Status: finished

What is Destiny Going to Do With Us?

Food Fight

“Hi guys, I’m glad you came.” Mrs. Jackson said.
We were at the cafeteria.
“Today you’re doing something very simple…a cake.” I quirked an eyebrow.
“You’re going to prepare a cake, the recipe is at the kitchen, you have to do it with the exact measurements, and ingredients are already there. Go”
We stood up, and got inside the kitchen.

I took the paper where the recipe was, reading what we needed.
But oh no, garret created his own measurements, and started throwing ingredients in the bowl.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” I asked shocked.
“A cake.” He replied simply.
“Garret, you’re not doing it right! First of all, how many eggs are already there?” I asked.
“Umm, I don’t know.” He said scratching the back of his head.
“Garret you put all the eggs there! Now we have NO eggs!” I whined, looking at the empty egg carton.
He took the bowl and went to the sink, throwing everything there.
My jaw dropped.
“GARRET YOU IDIOT!” I shrieked.
“You told me I wasn’t doing it right! So I think that means we have to do it again!” he screamed.
“Yeah, but what part of ‘we have no eggs’ is the one you don’t understand?! We can’t make a cake without eggs!”
“Then what the fuck do you want me to do?!” he asked annoyed.
“Mrs. Jackson we don’t have eggs!” I shouted.
“Why?” she approached.
“Because someone did it wrong, and used all the eggs.”
Garret gave me a nasty look.
She sighed.
“Okay I’m gonna give you more, but this time do it right, please.”
“yeah.” We said together.
She gave us the carton with the eggs and left.
“Now please let me do it.” I said.
He sighed.
“So, please pass me the flour.” When he did it, most of it came to my face, and into my eye.
“GARRET! IT WENT INSIDE MY EYE!” I shrieked again, really angry.
He got closer to look, but I took the flour and did the same to him.
“FUCK!” he screamed.

A food fight began, an angry food fight, I must say. Things flying everywhere, and garret and I all covered with different things. I hoped they all get off from clothes easily.
I was really mad at him, and supposed he was feeling the same towards me.
I was going to throw another egg, but he took me by the arm, our faces really close. We locked stares.

And then, he did it again. He kissed me, I kissed him back roughly.
I got apart, releasing myself from his hug.
“No… this isn’t right, I just- you know I don’t love you. I-” I shook my head.
Lie. I did love him. I just didn’t want to accept it.
He just looked at me all the time. I began walking away slowly and then finally got out of the cafeteria, almost running.
I took my bag, and left.
“Claire, what happened?” Mrs. Jackson asked as I walked out of the cafeteria.
I was all covered with sticky mixtures. My hair and clothes were a total mess.
“Nothing. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Then I finally left.
Garret was such a jerk.
Or, wasn’t he?
♠ ♠ ♠
enjoy! and comment please ;D