Note to Self

Ch 19

Nobody’s POV
Janie sat on her bed late that night reading. She heard a creaking. “Jeff?” She whispered. “Jeff, wake up.” He just made a noise and rolled over. She went to see where the noise came from and saw something out of the corner of her eyes. She was gripping a knife. Glass shattered somewhere in the downstairs bathroom. She screamed. Nothing was there…there wasn’t glass broken. There was a little kid screaming.
“Mommy! No, Mommy, I’ll be good!” She heard a tiny voice scream. “I don’t want to.” She heard a voice whisper. I was slightly deeper, but the same voice. “I hate my life.” She heard the same voice. “Shut up!” Janie closed her eyes laughing. He was getting to her. Playing mind games. She went up to her room and got in bed. She turned the light off and fell into a deep sleep.
She was awoke a few hours later by cold air. She shivered, turned on the light and got up to get another blanket, but fell back when she saw Kyler glaring at her. “What do you want?” He smiled at her. His sweet, loving smile that she had grown to love was twisted with evil. He took a step toward her. “What do you want? I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He just came at her with the twisted grin. “Please…”
“Revenge.” He whispered lifting a knife.
“Janie?” Jeff was shaking her.
“Oh, Jeff.” She clung to him sobbing.
“Shhh, Janie, what’s wrong?”
“He’s after me. He’s after me.”
“Janie, you’re insane.” He said. “I'm taking you to the mental hospital.” Janie just stared at the long cut on her arm. He did that…
A Year Later
Ari’s POV
I was sitting against a tree in the front yard playing guitar when Jared came over to me. “Excuse me, but do you know where the owner of my heart is?” I giggled.
“Hey.” I smiled. He sat down next to me.
“So I guess this is it, huh? The last time I’m gonna see you for a while.”
“Yeah…but I’ll call you.”
“Good. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He kissed me and wrapped in arms around me. I leaned against him taking in his scent. He always smelled like cinnamon candles. My band was going on a year long tour after graduation. That was tomorrow.
“Are you going to go to Stanford?” I asked.
“Yeah. Hey, uh, who’s your band again?” I giggled.
“I play sing, Reese is on guitar, Reggie is on bass and Kieran is on drums.”
“I thought you played lead guitar too.”
“Not live…only on records. See I can’t do both at the same time well. Reese is great though. He knows the rhythm and lead parts. I just with we had some to play the rhythm while we were live.”
“I could do it.” I looked at him. “I play…a little at least and that way I won’t have to miss you so much.” It sounded like a good idea. I handed him the guitar.
“Play…uh…play Dancing On Ice.” He played it perfectly. I smiled. “Come on.” I put my guitar in the case and we went to Reggie’s house. Reese had been crashing there for a while since his parents were going through something. Reggie answered the door.
“Hey Ari, Jared. What’s up?” He smiled.
“Uh…I have to talk to you guys about something.”
“Okay…” Reggie stepped aside. I saw his girlfriend, Lillian, on the couch. Reese was sitting next to Kieran, brushing the hair out of his eyes. They were together now. The looked at me.
“Hey.” Reese smiled standing and hugging me.
“Hi whore.” Kieran grinned. He’d called me that for a while now. I didn’t even take it as an insult anymore. He also called me bitch, dipshit, and dick, never my name.
“Okay so you know how I said we should get a rhythm guitarist?”
”Well…” He pushed Jared in front of me. Reese looked at me like I was crazy. He pulled me to the kitchen and motioned for Reggie and Kieran to follow.
“You do realize that I don’t believe that he could ever play well. I mean, no offense or anything, but he was a fucking jock for like…ever.”
“I know, but he does play well. He’s amazing.”
“You know how fucking sick I am of hearing you talk about him like that? He was never nice to you. He beat you up, made fun of you and then repeatedly raped you…now he’s your boyfriend and you want him to join our band. I say hell no.” I looked at the other guys. They were looking at the floor. “Look Ari, I’m your best friend and you’re mine. I just hate him. I don’t like him and you know it’s nothing new. I just…no.”
“Reg?” I looked at Reggie. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know…”
“ know I hate him. He stole you from me.” Kieran crossed his arms over his chest.
“I think that you should have dumped him though…” Reggie muttered. “I actually don’t think that you should ever have gotten with him.” I stared at my friends. Couldn’t they see that he changed? That he changed for me? That he was the best thing I had going for me right now?
“Okay…” I muttered and left.

