with his anger problems, and then he became abusive. Jimmy got fed up with Louie’s addiction and anger problems so he decided to end it. He sent me to get a head start and run to the woods to hide while he took care of the problem. I just didn’t know how long it would take for the guilt to set in on him; it was already eating away at me for not stopping it, but the deed was done. I glanced at Jimmy who was kicking a pine cone as he walked with a sad, uneasy look plastered on his face. We slowed our walking pace as we approached an old tree house we built a couple years back. Jimmy climbed up and then helped me up. He leaned against the wall and sat on the floor and a small tear trickled down his cheek. He wiped it off and bit his lip, trying to hold back tears. I sat down next to him and hugged him as I tried to keep a brave composure. He sighed and wiped another tear from his face. “I’m sorry Jimmy…” my voice trailed off. “It’s not your fault Autumn.” He mumbled and grabbed my hand reassuringly. I sat there and just stared at my best friend, taking it all in. I hated seeing him this way, I wanted so desperately to break down and cry about what happened but I wouldn’t dare. He needed to cry more than me. The moonlight was shining through the window right over Jimmy, making him almost glow. He was perfect. The way the moon shined on his flawless pale skin, his silky black hair, messy yet cute, his glistening ice blue eyes, the way his snake bites hugged his lower lip, the way he always cared for me, he was perfect. He rested his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. “So where are we gonna run to now?” I whispered. “I don’t know, you always wanted to go to London, right?” he mumbled sleepily.
“Yeah, why?” I asked.
“Then we’ll go there, get a job and work hard for a few weeks until we have some money. After that we’ll buy an apartment I guess.” he yawned. I smiled and leaned my head on his and closed my eyes. “Things will get better, I promise.” He said wrapping his arms protectively around me and letting my head rest on his shoulder. “Good night Autumn,” he paused for a second “I love you.” He said almost nervously and kissed me on the forehead. I smiled and closed my eyes again. “I love you too.” I mumbled. We both lied down and he snuggled closer to me. “Do you think of me differently because of what I’ve done?” he asked nervously. “No I don’t, you’re still the sweet Jimmy I’ve known all my life.” I paused, “No one is perfect Jimmy, we all make mistakes and sacrifices, that’s just life.” I reassured him. “You aren’t scared of me?” he asked. “No, I could never be scared of you, no matter what crazy thing you do, you’re still my Jimmy.” I smiled and wrapped my arms around him and snuggled my face into the crook of his neck. “I didn’t shoot him cause he was hurting me, I did it cause he was hurting you, you’re my best friend and you’re all I have left, I didn’t want to lose you.” He whispered weakly and kissed me on the cheek. “I was scared to lose you too.” I confessed. He laughed and took off his hoodie and laid it over me. “Why were you scared to lose me?” he asked amused.
“I was scared Louie might shoot you or something if you messed up.” I replied embarrassed at how stupid I sounded. He laughed quietly and smirked. You won’t lose me, I promise. Now let’s try to get some sleep so we can try to figure how to get out of here tomorrow.” He said quietly. I nodded and closed my eyes. “I love you Jimmy.” I mumbled. “I love you too babe.” He whispered and lied his head down and we both passed out.