Status: Hiatus...for a while.

Sweetie, You Had Me.

Love Birds.

I opened the door to a dimly lit room smelling faintly of cigarette smoke.

Ryan did a running leap to the small bed causing it to slam into the wall.

"Jesus, Ryan!" I said "Wake up the whole hotel!" He laughed and rolled over to grab the remote.

"God there is nothing on..." he said mindlessly flipping the channels. "Boo yeah! Freddy versus Jason!"

"Oh God, Ryan you know I hate scary movies." I whined.

"Awh come on watch it with me please?" Ryan said with his cute little puppy dog pout.

"I don't know, I gotta work on this list." I said motion to the clipboard on the table. "Fine." he said sulking.

After about fifteen murders I was tired of hearing the stupid girls scream.

"Ry, I'm going to bed." I said grabbing my bag and heading for the crew rooms.

"Wait!" Ryan grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Yes?" I said look rather confused at him.

"Stay with me?"

Someone wake me, I must be dreaming.

Sometime after that I realized I had not been in fact dreaming, because I woke up laying beside him.

"Wake up love birds!!!!" Brendon stormed into the room yelling.

"Hey Melly." Brendon said with a smirk. "Hi Brenny." I said looking at him through my eyelashes.

"I brought coffee!" he grinned holding up the poorly folded coffee holder.

"Thanks Brendon." I said shooting him a look of worry.

"So, did yall have fun last night?" Brendon asked, winking.

A silence layered the room to almost a choking point.

I rolled over to face Ryan praying that by some chance I would catch on fire.

"We watched a movie and then went to sleep." Ryan said while he played with a string on the comforter.

"You guys are boring..." Brendon announced as he turned toward the door. "Oh and Mel, there is a package or something, waiting for you in the lobby."

I rolled over to see if he was joking but he was already out of the door.

"Who could have sent me something? In New Jersey?" I asked Ryan as I slipped my house shoes on to check out the lobby.
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I got comments so I updated :)
See how nice I am? :D