Zakky’s POV
I hugged my baby boy goodbye. He was going on tour. He smiled at me. “I love you Daddy.” He whispered.
“I love you too.” Eddie hugged me as I watched him go. I looked at Eddie. He smiled at me.
“We did a good job I think…raising him.”
“Yeah…He’s great. I’m sure he’ll be fine. I know that Emily needs some help, but she’s just…”
“Just a kid out to see the world?” Eddie asked.
“Well I think that she’ll be fine.”
“I hope.”
“You ready to go?” Eddie asked taking my hand.
“Yeah.” I let him lead me to the car. I wished so badly to be with Kyler…That’s when it happened…
Eddie’s POV
I woke in a hospital bed. The nurse in the room smiled at me. “Good morning Mr. Mathis.”
“Uh…what happened?”
“You and you’re husband were hit from the passenger side by a truck. The driver had fallen asleep.”
“Where’s Zakky?” I asked sitting up.
“Mr. Mathis, please lay back down. I’ll go get the doctor. Get dressed please.” She handed me my clothes.
“I don’t want the fucking doctor. Where’s Zakky?” My heart was pounding. She left. I was so mad. Tears came to my eyes…where was he? A smiling man with graying hair who looked a lot like Zakky’s dad came in the room. I assumed he was the doctor.
“How are you feeling Eddie?”
“Fine. Where’s Zakky?”
“You sure did escape a lot. You got away with only a few scratches and a broken arm. Very lucky. The car looked terrible…”
“Where’s Zakky?” I asked again. Why were they listening to me? Why didn’t they answer my question? I was so frustrated.
“You know most people don’t survive these things.”
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Sorry…I’m Dr. White.”
“Okay. Dr. White, I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to…”
“So you can go whenever you’d like.”
“Where’s Zakky?” I whispered.
“Like I said Eddie, most people don’t survive these things.”
“Where?” I stopped short. Most people don’t survive these things. He had answered me. I stared at the doctor’s sympathetic face.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “We tried…we really did.” No…Zakky dead? I was just talking to him. Not even a few hours ago…No.
“Where is he? Is he still in his room?”
“Yeah. We wanted you to see him before…”
“Before what?”
“You should go. We have to harvest organs and soon. We don’t want to risk them not working.”
“He’s an organ donor…Didn’t you know?”
“No.” I whispered. “Can I see him?”
“Yeah…” I followed him to Zakky’s room. I couldn’t breathe. Knowing that I would never laugh with him again, talk to him, see his smile or his beautiful brown eyes or hug him, kiss him, make love to him…I could never do it again. I went into the room. He looked like he was asleep. Like he’d wake up anytime and smile at me and say, “Hey babe.” We slowly walked over to him. He was still warm, but his skin did feel soft anymore. I brushed the hair out of his eyes.
“I love you Zakky.” I whispered kissing his lips. “Gosh…please…I love you. Wake up! Why don’t you wake up?” I sobbed into his chest. Then I saw him and Kyler…together again and smiled. “See ya later.” I whispered. A nurse put her arm around me.
“We need to…sorry.”
“It’s okay.” I sniffed smiling. “It’s fine. Uh…bye. Thank you for helping…for trying.”
“Welcome.” I went out of the hospital and saw Emily.
“Dad?” She ran toward me hugging me. “I can’t get Ari, but I just got here. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” I said hugging her tightly.
“What about Daddy? Where’s Daddy?”
“Em…” I started.
“No.” She breathed backing away. “Not Daddy…No.”
“I’m sorry Emmy. I wish it weren’t true as much as you do, but…” I was surprised by the glare she was giving me.
“You don’t care. You never cared. Fuck…Gosh, you know this is your fault! I hate you.” She left. I felt numb, but went on my way home.

Nobody’s POV
Janie rocked back and forth in the white, padded room. Jeff came to visit her everyday. She wanted him here now. She saw him everywhere now. He stared at her. She saw him now…He was coming at her with a knife. She remembered the way it looked. It’d been the one she used when he was little to cut him with… “No.” She whispered.
“Oh…Mom…why did you have to be so mean?” His quiet voice whispered coldly.
“Leave me alone.”
“Can’t do that. You see…you and Jeff are part of my past. Part of my past that I have to bury.”
“Don’t do this to me. Please.” She begged sobbing as she felt the blade cut shallowly into her throat.
“Why should I? You never stopped when I asked. When I cried, begging for you to end my pain. You were just the cause of it all. You want to see what you did?” Everything she’d ever done to him replayed in her mind. His screams, his tears, his begging, his scared little eyes…
“I’m sorry…I don’t know why I did that stuff.”
“Because you’re a bitch…duh.” She felt a horrible pain as her heart was cut out. He held it in his hand…it was still beating as she lay dying. “Hmm…guess your heart’s not black after all…” He went at her again. He stabbed and butchered her so badly that nobody could ever recognize her. He smiled at the bloody mess and let a small laugh escape his lips.

He was now at the house. Jeff was asleep, drunk…passed out on the couch. Kyler smiled at how easily things were. He stabbed his stepfather a few times…cut some things off and threw them at Jeff. He smiled at his work. He went to the kitchen and turned the burner on. He threw some grease on it and disappeared. The weight gone…