Eyes on Fire

Chapter Four

Travis was running ; they took her, they were going to kill her. The thorns slid into his bare feet seamlessly as he ran over them. He could feel them cutting into the soft tissue with every step he took. He must save her.

He hears her scream his name, “TRAVIS!”

He could see her now, the corpses had her tied down. They began to sink their claws inside her, she’s screaming louder now. They rip carelessly the flesh of her bones, filling their mouths with her, her blood dripping down their rotting chins. They laugh at him and grab him, shoving pieces of her down his throat. Red invades his eyesight, its obscuring his vision; she’s disappearing.

“NO!” he yells

“Travis…save me.”

“Selene!” His hands find her , her body cold and slippery with blood. He could still hear them laughing. “Selene, I am so sorry,” he cries out loud. His eyes close and re open to the darkness of his room. He slid his arm across the bed searching for her, but found that her side was cold and empty. His heart raced inside his chest, where was she? He rubbed his eyes and took a second to breathe, “Relax,” he murmured to himself. He opened his eyes and looked to the bathroom, nothing. He walked to the hallway and was about to open the giant guest room, but remember Jim was residing in that one. He turned the knob to the smaller guest room and peered through, relief washes over him as he recognizes her familiar form under the sheets. He kneeled beside her and brushed away the stray hairs from her face. She’s safe, she’s alive. The dream made him realize how much he needed her, how much he loved her ; his only strand of normality.

“Mmhff, stop, “ she mumbled trying to push his hand away.

“Selene,” he whispered.


“Scoot over.”

Selene’s eyes open slightly and strain in the darkness, she moved to the colder end of the bed and let him slide under the covers and turned her back towards him.

“I am sorry.”


“I am sorry for being an asshole.”

“You couldn’t wait till morning babe?”

“I had to come see you.”

“At - she stops to check the time on the clock beside her - 3:46 AM?”

“ I had a nightmare.”

she turns to look at him, “A night terror?”

“Yeah…it was about you.”

She leaned closer to him, “What happened?”
“They stole you from me, they ripped you to shreds before my very eyes Selene. And then they ate you…they shoved your flesh down my throat. I felt like I was going to die. Then they let you bleed to death, while I had to stand there unable to help you, because I was blind.”

Selene wrapped her arms around him, he buried his head in the crook of her neck and let the small tears hit her skin,“ I am so sorry Selene.”

“Shh, it’s okay.”

“I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t, “She replied holding his face, “I love you too much.”

“I’ll get help.”

“You will?”




Selene brought her lips to his and kissed him tenderly before pulling away and whispering, “Thank you.”

he held her close and ran his fingers down the side of her face, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Travis kissed her again and let his tongue roam the sweet cave of her mouth. She pressed against him and ran her fingers through his hair. His hands glided under her shirt, sending shivers down her spine. She pulled away and striped down to only her underwear. He pulled her back towards him. His skin catching fire from the feel of her skin on his. Her hands traveled down to his torso to his briefs where she snapped the elastic band playfully before tugging them down. His hands ran across the soft surface of her bare skin. His lips move down her neck to her collarbone. She slipped off the last remaining piece of clothing and wrapped herself around him. He placed her beneath him and let his skin mix with hers. He molded into her, letting everything go, he only saw her.

He indulged in her beauty, in her scent, in her taste; he indulged in her. She let his hands roam every inch of her, she wanted to take all his pain into her and replace it with her love. She wanted to cure him with this passion she had for him. She blossomed underneath him, let him see her as she truly was, she fed him her sweet nectar and cradled him in her arms. He held her closer saw her eye to eye and took her pureness into his bloodstream. She murmured incoherent lullabies into his ear, her moist forehead on the crook of his neck, her jagged breaths against his neck sending shivers down his spine. He felt himself climbing towards ecstasy and brought her even closer to him, her skin white hot against his.

“Fuck,” he murmured into her hair when he came. She laughed softly, and suddenly he felt ashamed.

“Did you…?” he asked softly.

“I came too,” she said chuckling.

He kissed her forehead and encircled her in his arms. He observed how his skin looked so dark compared to her porcelain complexion, how much of a brute he sometimes felt next to her graceful demeanor. He squeezed her arm softy and whispered, “I love you Selene.
♠ ♠ ♠
its been a while since i've updated this story , haha....sorry loves.

its just i had a writers block the size of the great wall of china for this story and some how, deep in the humid jungles of Guatemala, it crumbled and i was allowed to pass. :)

So here it is, chapter four. i hoped you guys liked(loved it?) it!