Note to Self

Ch 13

A Week Later
J.D.’s POV
Addie and I were eating at Taco Bell just hanging out. Away from our lives and families. It felt like back when were fifteen except we were older and Kyler wasn’t here. “I miss Ky.” I said. Addie nodded.
“Can you believe how much the twins look like him? I mean nothing like when he had the black hair which was what the last five years of his life.”
“I know. Ari’s is too much like him if you ask me. Something about him…”
“Maybe because he was bi…or something. Maybe it’s how quiet he is. Maybe it’s how unbelievably depressed he is.”
“I guess. It’s weird how Ari and Emily can be so depressed when they have Eddie and Zakky as parents. Have you ever met anyone as positive as Zakky?”
“No I can’t say I have. Zakky is something else and Eddie’s just a great person.”
“Yeah. So how is your life going?” I asked.
“Uh, it’s okay. Sean is having trouble with getting Black Widow to do anything. The girls are so jealous of Alex, but I think they’re glad about Emma being around the house. I think it’s weird. If someone had told me eighteen years ago that one of my best friends would be dead and I was going to have two of his children, I would have laughed in their face. I guess nothing in life is ever like you plan.” I nodded.
“Addie, is it weird that I’m still in love with Kyler? I mean he’s been dead for like eighteen years and I’ve been married to Aaron for like, fourteen years.”
“I don’t think so. I mean he was a huge part of your life.”
“You’re still in love with a dead guy?” Aaron asked. I looked up startled.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Getting food. Can I sit down?”
“Yeah.” I scooted over and kissed him.
“You’re still in love with Kyler?” He asked.
“You knew that.” I said.
“I just thought you thought about him too much for your own good.” He said quietly. He finished his food.
“We should go. Bye Addie.” I hugged her and me and Aaron left. “Aaron I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. He’s dead.” We sat listening to a CD for a while. “It’s just can’t I be enough?”
“You are.”
“Well what did I expect? I mean Kyler was fucking sexy with a dangerous edge about him. He was insane. Who doesn’t want an insane boyfriend?”
“Aaron!” I yelled.
“Don’t fucking talk about him like that. You knew him as the schizo guy in school. You didn’t know his name was Kyler. You didn’t know that he was kind and caring. You didn’t know that he was everything and more. He was so much like you.” I was crying by now. “He was my best friend. My first boyfriend…and love. So don’t say that you knew him. You didn’t know he even existed until he killed himself.”
“Yeah I did. I saw him with you. I thought, wow that guy is amazing. J.D. Smith is so sexy. What I wouldn’t do to get into his pants. What I wouldn’t do to kiss those lips, to talk to him. To hear him say I love you. No, there was that really hot guy that you were always around. I thought man that kid is lucky. I knew he was.” We were in our driveway now. I leaned over and kissed him.
“I’m sorry.” I whispered and went inside.

Next Chapter's gonna contain some slashage for all you boy sex lovers :) sry jeffree star, but will you plz read it?!? Love ya. Comments please!