Status: finished

What is Destiny Going to Do With Us?

This is All Your Fault...

My next class was going to be hell.
Because I had physics, AND it was with garret.
I couldn’t stop thinking about what john told me.
I got to my locker, took my books, and went to class. Garret was already there. I just tried to seat as far away as possible from him.
It was funny how things turned out to be. First, it was just garret; we could be with each other without problem, as long as we didn’t talk. Because like you already know, it’s an eternal fight with him.
But now, it’s like if he scared me or something similar. I just didn’t want him to talk to me again.

“hello everybody. Please seat down.” Mr. Coslow said, everyone took a seat.
“so today, I’m assigning everyone a partner, and you’ll star planning your new project for the class.” Everybody groaned, and complained. I just prayed my partner wouldn’t be garret.
Mr. Coslow began assigning everyone its partner, and guess what?
I’m with garret. This day couldn’t get any worse. I hope.
Someone sat across from me.

“Hi again.” I looked at him.
“Hi…” I said dryly.
“What? Are you sore for what happened earlier?”
I gave him a killing look.
“No, I’m not. But just one question. Why did you do it?” I asked irritated.
“Didn’t you like it?” he asked smirking.
In that moment I just wanted to punch him on the face.
“That has nothing to do with it, and I’m not sore.” I spat.
“Yeah, whatever you say…” he got to the top of my nerves.
“Why the fuck do you have to act like such a jerk?!” I screamed.
“Me? You’re the one who’s making a scene!” he screamed too.
I realized, once again, we were in class. My eyes got wider, as I look at everyone there. All eyes were on us.
“Claire, garret, both of you, to the principal’s office.”
“NOW.” Garret was cut off. Same thing that happened to me.
We both got out, and went to Mrs. Jackson’s office.

“Hello guys. What happened?” she asked while we sat down.
“It was all garret’s fault.”
“What?!” he narrowed his eyes. “That’s not true! You- I was talking normally, until you screamed, as usual. Always making scenes!” he said annoyed.
“I do not make scenes!” I shouted.
“YES, YOU DO! Stop lying, you liar!” he replied.
“OKAY YOU TWO, STOP FIGHTING!” Mrs. Jackson scolded us.
“Garret, that’s not the way of treating a girl. And Claire, don’t call him asshole.” She said.
We looked at each other. Garret gave me a nasty look. I returned it.
“You have a serious problem with tolerance, and respect. We’re going to do something. From now on, both of you are going to stay after school with me.” Both of us looked at her with disbelief, eyes wide open. “We’re going to do some works, in order for you to learn how to treat each other well.”
I sighed and garret groaned.
“For how long?” I asked.
“Until you can bear each other, and this constant fight ends.”
I rolled my eyes.
“We’re starting this afternoon. I’ll see you here after school. You can go now.”
We both stood up and left.

“This is your entire fault.” He said.
“Here it comes again.” I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily.
“Could you please just stop fighting? I’m tired of your stupid complains!” I spat, and just kept walking, not wanting to hear him anymore. But it’s not that easy.
“I just can’t believe you blamed me back there!”
“Oh, poor little garret. He’s sad because little Claire blamed him.” I said with childish voice. “Get over it!” I spat, turning around to walk again, but he took me by the arm.
“Why do you insist on being such a bitch to me? You know you love me.” He smirked.
“Oh garret, you wish.” I rolled my eyes, but my cheeks got bright red.
“Yeah, and that’s why you’re blushing?” he quirked an eyebrow.
I narrowed my eyes.
“Urgh! Just…let go off me!” I moved my arm harshly, and walked away.
He was right. I loved him, but I couldn’t let him know it. Garret Nicklesen cannot win.
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