Status: Hiatus...for a while.

Sweetie, You Had Me.

Was it God who chokes in these situations?

I watched as Ryan pulled a dark gray hoodie over his plain white t-shirt. I fumbled in my bag for something decent, coming up short. Ryan threw a black lump at my feet. I unrolled it to an identical hoodie as his. I shrugged it over my shoulders and grabbed my bag.

Ryan strolled across the wide hallway to Brendon's room while I failed at locking the door. He rapidly knocked, a mumble on the other side signaled for us to enter. Brendon was laying in the bathroom practically passed out.

"Are you okay, Bren?" I asked looking to see if he was breathing. "Coffee." he mumbled.

I walked into the bedroom area to the little coffee maker on the TV stand.

"He likes it black." Ryan said from the bathroom.

"I know how he likes his coffee Ryan, I live with him." I scowled turning the machine on.

"Ugh, are you two fighting?" Brendon moaned. "You sound like an old married couple."

Ryan and I both gave him sharp looks. I handed him the steaming cup and sat on the closed lid of the toilet.

"We are." I said letting the ring shine in the light.

Brendon almost choked on the coffee as he grabbed my wrist. I yipped from the pain of the tattoo. Brendon looked up on my face, seeing I was trying not to cry. I flipped my arm over so he could see for himself.

"So, I guess y'all had fun." Brendon laughed. I frowned pulling my hood up.

"We have to go shopping...Are you coming?" Ryan asked.

Brendon nodded sitting the coffee down. "We have to find Audrey though."

"Find her? Where is she?" I asked getting up.

"I'm not sure...she ran away in the casino last night. I looked for her but I never saw her." He said grabbing he's bag and white shades.

"Well I guess we should start by looking in the casino." I said walking out of the door.


There was almost no one in the lobby as we walked through. I headed through the casino arch to see Audrey lying on a pool table, sleeping. I motioned to Brendon who picked her up, and carried her to the car we had brought. I saw Ryan turning the keys back in and paying for the room. I laid my chin on he's shoulder, surprising him. He walked off with me following shortly behind. I grabbed he's hand to try and keep up.

"Whats your problem?" I asked once we were in the back of Brendon's car. "I don't have a problem." he said looking out the window.

"Well, you are acting awfully pissy to not have a problem." I said not giving up.

"I just can't believe we're married." Ryan said rolling he's eyes.

"Oh! Thats it...well fine. We can get a divorce." I said solving he's problem.

He laughed. "More like get it annulled. We haven't been married long enough for a divorce."

"Fine, whatever you want, we can do." I sighed and slumped into the seat.

"I'll pay for your surgery." Ryan whispered looking back out the window.

I looked up, not sure if he really had said something. "What?"

"I'll pay for the surgery to remove your tattoo." he frowned.

"Oh...I wasn't aware that I was getting it removed."

"Well I kind of figured you didn't want it since I found you trying to rub your skin away." he shrugged.

"Are you keeping your's?" I asked cutting my eyes to see his reaction.

"Yeah." I saw him fight a smile.

"Then I'm keeping mine too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Filla :P
Hope it's okay.
I looove your comments!
So please comment?

(Oh and I'm taking a very short break form this to write a Ryden one shot called Bones.)