Status: Hiatus...for a while.

Sweetie, You Had Me.

I'd walk the 40 steps to the moon.

"Brendon! Where's the cat food?" I yelled, placing Kit on the couch. He never remembered to put it back in the cabinet.

I walked through the hallway of bunks to the back lounge. Ryan was writing in the worn out journal I had scribbled over and had his guitar on the seat beside him.

"Have you seen Brendon?" I asked him quietly. He shook his head and continued to write.

I walked back up to the front and passed Spencer on the way.

"Do you know when Bren is?" I asked praying that he did. He nodded and pointed to his bunk.

I pulled back the curtain quickly and, to my amusement, scared Brendon and Audrey.

"Where is Kit's food?" I asked slightly laughing.

"In the mini fridge." He said pulling the curtain back.

I sighed and walked back to the front where Spencer was sitting where I had left Kit and she was laying on his shoulder. I smiled at the cuteness and proceeded to get her food.

"How much longer till we get to Chicago?" I asked sitting the bowl of food down and plopping next to Spencer.

"About an hour I think." He said flipping through channels on the TV.


"Welcome to my humble abode!" William called from the doorway.

I carried a small bag of clothes with Kit peeking from the opened top. I linked hands with Ryan since I was slightly nervous.

"Hey Bilvy!" Brendon shouted from the bus door. Ryan said his hello's once we were up at the door. I saw William's eyes travel down to our hands and back up my body, making me very uncomfortable.

"Is this your new girlfriend, you told me about?" William asked before even introducing himself.

"Well actually she's my fiance now." Ryan said squeezing my hand lightly.

"Well I'll be damned, there goes another fish." William smirked. Ryan cleared his throat and we went into the house, his grip on my hand tightening.

"Ryan." I said trying to get his attention and failing. "Ryan, your hurting my hand." He immediately let go and apologized.

"The nerve of that guy. I never really liked him, you know...I only agreed to stay here because it was a free place." Ryan quietly ranted as everyone came in.

"So, when is your concert here?" William was finishing a conversation that he must have started with everyone else.

"Tomorrow night." Brendon said stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Good! That means we have time to party." William winked, turning my stomach into knots.

I've got a bad feeling about all of this.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is sort of filler =P
But I needed more of a plot because the original had no plot what so ever :(
It might be a while before the next update because I need to plan out some.
Comments make me happy! :D