Status: finished

What is Destiny Going to Do With Us?

Did You Like It?

Next day I saw Garrett down the hall, he was leaning against his locker texting someone.
I strut down the hall and stopped in front of him, he looked up and I pressed my lips to his with strength, his hands went to my waist and I pushed him against the wall before I pulled away.
“Did you like that?” I asked before walking to homeroom.

Pat was sitting on his usual place and smiled up when he saw me.
“See pattykins? For once in my fucking life I did what you told me, and you know what? Now I’m even more confused!” I practically yelled at him before slapping him. “Oh my god pat I’m sorry!” I gasped when I realized what I had done.
“Whoa! Someone’s PMSing!” he said rubbing where I had slapped him.
“No! Well, yes, well urgh, shut up! Pat I kissed him!” I told him whining.
“You what?” he asked widening his eyes.
“Kissed him, pushed him against a wall, and allowed his tongue in my mouth!” I yelled exasperated.
“Oh, ew! Mental image…” he said looking away.

“Class, settle down.” Mr. Schuler said, I took my seat next to pat and looked at him with pleading eyes while he was shaking with laughter
‘Idk cricket, I didn’t mean it like that.’ He scribbled on a paper.
‘Shit, pat! Then why’d you talk me into it?’ I answered.
‘I didn’t think you would do it.” I rolled my eyes at him after reading what he said.

Homeroom finished and I walked down to my physics class dreading seeing garret.
“hi.” He whispered shyly when I sat down next to him. “So…”
“Yeah, let’s ignore what happened today.” I said simply, looking at the board.
“Why?” he asked confused, smiling.
“Right, let’s pretend you didn’t like it either.” He smirked.
“I- you…URGH!” I growled.
He chuckled, I narrowed my eyes.
“Did you like it?” I asked annoyed already, and my period wasn’t helping.
“Yeah, you never answered my question. Did you like it?”
“Yeah, I did.” He said simply.
“Then go say thanks to pat, he was the one of the idea.”
“It was his idea, but still you could’ve said no…you didn’t though.”
“So?” I quirked an eyebrow.
“So? Isn’t it obvious? You did It because you wanted to.” He said triumphantly.
I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again. Nothing came to my mind, I just frowned, my cheeks turned red. And he noticed it.
“Oh, Claire you look cute when you blush.” He said pinching my cheek.
“Don’t touch me.” I said slapping his hand.
He giggled. I was going to stab him.
He put his face close to mine. I could feel his breath in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
“Why don’t we just stop pretending, and admit we love each other?” he whispered in my ear.
“Coz you know we don’t.” I finally said.
“What’s the problem, Claire? Why are you denying it so much?” he asked crookedly.

Why? I’m a jerk! Why did I kiss him? Why did I pay attention to pat?
‘It could be a good thing. Garrett is a nice person; you just need to give him the chance.’ I remembered what pat had told me before.
“Can we…just talk after school?” I asked him.
“Sure. I’ll be waiting.” He winked at me.
I rolled my eyes.