Status: Hiatus...for a while.

Sweetie, You Had Me.

You've got it, some kind of magic.

I slipped my gloves on and pulled a scarf around my neck. It was very chilly for early March in Las Vegas. I locked the door on my way out into the empty hallway. The elevators were abandoned to my relief.

The wind whipped my hair as soon as I was outside. Ryan was crazy for walking around in this weather. I headed down the small sidewalk toward The Arbors Park.

Luckily, the trees provided a shield from the harsh winds. I loosened my scarf and searched through the forest like park. Children and their parents walked happily to the playground area, I followed not knowing where else to go.

I could see the outline of a boy on one of the swings. I knew right away that the boy was Ryan. I slowly walked up to him. His head bobbed up and he hesitantly smiled. I did a small wave and sat on the swing beside him. His hand clasped mine causing a contented sigh to escape my mouth.

We sat in silence, swinging until the street light came on. The families began to leave and the moon rose. I looked at Ryan, who was looking back at me.

"I'm sorry." he whispered and looked down. I leaned across the swings and kissed his cheek.

I wiggled the gold ring off my finger and laid it on his knee.

"I want it back soon." I breathed. Ryan nodded and smiled.

Soft music began to play and I slipped my phone out of my pocket. 'Bden' flashed across the screen as I pressed the green button.

"Get your ass in Nevada City right now!" Brendon barely screamed before he hung up.


"Oh my god! Where were you two?!" Brendon shrieked as we got out of my car.

"I had a hard time finding him." I lied as I slipped my merch shirt on over the t-shirt I already had.

"Whatever, Come on Ryan!" Brendon said pulling on he's shoulder. He blew a kiss at me causing my cheeks to heat up.

I slowly walked to the merch table as the band before them began to play.

Audrey was sitting behind the merch table folding shirts.

"Where have you been? Doing merch is so boring!" she exclaimed throwing the shirt down.

I muttered "Sorry." and took her place behind the counter.

My merch assistant, Claire, was idly flipping through an Alternative Press issue when I noticed the front cover was of Ryan and I.

"Claire, can I see that magazine?" I asked. She nodded and handed it to me.

'Ryan Ross is married?!'

My stomach twisted as I turned to the page where the article was located.

All the details were written down for everyone to see. Somehow they even found out about the tattoos.

I grabbed the book and went the guys' dressing room. I opened the door without knocking allowing Brendon to freak out.

Ryan, who was sitting on a couch drinking coffee, looked up nervously when he saw how distressed I was.

I tossed him the book and collapsed into a leather chair.

"Everyone knows." I sighed.
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I like this one.
Do you? =)