Why Does The Dream End?

Number 1

Megan's POV

I sighed as I looked out the window. I could barely see the cars in the lane next to us due to the heavy ran smearing the windows. I breathed on the window and drew a smiley face with my finger. I wasn’t sure why, I wasn’t feeling like that. I looked at the smiling face for a long time and then my eyes focused on something beyond the window. Another smiley face, a human. In the second we were along side the car I stared into a pair of beautiful brown eyes. I smiled back at the boy and then we had pulled away and the car was too far away to look into anymore. I pictured the face again and my heart skipped a beat. That boy had looked exactly like... I looked down at my magazine I was reading. It was the same boy... No...It couldn’t be, he wouldn’t be here... I looked back up, out the window but I couldn’t even see the car anymore. I looked back down at the gorgeous face of Joe Jonas and sighed again. Even if that had been Joe Jonas, he was gone now, I wouldn’t see him again.

I turned up the music on my iPod and closed my eyes. I let Joe Jonas' voice flow through me and I slowly fell asleep to the rocking of the car. My eyes opened what felt like only seconds later. I looked at the time, I'd been asleep about 2 hours and finally we were at our destination. We had meant to only take about 1 hour 30 minutes to get to Plymouth, but we'd got stuck in traffic, of course, and so it had taken longer. I climbed out of the car and grabbed my bag from the back of the car and grabbed the keys from my mum's bag and went and unlocked the house. We came down here every summer normally. We hadn’t come the previous year because Chris, my brother, had crashed his car and had been in hospital. But now, we were all back down in Plymouth in the summer house.

I went straight up to my room and dumped my bags on my bed. I sighed and then sat down and looked at the floor. Why did my parents have to be...ugh! I hate them! I flopped back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling, clenching my fists in anger. Why wouldn’t they let me go to the concert! It was right here in Plymouth and I wasn’t allowed to go! I hated them! I'd even gotten the ticket and yet they'd said no! It's not like I would have done something stupid! God! It's not like I was asking them to pay or anything! One night out won't kill me, I was spending all summer with them and they could let me have one night out. And it was their last concert in Europe. They were going to stay in England for some R&R for about a month after this concert and then they were going back to America. I bit my lip. No way was I going to miss this concert. I pulled out the ticket from my pocket that mum thought I'd sold. I was going to the concert.

I went downstairs to get something to eat and saw my mum and dad in the kitchen. I walked passed them coldly and went into the fridge. I pulled out the peanut butter and made a sandwich. "Don't be so immature," mum said as I walked back passed her.
"I'm not being immature!" I shouted at her, more than aware that I was being immature. They both looked at me in their way that I recognised as that they knew they were right. "I'm 18 for God's sake! I can go to a bloody concert on my own!"
"We are still your parents and we don’t want you going out on your own! Especially at night!" Dad shouted and I rolled my eyes. I glared at them and then went back up to my room. I didn't care what they said, I was an adult now, and I could go.

Three hours later, at 7.30, I was in a black and turquoise print mini skirt which was the same colour as my eyes – the turquoise – and a black vest top and a black jacket and a pair of black strappy wedges. I climbed out of my window at 8 o'clock like I'd done many times in the past. I didn't put my shoes on until I was on the garden. I then took my car keys out of my pocket and got into the car and drove away. The concert wasn’t even that far away, only about 20 minutes drive.

I got to the large building and parked. I stepped out of the car and excitement bubbled inside me. Mobs of people surrounded me, swarming towards the stadium. I joined the rabble of people and went inside. As soon as I saw the stage I grinned. I was here. Half an hour after I got there, the concert started. I screamed along with all the other girls when the Jonas Brothers walked onto the stage. I couldn’t take my eyes off them. Especially Joe, he looked so similar to the boy I'd seen earlier in the car...

Joe's POV

"Come on," Kevin said, hitting me on the shoulder. "You've got to focus. Forget the girl. We're doing a concert in, like, 5 seconds." I looked up at him and then down again. I'd looked at her for about 10 seconds, if that, and yet, I couldn’t get her out of my head.
"Joe!" Nick shouted at me and I looked up. He was holding his guitar and I realised that in the background there was the familiar sound of screaming fans. I took a deep breath and then stood up. Last concert of the tour, she might even be in the crowd. I would make this one good.

