A Place You Don't Want to Be

why do people ignore a dead body

She was laying there. She has been dead for a long time. For days people have been passing by Emily and they didn't even bother to call the police or FBI about this dead body. In fact they didn't even think about the dead body and what was happened about Emily. Day stared to change into week. Her body was rotting away and the smell didn't attract anybody except for animals. her body was eaten away by ants, worms, bugs, wolves,coyotes, and her German shepherd dog Chuck ate the remaining of her. All that was left of her was her bones scattered around the lawn. Her mom was thinking about her but decided not to call anyone to find out if she was still alive wondering around in the world. She knew that if she was dead she would be up in heaven with her love Bob.
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any ideas for the next chapter just tell me or if you have any comments about my story just post them.