Don't Stop If I Fall


The man yelped in pain as the sharp barbed wire shredded his palm when he jumped the fence.

We wiped the excess blood from his mouth while his fangs slowly retracted, creating a dull sucking sound to ripple through the still night air.

Then he took off, running into the night.
What if they find me? After what I have done...they will never forgive. They'll kill me!
This thought caused him to fear for his life and he sped up.

He kept running until he saw light in the distance.
Ah, lights of the city. I willbe safe there. No one will suspect me for what I am.
Only as he neared he found that the lights were not lights of the city at all.

The light became blinding and the man shielded his eyes and sank to the ground before the magnificant brightness.

A figure stepped out of the light and slowly started walking towards the man. He instantly recognized the young figure and became overwhelmed with sadness and began sobbing in both fear and greif.

The glowing young man bent down and took hold of the vampire's bloody hands and grasped them tightly, as if he would never let go.
The vampire gasped and collapsed, his limp body softly hitting the dew-covered grass beneath him.

The seemingly angelic figure took his hands from the mans and pulled the man into his lap.
He ran his long, slender fingers through the unconcious immortal's hair and whispered in his ear:
"Hello, Gerard Way. Remember me? It's Sonny Moore."