Status: Hiatus...for a while.

Sweetie, You Had Me.

A Merry Un-Birthday to you.

I laid on Ryan's bed which was practically mine since I hadn't stepped foot in the crew room. Then a pair of brightly colored pants hit me in the face.

"That wasn't very funny." I said grabbing the pajamas and going to change.

Ryan was lounging in my spot, laughing when I came out.

I huffed and walked over to my bag. I fumbled around until I found the sliver dvd. I crammed it into the player and snuggled next to Ryan.

"What are we watching?" Ryan whispered. "It's a surprise." I giggled when the credits flashed by.

Once the music started Ryan was instantly happy. 'This is Halloween' was one of he's favorite songs from Nightmare before Christmas.

I laid my head on he's chest listening to the soft beating of he's heart.


"So, what happened?" I heard Brendon ask. Although, he had woken me up I stayed 'asleep' to hear what they said.

"Nothing really, Bren." Ryan said rolling out of the bed. The springs popped up once he was completely off.

I heard a deep, dramatic sigh from Brendon.

"Ryan, you've liked her for 15 years! You have put up with all of her jerk boyfriends and then some. I think it's time you tell her!"

I felt Ryan sit back on the the edge of the bed, and he's eyes examining my face. He's hand brushed my cheek.

"She passed out because I kissed her." Ryan sighed "I wouldn't really call that a good sign."

"What? I thought you said nothing happened!!" Brendon huffed.

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't think you would want to hear about my horrible kissing method."

Brendon scoffed and left the room saying that he needed be there if Audrey woke up.

The door shut signaling he had left and then it shut again.

I was up before I had even processed it in my mind. Ryan had left shortly after Brendon apparently. Worried for no real reason I slipped my house shoes on and walked out the door. Peering both ways down the hall, I didn't see Ryan.

But what I did see was a very smiling Brendon, sitting across the hall. I sighed ready to get this over with.

"You were awake weren't you?" he laughed. I nodded turning to go right. "Ya know, Ryan didn't leave the room, he went to the bathroom." Brendon laughed even harder when I went back in the room.

"Why were you in the hallway?" Ryan asked standing beside the bed.

I shrugged playing it cool, I was not going to make myself look stupid- er.

"By the way," Ryan said edging closer to me. "Happy Birthday."
♠ ♠ ♠
I love all of the coment guys!
Keep them coming? :)
This next chapter will be tons better!
This was just filler :)