Status: Hiatus...for a while.

Sweetie, You Had Me.

Is it still me that makes you sweat?

"Vegas!" I squealed hearing the news, Ryan was going to tell me before my 'episode', as Brendon liked to call it. No one but Ryan knew the real reason I'd blacked out.

Ryan laughed, "I've been trying to tell you for a while now."

The guys had made it to be where the tour would stop at Las Vegas for my birthday!

"Ryan! Come on!" Brendon called walking toward the stage.

"Will you be okay? Do you feel faint?" Ryan joked kissing my cheek.

"Come on lover boy! You can eat her face off later!" Spencer said pulling a blushing Ryan away.

I rubbed my cheek giggling. It wasn't 'official' but I had a feeling that I wouldn't be alone for Valentine's day.

I watched as the guys one by one grabbed their instruments in the dark, to keep the crowd waiting. Then the lights flashed on, along with the screams. I could sense Brendon soaking this attention in, it's what he lived on.

"Hi Guys!" Brendon yelled out to the crowed. "I have something very special announcement! Tomorrow is our best friends 21st birthday!"

My face turned deep red.

"Come on out here Melly!" Brendon laughed.

I slowly walked out there glaring at him the whole way. He knew I hated being on stage.

Ryan walked over to us with a mic in his hands.

"We're are taking her out to party!" he said with a huge smile. I laughed knowing no clubs in Las Vegas would have me as a customer.

Brendon hugged me while Ryan kissed my cheek.

There was some very jealous fan girls as Ryan began to play Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have, my favorite song.

I ran off stage to a smiling Audrey.

"Happy Birthday, Hun." she said hugging me.I laughed.

"Listen to him sing, its all for you."
As Ryan and I walked to the bus the wind blew violently. I could never stand to live in New Jersey.

I hugged up to Ryan on the couch willing my self to warm up.

"Are you cold?" he asked draping he's arm around me. "Frozen." was my response.

The door opened sending another gust of chilled air through the bus.

Audrey and Brendon ran by giggling, up to no good.

The bus jolted to a start once Jon and Spencer walked on, heading straight for the bunks.

"Melissa, you." I looked up at Ryan's face, was this a joke? Ryan Ross liking me? No I'm dreaming.

I closed my eyes and reopened them. Ryan was still sitting where he had been with the same confused expression.

"Just checking to see in I was dreaming." I laughed.

"Your not." he whispered kissing my stunned lips.
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thanks for the comment guys!
Yall rock :)