I ran onto the stage along with Kevin and Nick and the pitch of the screams increased, amusing me as usual. We started with SOS and then sang many of our other songs. We sang 'When You Look Me In The Eye' and they loved it. I wanted to dedicate a song to the girl I'd seen while we had been driving down here, but I didn't even know her name, or if she'd even seen me. The concert finished at about 11.30 and we were thrilled by our performance. "Wow, Joe," Kevin said as he flopped into a sofa. "You really gave it everything..." I shrugged and sat next to him and leant my head back against the wall. I was exhausted now, and I still had to meet fans who had backstage passes. Part of me hoped that the girl I'd seen would be here and have one. Part of me knew it was too good to be true. After meeting 5 girls, all of whom just grinned and giggled the whole time, I was ready to go to sleep.

As my eyes were shutting there was a knock on the door and Rachel, our tour manager came in. "That was great, you guys!" she grinned and sat down next to me. None of us replied as we were all too tired. "Glad it's over?" she asked and none of us replied.
"Can we go to sleep?" Nick asked and I smiled slightly.
"Sure, we're booked into a hotel near the beach, come on," she said and stood up. We all stood up as well and grabbed our guitars before following her out. We had to walk passed screaming fans to get to our car but once we were safely inside it, we relaxed. I, however, scanned the crowd, looking for her. For her eyes.
"Stop!" I shouted as I thought I saw the unique blue of them. The car jolted to a stop.
"What the hell-" Kevin started but I'd already opened the door and was running in the direction of where I'd seen the eyes. Suddenly screams erupted around me and I lost any sense of direction as people swarmed around me. I felt someone grab my arm and force me away from them screams and then I was back in the car. I sighed and avoided the glances of Kevin, Nick and Rachel. I'd lost her again. I continued to look out the window but I couldn’t see her again. It might not even have been her anyway, I might have imagined it.

It took only about 20 minutes to get to the hotel. It was a nice place, it wasn’t surrounded by neighbours, but it was close to the sea. It was a large, cream building with fake torches at the corners and on the turrets. A large, illuminated sign over the entrance welcomed us to 'The Elizabeth Hotel'. If I had to stay here for the next month, it might not be so bad. I wondered if the girl was staying here.

Megan's POV

As I climbed into my car, I settled my heart beat down. I wish I'd forked out the money for a backstage pass. I was now sure that the person I had seen earlier in the car had been Joe Jonas. Our eyes had met again in the car park and he'd jumped out of his car. Then girls had swarmed around him so I couldn’t get to him, just like he couldn’t get to me. I started the car and drove home. I wondered where The Jonas Brothers were staying. I wondered if they were stay in The Elizabeth Hotel. It was only just up the road from my house. I could see him if he was staying there. I climbed back into my window and then the light in my room came on. I looked over at mum and dad who were standing in my doorway. It looked like they'd been standing there for a while. I didn't say anything, just took my jacket off and sat on the bed, waiting for them to speak. "How dare you?" mum said, her voice eerily calm. "We told you no, how dare you!?" Her voice escalated and she screamed at me. "Do you know how worried we were? How could you be so irresponsible?"
"You knew where I was," I said defiantly.
"That's not the point," dad said. "You went against what we'd said."
"I'm 18! Whether you like it or not, that means I'm an adult and I can do what I want!" I shouted at them but they didn't flinch.
"You still live under our roof and so obey our rules," dad said and I scowled.
"We're insisting you take a summer job," mum said and I looked up at her.
"What!?" I cried. Having just finished school, I was expecting this summer to be relaxing. "That's not fun fair!"
"Maybe, but from Monday, you will find a job," dad said and I sighed in frustration.
"Fine, now I'm going to sleep," I said to them and looked away from them. I knew I was being rude and I was going to pay for it, but they left, slamming the door behind them. I got changed into my pyjamas and then climbed into bed. It was Saturday night, tomorrow was the only day I had, then I had to work.
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This is my first fanfic, so tell me what you think!!

I've already finished writing this so updates will be quite frequent!! yay =]