Eyes on Fire

Chapter Three

That morning Selene found herself alone in the warm bed, her head throbbed and her eyes stung. Curling into the sheets she shut her eyes wanting nothing more than to erase the memories from last night: the screams that paralyzed her and broke her heart over and over. But she found herself unable to. Those nights were engraved deep within her mind. Selene quickly found her phone and dialed the number she knew would soothe her and let her breathe.



"Selene is that you?"

"Yeah, how are you?"

"I'm all right, but sweetie you sound like you've been crying. Is everything okay?"

"Not right now. I don’t know what to do Debbie."

"What happened?"

"Travis had a night terror, but this one was more intense. After the night terror, I begged him to get help and I called him weak."

"Oh no."

" And he blew up. I swear Debbie I thought he was going to hit me. He was so angry, he was so different," Selene said softly, her voice cracking at the end.

"Shh, now, now."

"I just want him to be okay."

" I know you do love, I know," Debbie listened patiently on the end of line while Selene tried to calm herself.

"Has he ever gone to a shrink?" Selene asked once she had found her voice.


"What did they say?"

"It was repressed fear," Debbie sighed, "His dad thought it was a waste of time. He said ' so what if he ignores fear?' "

"Travis and his dad sound like they share a lot of the same values."

"Robert is Travis's role model."


"Yeah, but it's also that that makes Travis never want to back down. You see, his dad's side has always been very competitive and had a strong sense of what manly is. And if anyone back down, he's seen as a failure or wuss."

"So Travis goes far and beyond to prove to his dad that he's not a wuss?"


As Selene began to digest all the knowledge she had just received, her ears picked up the sounds of the front door opening and closing.

"Hey Debbie, I think Travis is home. Thank you for calming me down. I'll call you back if anything happens."

"You're welcome. Say hi to him for me."

"Will do, bye."


Selene closed her phone as Travis entered the room.

"You're up."

She nodded quietly and rose from the bed heading towards the bathroom without a word. Travis watched her enter and close the door behind her. He knew she was angry at him and had reason to, but he would never tolerate being called weak from anyone, even her. He was torn standing in his bedroom, he wanted nothing more than to reconcile with her, but at the same time he would not let her get away with calling him weak.

"Hey Travis, when are we eating?" shouted a voice from downstairs, by the tone of impatience, Travis could tell it was Andy. Travis shook his head and temporarily erased his thoughts as he made his way downstairs.

"Where's Selene?" Jim asked between mouthfuls of cereal.

"Shower," Travis replied sharply, fixing himself breakfast. Andy and Jim watched cautiously as Travis moved about the kitchen violently.

Selene emerged behind them. "Hey."

"Oh hey," Andy replied hugging her, "What's up?" he asked signaling to Travis.

"Uh, you know, got up on the wrong side of the bed today."

"Hey!" Jim exclaimed as Selene grabbed the last spoonful of cereal, " I was gonna eat that."

Travis slammed the fridge door close and poured the milk on the two bowls of cereal. He briskly slid the filled bowl to Selene and walked out to eat on the porch. The 3 of them stayed quiet, watching him sit with his back towards them.

"Is everything -" Jim began.

"Everything's fine!" Selene snapped before he could finish, "Everything is freaking perfect."

Jim and Andy looked at the two and resumed their breakfast in silence, catching each others glances once in a while.

"Dude…what the fuck?" Andy mouthed to Jim.

"I have no idea…fight?"

Selene looked between them and sighed, "I'm sorry."

"It's cool," Jim said pushing his bowl aside.

"What really happened Selene?" Andy asked placing his bowl on Jim's.

"Well what -"

Travis slid the door open as Selene began and cut her short, "You guys done?"

"Yeah," Andy replied.

"Good, let's hit the tracks."

"Again?" Jim sighed, "We just stopped."

"You can stay then, but I am not stopping 'til I get that trick right."


"Wonderboy, it looks like it's gonna rain soon," Andy said placing his helmet on his head.

"It's just rain."

The entire day Jim and Andy found themselves caught in between the tension Travis and Selene had. They wouldn't talk to one another but they would speak with the slams of doors and under-the-breath insults.


"Yeah Jim?"

"Do you think I could stay tonight? I don’t think I could get home in this rain."

"Of course."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. You can stay in the bigger guest room."


"Is Andy gonna stay too?"

"Andy left already. He had to meet someone."

"Oh, okay. Well I'll go change your sheets then."


"Jim's staying the night," Selene said to Travis as he entered the room. She was avoiding his gaze and was fixed upon smearing the lotion evenly on her legs. She felt the bed sink beside her.


"He's staying in the larger guest room."


Selene looked at him behind her long eyelashes.



"This is ridiculous."

"What, me being upset at you?"


"No, you're being mad at me is ridiculous," she says pointing a finger at his chest, "All I fucking did was tell you that you need help Travis. All I did was tell you the truth, whatever you have, it's winning. And you blew up in my face."

"You fucking called me weak."

"Oh my! I called you weak. Get over it Travis! We're all weak," she yelled. She threw the lotion on the floor and slammed the door as she exited the bedroom. She stepped into the smaller guest room and shuts the door.

"Two fights in a row." She thought as she curled into the sheets. She heard a knock on the door and remained silent.

"Selene." - Knock -"Please Selene."

"Leave me alone."

The door opened and revealed Jim.

"Oh Jim, I'm sorry," she said covering her face.

"It's fine, but what's wrong?"


"You and Travis just like to yell at each other?"


"Really now?" he asked cocking an eyebrow.

"He's just moody."

"Time of the month eh?"

"Shut up Jim!" Selene said laughing.

"All right but first tell me what has got you two fighting?"

"Tomorrow, I will. I promise."

"You better or else."

"Else what?"

"I am throwing you in the pool."


"Yes. So goodnight."


Jim exited the room and left Selene surrounded in darkness once more. She pulled the covers over her and curled beneath them. Her eyes began to water. She hated fighting with Travis, she hated not talking to him, not being with him, but she had to stand her ground. She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy, make sure you re-read chapters 1 & 2, for those of you who haven't done so yet. i rewrote them and added somethings.
