Status: Hiatus...for a while.

Sweetie, You Had Me.

You wear your heart on your sleeve.

"So, by now you have all probably heard that Ryan is married!" Brendon boomed into the microphone.

Cue loud boo-ing.

"Well no need to worry!" he joked. "He is still on the market." I could sense the wink at the end of his sentence.

My insides burned as I listened to the end Brendon's joke.

I pulled out the now crumbled marriage license from my purse. Two lines perfectly labeled husband and wife were empty. I waded the paper and threw it on the floor.

The horrible magazine was lying limply on the couch. I could barely to think about anything that had happened once Ryan read the article.

Lots of swearing. I'd never seen him respond to anything like that. It was only the second time I'd seen him cry, the first being when his dad died. I didn't doubt that he would call the whole tour off and put me in hiding. He repeatedly apologized for what he had caused. My own tears formed as I tried to tell him that none of this was his fault.

I could hear Brendon talking but I toned out his words. I was praying that the concert would end soon and we could leave. All I wanted was to be in Ryan's arms.

Wrapped up in my mind's wants I didn't sense the presence of someone else. My eyes flashed to the man once he moved, his shadow blocking the light I was staring at. He looked simple, nothing about him was flashy, except his camera.

"May I have a word with you, Mrs. Ross?" The name he called me by struck a cord deep in my heart.

"Please, my last name is Tate." I said closing my eyes.

The man's eyebrows shot up. "You aren't the girl that married Ryan Ross?"

I shook my head no and sighed when he left the dressing room.

Maybe going into hiding wasn't such a bad idea.


I stood just off the stage as Brendon said goodnight to the audience. Ryan was the first person off the stage. He pulled me along to the dressing room, not saying a word. I nervously bit my nails as he reread the article.

"I'll take you home, if you want, so you that you don't get stalked." The bitterness in his voice made a shiver roll down my spine.

"And what if I want to finish the tour with you?" I opted, hoping he would hear me out.

He looked at me with shiny glass eyes. I looked away afraid to see to much.

"If you wish." he said slowly.

I wrapped myself in he's body on the couch and threw the magazine in the trash.

"I do." I whispered kissing him softly.
♠ ♠ ♠
So depressing....I'm gonna make it happier soon though, don't worry.
And I'm afraid no one got an email cause no one commented the last chapter..
Or maybe my writing just sucks :(