A Place You Don't Want to Be

a place that you don't want to b e

A window, a telephone, and a person is all you see in the bedroom of the Carson's house. A thunderstorm was roaming and passing through the area. In the shadows from the window you see the trees swaying back and forth. The branches scratching against the house. The thunder was roaring so loud it made the table against the cold bare wood floor. " who knows what might pop out of the window" the person says herself. RING!! the telephone rings and the girl freezes in her thoughts. He rings and rings and rings ans rings. Then it stops. The girl puts her head down in relief. RING!!! the phone rings again and the girl decided to slowly stand up and slide her feet against the cold floor. She picks up the phone. "hello ...........no.....................no.............no..........yes........... Bang!!!!. She drops the phone and leaves a dent in the wood floor. Everything freezes. Emily !!!! a voice from downstairs yells to the girl. She has a face that has shocked all over it. She runs downstairs in fright. Mom when was the last time you checked if Chuck was on his leash Emily asked. Just a couple of minutes ago why?? her mom replied. Bob's parents just told me that he died after Chuck just bite his and ripped his flesh apart Emily said. Her mom was in shock and Emily put on her coat and shoes and she ran through the woods and almost being blown over from the strong wind. She reached Bob's house and suddenly a strong gust of wind sung the door open and slammed Emily to the ground. From that you can tell that her nose was broken since everything on her face was displaced. No one knew that she was heading to Bob's house she was laying there through out the thunder storm, forming a puddle of blood. Soon the storm went away and the blood was washed into the grass and then disappeared. Her mom started to worry since she haven't return home in quite a while. Emily didn't have her cell phone with her so she couldn't directly call her. But it didn't matter since she was nearing to her death as every minute of the day passed by one by one.
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i will continue this time from time so if you want have any comments about just tell me